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Well, as you can tell- This page is under major construction! BUt out of the selection of things that WILL be available here- I can put a link to one: Takara's art page. Yukio has been working hard to scan my drawings for me so I should at least go ahead and put them up huh? ^.~

*hugs Yukio so hard he can't breathe...*

*Yukio: ((cough cough)) HELP!*

Oh don't worry- Yukio will be fine.

*watches as Yukio turns blue and goes limp*--

*ahem* Well, anyway- I have a policy about my art- (yes, half-wit Takara comes up with her own "policy"...time to worry...) Okay, it goes like this: If you like my artwork GREAT. Personally, I don't agree with you. Next is for the people that don't...which I assume is a majority- The rule for you is as follows: You can tell me that you hate my art and you think it sucks but keep in mind:
a) I agree.

*Yukio:She really doesn't...she's just modest*

b) you have to tell me WHAT'S wrong with it- so at least I can try to make a change next time-
In other words- Cut my artwork down FREELY! But don't do it without telling me WHY you think so - k? Thanks- I mean, I can't cry over your e-mail without knowing why you think it.

*Yukio: I swear, I'll kill any of you that makes Takara cry :)*

BUt, like I said- Thanks! ^.~
Alright- I'm done ranting- on to the art page eh?

>>My Art<<