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JQ Bios


The Real Adventures Of Jonny Quest : Bios




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   Jonathan "Jonny" Quest

            Jonny Quest is the main character of the show ( well duh ). He is only 13 (or 14 depending on the season). That officially makes him the youngest member of the Quest Team.  He follows his father Dr. Benton Quest around the world fighting the bad guys together with the rest of the Team. He is the kind of person who leaps before he looks, which always gets him into trouble in the end. Jonny however always uses his wits to get himself or the Team out of trouble. Jonny loves playing games in Quest World especially with/against Jessie. His favorite phrase is ' slammin '




   Jessica "Jessie" Bannon

            Jessie Bannon is the kick-ass kind of girl (well in the first season anyway). She is 15/16 in season one or season two respectively. She follows her dad, Race Bannon around the world fighting with the Quest Team. Jessie is also very handy with a computer and a gun. She proved to be an asset to the Team. She does have a little problem though, claustrophobia However in the second season Jessie became a helpless damsel in distress, she was always screaming for help. In the story she also becomes more interested in boys. In the episode of the 'Haunted Sonata' Jessie must have screamed Jonny's name at least ten times. I'm sure everyone will agree that the first season Jessie was much...much better.



   Hadji Singh

            Hadji Singh is 16/17 years old. He was an orphan in Bangalore until Dr. Quest took him in. Now Hadji Singh adoptive brother of Jonny quest, son to Benton Quest and friend to Race and Jessie Bannon has mastered the art of new age technology. He is better at the computer than Jessie or Jonny put together. He is the calmer and wiser one of the group. His Yoga skill has gotten the Quest Team out of trouble more then once. He has tried more then once to teach Jonny and Jessie the trick of Yoga but only ended up. . . . well with nothing.



     Roger 'Race' Bannon

          Race Bannon is an ex-CIA agent. He is father to Jessie and bodyguard to the Quest household. Race is forever working out. He is the tough guy person but also an over protective dad. He never let's Jessie or Jonny or Hadji do many things. His favorite phrase is ' fur on a catfish ' . Never ever try to take on Race Bannon it's like trying to kill yourself.



    Dr. Benton Quest

            Dr. Benton Quest is Jonny's dad. He is an inventor. He has invented two of the most famous things which are the hover board and * drum roll please * Quest World. Dr. Quest has a hard time keeping Jonny out of trouble but I can't say he's been succeeding too well. Dr. Quest is one of the oldest members of the Quest Team.




        Bandit is the faithful and well trained dog everyone is dreaming of. He has helped the Quest Team get out of trouble more than once. Bandit can also help to warn the Quest Team of approaching danger. This is the attribute that makes Bandit a worthy member of the Quest Team. He is also so cute. 

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Comment: Nice work, jessieb. Yours, vllim



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Disclaimer : The Real Adventures Of Jonny Quest and all related characters, images and logos are trademark of and copyrighted by Hanna-Barbera Productions, Inc., and Hanna-Barbera Cartoons, Inc., a Turner company, and are used without permission. No copyright infringement is intended by their use on this page. I and this page are in no way affiliated with, approved of or endorsed by Hanna Barbera or Turner Productions. All the original, materials, storylines, characters, logos and images are copyrighted by their respective authors. This page was created out of love and respect of the show mentioned above and is a totally non-profit endeavor. Please do not abuse this page.


 Author's Note: I tried to ask permission before publishing this page on the net but I did not know how to. I could not find any type of e-mail address that belonged to Hanna Barbera or Turner Productions. If you are reading this please send me your e-mail address or e-mail me at the address above.