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(((what's new)))(((the online nami)))
(((yukio's blab)))(((features)))


What's New?

Finally! Updates! To begin I'd like to say thank you for your patience! Now let's begin: 1st of all, keep your eye on the Sailor Moon Gallery I've been slowly adding to. It's the first gallery I've done in what will soon be many anime image galleries. Next, I've been working on a page to tell about my wonderful experience at the anime convention I went to last year-- Animazement 2001. You can find a link to the section in Minami (South).
Oh yes! And a very special update is a new website my assistant Yukio has created recently. It's still in the works but I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you checked it out. It's a page about Rei Ayanami from Neon Genesis Evangelion. Go see! + the ayanami shrine +
That also reminds me-- I've finally begun my Online Nami-- which is going to be similar to a journal or just notes page. Freewriting I suppose. The first entry is already up and there is also a link to it placed at the beginning of the updates page. Look out for the link to Yukio's notes to *gasp* AcTUALLY WORk...I'm going to go busy myself with that right now. ^_^ The rest shall be up to Yukio- it's a page for all his blab. It's the least I can do right? *waves*