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Title-Royal Flush Day 7

Author-Alicia Blade


Hey Minna!!! How's it goin'? Okay, ONE MORE WEEK OF SCHOOL! Then I will 

be free to write to my heart's delight! Woohoo!!! Can't wait! Oh, this 

is the last chapter, though there IS going to be an epilogue. Have 



I have to thank a million people for this one. When I first started 

writing this chapter, I was totally struggling for ideas, but I got 

tons of suggestions and inspiration from Twilight, Stormlight, 

Persephone, Patricia Dawson, R-chan, and Eryn. Thanx a TON guys! 

Chances are this wouldn't have been out for a couple weeks yet if it 

weren't for them. Arigatou!


Also, the basic idea for this story came from two incredible fanfics by 

the incredible Lady Starra and her Playing Matchmaker, and Psycho Star, 

the awesome writer of Ferris Wheel Kisses. You both rock, and thanx for 

letting me use your ideas!! 


And of course, I cannot forget to thank Edeet, Athena, and Sailor 

Elysia who have given me tons of ideas as well, and I am ever grateful 

for your friendship. Thank you!!!


VERY VERY IMPORTANT!!!!! If anyone received an attachment from me 

labeled Happy99, with a display of fireworks, tell me! It carried a 

small virus called a worm, and as soon as we got rid of it, it started 

sending itself to everyone who seemed to be in my inbox at the time. If 

you didn't open it, good, but if you did, please tell me! We had it for 

weeks before it started doing anything, so you might have it without 

knowing. Gomen nasai!!


Visit Rebe-chan's site!


Enjoy! Oh, and Happy Father's Day!!


"If you love Wisdom 

and don't reject her, 

she will watch over you.

The best thing about Wisdom 

is Wisdom herself;

Good sense is more important 

than anything else.

If you value Wisdom

And hold tightly to her, 

great honors will be yours.

It will be like wearing 

A glorious crown 

of beautiful flowers."


                Proverbs 4.6-9



        He stirred lightly in his sleep, wrapping his arms tighter around 

the girl. A small smile tugged at his lips as a sweet scent flowed into 

him. Slowly, he opened his eyes, looking down to see just what he was 

holding onto. A pillow last time, wad of blankets before...

        But never had he woken up to see his dreams were actually REAL! 

His eyes shot up in surprise, though he remained perfectly still. 

        There she was. In live flesh and blood, sleeping peacefully at 

his side. Her gentle features showed nothing but happiness and content 

as she slept on, ignorant to the stirring of the man with his arms 

wrapped around her. A great pool of golden hair fell beneath her, 

cascading over his hands in shallow silkiness. Pale pink tinted her 

smiling lips as long eyelashes smoothed the corner of her eyes. Her 

arms were tossed loosely about his neck, one of her legs wrapped just 

around his ankle, pressing her fragile body to his. She still wore her 

school outfit, the pleated skirt now ruffled up to mid-thigh and the 

white blouse wrinkled and bunched. They had both lost their blankets 

sometime during the night and they now rested around their knees, 

carelessly forgotten and unneeded. 

        Darien took in a deep breath, inching his head back to the 

pillow. He lay there for a while, simply staring at her. Wondering if 

something was trying to trick him into seeing this goddess, and he was 

yet to awake. But his ears could not deny the roar of the city below 

his window, nor his eyes ignore the streams of light entering into his 

bedroom. And so, finally, he smiled. 

        Tilting his head to the side, he drew her closer with one hand, 

running it carefully through her soft mane. Closing his eyes, he 

savored the moment, deciding to wonder over questions in a less... dreamy 

state later on. Again, he was motionless for a long time, feeling her 

presence, bathing in her warmth, in his love for her. He felt that if 

he were to lose his memory all over again, he would be just fine, as 

long as he could remember that very moment. Everything must have been 

just perfect with the world, as she lay so peacefully, trustingly in 

his arms...

        Eventually, hunger beat at his stomach. Groaning quietly, he took 

one long look at her, at them, before crawling slowly out of the bed. 

She protested, her arms tightening around him. With a smile, he pried 

her off and took leave of her, pulling the blankets up once again. At 

first, a frown seemed to caress her lips, before tints of a smile came 

through. He smiled back and left into the kitchen.


        Serena woke not long after to the tempting scent of sizzling 

bacon and eggs. With a smile, she opened her eyes, the memories of 

yesterday flooding back to her instantly. Rolling onto her back, she 

stared groggily up at the ceiling. Rubbing at her eyes, she slowly 

stood and straightened out her outfit before sauntering down the 


        The first thing she noticed was the many pots and plates littered 

around the kitchen. The second was a tall, dark, handsome, and 

shirtless man hovering over the stove. She smiled, biting her lip 

softly and leaning against the wall. 

