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Ryoko the space pirate. She is very dangerous with her short temper and destructive powers. She is tamed by the one she has a crush on, Tenchi


Physical Age 18yrs
Real Age 2018yrs
Height 163cm
Relatives Washu(creator so you could say mother) Ryo-oki(You could say half sister)Matter(The thing used to make her(father)
Powers An energy sword. Fireballs of all kinds. Teleports. Fly. Summon evil demons. Can go through solids. Regeneration. A weak sheild
Bio Ryoko the demon or space pirate. She is one of the most dangerous beings in this Universe! Ryoko was chased by Ayeka or she was locked in a shrine buy Yosho. Or maybe she stole something and the Galaxy Police went after her. Many things. She is in love with Tenchi and Ayeka is the only one in her way. She will try anything to get him. The saga continues. . .

Ryoko with sunglasses!
Ryoko in her battle suit

At first I though she was flipping me off!


Ryoko In battle outfit again

Ryoko Almost blushing!



Ryoko as a child


Pretty Ryoko


Ryoko w/ Ryo-oki

Writting a letter. To whom?
