The Tenshinhan Personality Section

Most people don't know much about Tenshinhan's character. You probably don't even pay any mind to him in some scenes. He does have a distinct personality and character though. The coolest character ever! I'm not that good at writing and making getting my ideas into writing, but I'll hopefully give you a better idea of Tenshinhan.

The first time I saw DB, was when my cousin showed me some subtitled DBZ episodes quite a while ago. It was early in the Saiyan Saga. I instantly fell in love with the show and I was extremely interested in finding out more about the somewhat mysterious charcter Tenshinhan. For some reason his character was really cool. I saw the episodes where he fights Nappa and noticed how brave he was. Tenshinhan wasn't a main character, but seemed to stand out the most to me.

Tenshinhan is a really brave person who cares about others and their safety. Even though he is a lesser character he tries hard and never gives up. Even if all hope is lost he'll go down fighting like a man. His motivation is simply "pride as a martial artist." He says this while he fights Piccolo Daimao. That meens Tenshinhan is probably is the one in DB that takes martial arts the most serious. He's somewhat shy and during DBZ he's always there, but never really is in control of the situations, which makes him kind of shy. But when he has too, he'll fight to the very end. Tenshinhan is very honorful and really loves the martial arts.

In the beginning, Tenshinhan is mean and is basically a bad guy. His years with the evil Tsurusennin messed him up a bit. But eventually his true identity is revealed. He's actually really kind, but will still fight hard and passionately. He likes his little friend Chaozu and will do anything for him, I meen anything. This shows that Tenshinhan is actually really kind and has a heart. But Ten can be a badass too. He'll fight till he dies and fight like a mutha! Some great examples of his courageous and prideful side are shown during the fight with Nappa and Cell. Ten tries to beat the living crap out of Nappa and even when he loses his arm he continues to fight. And when he doesn't succeed, he tries harder with a Kikoho. The Kikoho uses all of his energy and kills him. But at least he went down with honor. And when the 2nd form Cell tries to absorb #18, Tenshinhan, being the only one there left to save the day, steps in and pounds the crap out of Cell with a massive Shin-Kikoho. He knows he has to fight and fight to the end. Ten sustains the Kikoho and allows 18 to get away util he loses consciousness and falls to the ground. Tenshinhan is definitely the bravest of the Z gang. Tenshinhan strives to be the best fighter and trains extremely hard to accomplish this goal. He has always wanted to be better than Gokou and is silently in competition with Gokou (which shows that he is kind of shy). Since he is human, he of course never exceeds Gokou's power, but still fights. Ten even shows up in the Buu Saga to save the day.

The three-eyed guy is a strong, brave, kind human being who doesn't mess around. He has one mission: to help fight for the Earth and help others. Most people don't even think about Tenshinhan. Some webmasters don't even have him in there character bios! I guess if you just casually watch the show, you can't fully understand Tenshinhan's character. But he's actually a really cool dude and has inspired me to make this site. Well, I gues that's about it on Tenshinhan. Next time you see a DB or DBZ episode w/Tenshinhan in it, watch Tenshinhan more and you'll notice he's cool!