        Darien turned at the sound of a yawn and giggle. She was watching 

him carefully, a grin spread across her lips. Smiling back, he set the 

spatula down beside a skillet. 

        "Mornin' Sunshine!" he exclaimed. She laughed as he neared her. 

"Ya hungry?"        

        Her eyes widened joyfully. "What do YOU think?!"

        He laughed. "Great, 'cause I'm making enough breakfast to feed an 

army!" Looking at her from the corner of his eye, he added, "Of course, 

I'm not sure if it'll be enough for YOU..."

        She rolled her eyes, smacking him in the stomach. He groaned, 

grabbing his stomach in fake pain. Smiling again, she asked, "How do 

you feel?" Without warning, she placed her hand on his forehead. "It 

doesn't... feel like you're still running a fever..."

        He took her hand in his, looking down into her gloriously blue 

eyes. "Actually, I feel wonderful, Meatball Head! I think your 

treatment worked pretty well..."

        She smiled proudly. "Yep! Just leave it to Nurse Serena! I'm glad 

you're feeling better. Must have been a 24 hour bug or something..."

        No longer able to resist, he pulled her into a huge hug, wrapping 

his arms tightly around her. She gasped and squealed in surprise. 

        "Thank you, Serena. For everything..."

        Shakily, she reached up and tied her hands behind his neck. "Y... 

your welcome, Darien... But... what did I do?"

        He laughed, looking down on her innocent face, a grin lingering 

on his lips. "You were there for me. You even stayed all night... that 

means a lot... to me."

        She tilted her head slightly, staring seriously into his loving 

gaze. Finally, she smiled back at him, unconsciously pulling herself 

farther into his hold. "It was nothing. I wanted to be here with you..." 

Nervously, she added, "I can't think of anywhere else I'd rather be..."

        At first, he only stared back, before finally nearing his face to 

hers, their noses barely touching. "I'm glad you're here with me too... 

Serena... I... There's something I want... I have to tell you..."

        Her eyes widened slightly. "Y... yes?"

        "I... think...that I... that YOU are... well... I think that we..."

        BEEP! BEEP!

        They gasped, each knocked from their hopeful dreams. Swiftly 

pulling away from each other, they turned awkwardly away. Darien ran a 

hand through his hair, quickly switching off the timer. Serena steadied 

herself on the counter beside her, trying desperately to clear her 

thoughts. After a few moments, she looked up to see that Darien had 

busied himself dishing up the food.

        Inhaling a breath, she decided to try her luck. "Um... wh... what 

were you going to tell me, Darien?"

        He paused, gulping slightly. Turning, he forced a nervous smile. 

"Um... well, you see, I..."

        'Am in love with you and want to get married someday,' he 


        'Love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you,' she 


        "I was wondering if you wanted to go to the carnival with me 

later on." He sighed.

        Her jaw dropped for an instant before she forced it closed. 

Clearing her throat, she nodded. "Oh... um, yeah, sure. I'd love to go... 


        He chuckled and set the plates down on the table. They ate mostly 

in silence until Serena got over her initial disappointment and 

realized... she was going to the carnival with Darien!

        The meal was filled with happy, excited chatter after that.


        "Ooh, let's go over here! No, no, over there!! Please, Darien?!"

        Darien chuckled joyfully as he was pulled through the busy 

carnival on the hand of the giddy young girl. "Whatever you want to do, 


        She stopped briefly to smile up at him. "There are so many things 

to do here, I don't know what to do first..."

        He smiled, placing his arm over her shoulders. "Well, ya know, we 

do have the whole day ahead of us. What's the hurry?"

        "You're right! So... how about food first?"

        He laughed. "Didn't we just eat an hour ago?!"

        "Well I'm hungry again!" Her lips curved down in an adorable 

pout. Darien bent down and kissed her cheek tenderly. 

"Anything you desire, princess."

        Her eyes opened wide as a small grin touched her lips. Happily, 

they headed off toward the food court. 


        "Wow, it's so busy here..." Serena mused at the crowds of people. 

Hardly any tables were unoccupied.         

        "Here, why don't I go save us a table, and you can go get some 

food? Sound like a plan?" Serena nodded as Darien handed her some money 

before separating. He quickly found a nearby table for two, sitting 

down before scanning the lines for a familiar hairstyle. Finding her, 

he sat back to stare shamelessly.


        She flipped through the wad of bills he'd given her before 

looking up to the large signs depicting what they had to eat. Biting 

her lip, she began wondering what she should get for herself and 

Darien. He hadn't even told her what he wanted.

