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Ayeka is the Crown Princess of Jurai. She is a meek and modest person. Also a very dangerous princess. She knows the way of Jurai and is a srong person. She can be polite and graceful and then in the next moment can be as vicious as Ryoko. Ayeka is like a rose but a rose will always have thorns. So she can be either nice or your worst enemy, if you tick her off.

Physical Age 20yrs
Real Age 720yrs
Height 161cm
Relatives Sasami(sister)Yosho(half brother)Tenchi(great nephew)
Powers Has power of Jurai. She can bring out fireballs and has an energy sheld
Bio Ayeka is the First crown princess of Jurai. She has searched the galaxy for about 700yrs for her brother Yosho and the space demon Ryoko. She has landed on Earth to find Ryoko and her half brother Yosho. Ayeka is suppose to marry him because it was the Jurai law made by her father to marry her half brother but Ayeka didnt mind much. She found Tenchi and has fallen in love with him but as you know another woman is there Ryoko. They are "rivals" and the "reward" is Tenchi. They always have funny adventures trying to get tenchi.

Grace and will of Ayeka

Who is she staring at?
Ayeka getting mad at Ryoko


Ayeka in Royal form

Ayeka has awaken her powers

Ayeka first princess of Jurai with her Guardians, Azaka(blue) & Kamadake(red)






Ayeka as a child


Ayeka yelling


Ayekas' Longings

Ayeka of Jurai
