A stubborn character with a short fuse. He tends to jump into things without thinking. He usually thinks that his enemies will be weaker than him, and has gotten in trouble a few times because of that. He has a never surrender attitude, and is very brave. He seems at first to have a cold heart, and not care about others. But (with the help of Genki) he has learned to care for people, making him a stronger individual. He had a very rough past, which is why he blocks out a lot of things. He will do anything to protect his friends, though. He also gets angry very easily. He's not the type to talk it out. He wants to fight it out. Holly has stopped him from killing many a monster. Tiger is very strong, and very fast, and he knows it. He is very proud, and won't admit when he's wrong. He tends to want to do everything for himself, and sometimes forgets that he is part of a team. Genki usually reminds him. Tiger has a soft heart on the inside, but it's covered with a layer of rock.
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