        Finally, she reached the counter.

        "Hello, can I take your order?"

        "Um... hi, I'll have... a thing of onion rings... some fries... um... a 

chicken burger... and um... how about... a slice of pizza..."

        "Would you like anything to drink with that?"

        "Two chocolate shakes please."

        "The total comes to $8.43. Your order will be ready in a moment."

        Serena handed her the money and received her change before 

stepping aside and waiting. There was a tap on her shoulder.

        "Yes, Dar... Oh, I'm sorry, am I in your way?" she asked to the 

young man now standing beside her.

        "No, um... actually, I was um... just coming over to... see if you 

needed help with anything..."

        She looked at him strangely. "Um... nope, I have everything under 

control, thank you."

        He smiled. "Oh, okay..." There was a silence as he stared at the 

ground, teetering from foot to foot.

        Finally, Serena turned to him again. "Is... there something you 


        He cleared his throat, looking up at her again, and smiled. "Um... 

well, actually... Hi, I'm Kevin."

        "He...hello, I'm Serena..." she said awkwardly. 

        "I was just wondering if... maybe... you wanted to eat lunch with me 

or something..."

        She stared at him for a moment, before a small smile crossed her 



        Darien watched on, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape. Who was 

HE?! Someone she knew from school? A friend? An admirer? Could... could 

he be her crush? Or boyfriend?! She doesn't have a boyfriend... right? 

RIGHT?! What is she doing? Smiling? Smiling! Maybe... maybe he just said 

a joke... or... or... Or maybe she's flirting with him.

        His heart sunk into his knees. She's here with him. She couldn't 

be flirting with other guys... she couldn't be thinking about them... 

        'Of course she can. She's not attached to you in any way, 

remember? Even if you are in love and know that you were made for each 

other, doesn't mean she feels the same way... But goodness, what does she 

see in HIM?!'

        Then, he saw a look directed toward him. It was only for a 

moment, but he could clearly see the distinct look of begging for help. 

Confused, though with a flicker of hope coming back, he stood and 

walked over to her.


        "Well, you see, um... that's really nice. I... I'm flattered, but you 

see... um..."

        "You don't have to if you don't want to. I understand..." Kevin 

started dejectedly. 

        She gulped. Goodness he sounded pathetic! "No that's not it, it's 

just that... I'm here with... MY BOYFRIEND!" A look of relief passed her 

features as Darien walked quickly up to the two. He'd gotten her hint! 

        With a thankful smile and a stare that told him she'd explain 

later, she threw herself into his arms, tying one arm around his waist. 

Darien raised an eyebrow, before placing a confident arm over her 


        "Um... Kevin, meet Darien. Darien, this is Kevin!"

        The boy looked between the two, before coughing slightly. "Oh, 

it's nice to meet you. Um... I'll just be going now..." He quickly 

disappeared into the growing crowds. 

        Serena breathed a sigh of relief, her hold on Darien tightening. 

        "Miss, your order is ready."

        She smiled and took the tray from the cashier behind the counter 

before turning on her heels and walking quickly to their table. Darien 

furrowed his brow confusedly before following after her.

        "Okay, I got a chicken sandwich and pizza, which would you like?"

        "Who was that?"

        Serena looked up at him from the corner of eye. She shrugged. 

"How should I know?"

        "It just seemed like you knew each other."

        "Nope, I'd never seen him before in my life. Fries or onion 


        "He seemed to like you..."

        She sighed, giving Darien the pizza and onion rings. "He was just 

some guy who asked me if I wanted to eat lunch with him."

        "And you said no?"

        She rolled her eyes. "No! I said yes, so we have to hurry and eat 

so I can go join him!" she said sarcastically, then added, "Of course I 

said no!"

        Darien chuckled. "Why?"

        "What do you mean why? I'm here with you, silly!"

        He tilted his head to the side. "Look Serena, I know you're 

supposed to be my slave right now, and all that, but..." Darien smiled up 

at her, confidence echoing in his thoughts. Part of him already knew 

what she was going to say, "but you don't have to stay with me if you 

don't want to."

        She looked up at him, shock written across her face. "But... I like 

being here with you!"

        Bingo. A huge grin dawned upon her face and soon the confusion 

began to leave hers as well. With a mischievous twinkle in his eye, 

Darien leaned across the table and whispered secretly, "Ya know what?"

        She giggled, leaning nearer to him so their faces were only 

inches apart. "What?"

