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OnlinE NamI

Takara's online journal ^.^

Nami-chan, *boredom...*
Today was like...boring. I mean, ...yeah. I dunno-- I guess I'm not really giving it a chance but it drives me crazy when I don't really have anything I plan on doing. Usually I keep things mentally listed-- For example-- get online, play videogames, read, watch such and such movie. (Wow, this is turning out to be a lovely first entry). I guess the point is, my boyfriend's been busy at work, so I have no one to talk to. Sometimes I wonder about how many friends I have left anymore. *smiles* I just don't have many classes with my friends and taking care of a relationship is very time consuming.
Sorry to whine! Anyway, I would probably be better off if I wrote my first entry Wednesday night. I had a really good time hanging out at a local coffee shop where they had an "Open Mic. Poetry" thing going on. Technically I'm not usually the type to try something like that but when I found out my good friend Daniel would be there reciting - It seemed like a good way to get together with him and Allison. But don't forget Beau (Yukio) because if it weren't for him I probably wouldn't have ended up doing a somewhat hilarious reading of The Cat in the Hat *giggles* Yes, that would be Dr. Seuss in case anyone didn't know...


Hey everyone!
Online wise......Neopets. Heh....I know I'm slack. I just don't have much motivation on this page just yet-- I'd like to get some more of it done before the Animazement 2002 Convention! Then maybe I could advertise with cute buisness cards and attract newbies! Ha! I can't wait for the convention though-- I'm cosplaying as Yuna from Final Fantasy X, right? (if I can finish my damn costume) ^.^ Patience......
The Prom was last Thurday. I loved it! I'm only in the tenth grade too--what a lucky thing for me! Sorry to bore ya!
HEY! WHo'D like to see a cat playing Twister? Don't all of you gather around at once now!
"Fun with the Digi-cam Moment" No. 1: My 4-year old brother Travis and my cat Spooky playing Twister in my living room:
Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3


This journal is an experiment to see if an online journal-- while, not quite as private -- might be best. My ideas and entries aren't open to as much criticism as other things. It's mainly for me... (call it selfish) But also for the (possible) entertainment of anyone who wishes to read it.