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Dream a little...

My Art.
So here it is-- My little art page! ^.~ *blushes* I'm kinda' nervous about putting my art up around here. I've yet to really have my art shown on the web with the exception of one measly Heero Yuy piece I did that one girl put in her fan art section. Well, most of these are originals-- you know, freestyle. I did a few by looking at a pic. but really, that's not my strong point. Oh well, I'll put a little note about each k? See what you think...

Medium: Pencil
This is a sketch I did of Lain. I did the entire thing freehand except the image of her face in the background, which is partly taken from the opening scenes. I'm not too proud of this pic. -- but its the most recent.

Medium: Pencil
This drawing, is of a strange looking girl I decided to name Tia. I did this drawing completely freehand and it was for Yukio's manga. He MADE ME DO IT!!! *is dragged away kicking and screaming*

Mediums: Pen, Marker, and Colored Pencils
I did this the way I used to do most of my drawings- pencil first, then ink, then color it in! Well, I drew this freehand- Sailor Jupiter is pretty memorized to me-- as I used to draw the scouts alot. Please don't make fun of this though-- I know the likeness isn't great at all. >_<
Medium: Pencil
This is a character from my pal Kenshin's RPG he's creating. He has me draw for it! ^.~ Well, anyway, there you go--its a made up character- so obviously freehand.

Medium: ink and colored pencil
I drew this one kind of quickly-- the colors are a bit off on her uniform too--It's a picture of Rei Ayanami from Evangelion. Freestyle!