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Tiger of the Wind was separated from his mother at a very young age. The reason is unknown. He spent most of his life traveling with his brother, Gray Wolf. They lived off whatever they could, stealing, killing, and foraging. They faced everything together. Needless to say Tiger and Gray Wolf were very close. As time went on, they joined up with other Tigers, all outcasts of humans. They traveled and survived together. Then, one day, they met Moo. Moo is a horrible creature who takes over good monsters and turns them into baddies. He killed most of Tiger's pack, and kidnapped his brother. Tiger moved on, building a new pack. Then, one day, he met up with Genki. They, at first, were enemies. Tiger didn't trust humans. But Genki won him over. A clan of Black Dinos working for Moo killed all of Tiger's pack. So Tiger joined up with Genki, Holly and the rest, in hopes of one day defeating Moo. They came up against many enemies, and many tough situations. Tiger got to know and befriend the members of the group, Holly, Suezo, Genki, Mocchi, Golem, and Hare. They found out about the Big Bad 4, the strongest of the monsters working for Moo. They befriended Pixie, BB4 member #1, and defeated Gali, the second member. But who is the third member...? Tiger and the others soon find out that it is none other than his brother, Gray Wolf, who has been turned into a baddie.

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