        Reaching his hand to her, he traced a finger down her cheek. "I 

like being here with you, too." With that, he placed a butterfly kiss 

at the tip of her nose before pulling away and beginning to eat. Serena 

backed up slowly, a blush covering her cheek. The meal went on in 



        "Okay, the games are over there... Kiddy Land is somewhere in that 

direction..." said Serena looking at a colorful map of the park. Darien 

guided her down the crowded path with one arm tightly around her waist. 

Suddenly, he stopped.

        "Hey, you want to do that?" he asked teasingly. 

        Serena looked up from her brochure to see what had caught his 

attention. Her jaw dropped as a giggle escaped her lips. "Yeah right! 

Have you seen the dresses they make the girls wear in those things?!"

        They stared at the time era photo booth. It had a western setting 

and there were currently two men and a woman having their pictures 

taken together. One man was wearing a 'sheriff' costume with a hand 

holding a shot glass and the other wrapped around the woman who was 

dressed as a bartender with a blue and white hoop skirt dress and laced 

corset, showing much cleavage. The other man looked like a bandit with 

a scarf covering his mouth and one hand holding a plastic gun 

secretively. They were all laughing excitedly as the photographer tried 

to coax them into holding still. 

        Darien laughed. "Hm... beads, feathers, and skirts up to here..." he 

placed one hand lightly on her thigh, making Serena jump startled. "I'd 

actually like to see you in one of those costumes!" he said teasingly, 


        Serena folded her arms over her chest, her cheeks glowing red. 

"Darien, I don't know..." she whimpered.

        "Aw, come on, it'll be fun! Besides..." he paused for a moment, 

looking at her from the corner of his eye. "You don't have much of a 

choice, now do you?" 

She sighed agitatedly. "Yes, mi'lord." With a laugh, he grabbed 

her hand and led her up the wooden steps.

        "Hi, we'd like to have our picture taken!" he said, his fingers 

laced through Serena's. She was looking away, the blush still lingering 

as Darien paid the clerk. Before she knew it, a young lady was pulling 

her back into a dressing room as Darien left with another employee. 


        Darien laughed at his reflection in the mirror. THIS was funny! 

He wore tight dark blue jeans, a loose leather belt, white shirt and a 

denim vest. A red scarf was tied about his neck, black boots covered 

the hem of his jeans, and to top it all off, a cowboy hat adorned his 


        Taking a deep breath, he stepped out of the dressing room. 

Knocking on the door next to him, he called out, "Hey Serena, you 


        "I am NOT coming out in this thing!" she yelled back. He laughed. 

        "Are you dressed?"

        "Yeah, I'm dressed, but this thing is so..."

        "WOW!" said Darien, opening the door. She screamed as she saw his 

reflection in the mirror and turned to face him. He laughed at her 

shocked expression.

        That expression immediately faded as she looked up and down his 

apparel. "Woah... you know, that's actually a pretty good look on you..." 

she said giggling. 

        He grinned crookedly, reaching into the room and wrapping an arm 

around her waist, plucking her from the small area. She squealed and 

blushed again as his eyes drifted over her shamelessly. 

        "You don't look half bad yourself, Meatball Head!"

        She was wearing a red flapper dress covered in sequins. It cut 

off very high on her leg, trimmed with white fringe. Some loose straps 

hung lightly on the sides of her arms, more fringe edging them, 

highlighting the elbow-high white gloves. A white lace garter wrapped 

around her bare thigh and red high heels adorned her feet. Red crushed 

velvet ties wrapped around her pigtails and a white feather boa 

completed the look. 

        "Yeouch..." Darien whispered, doing a double take... and triple take...

        Finally, Serena sighed, hitting him in the shoulder. "Stop 

looking at me like that!" she yelled before turning and walking out 

toward the photo area. Darien smiled, following closely behind her and 

wrapping an arm around her waist. 

        "And I thought you looked hot before," he whispered in her ear, 

sending shivers down her spine. She blushed again, knowing this was 

gonna be a long shoot.


        "Alright, I'd like you to sit on the chair," the photographer 

said to Darien, pointing to the green velvet chair in the middle of the 

set. He did as told making himself comfortable before looking up at 

Serena who was busy fidgeting with her skirt, mumbling something about 

short skirts and fat thighs. 

        "And could you, miss, sit on his lap?"

        Her eyes widened and she looked up at him, shock written across 

her face. "Wh... WHERE do you want me to sit!?!"

        Darien laughed. "You heard the guy, now get over here!" Leaning 

forward, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her back, sending 

her sprawling onto him. He laughed as she once again began pulling down 

the tight dress. 

        "Ooh, I don't know how I get myself into these things!" 

        "I don't see how you can fit in that either, with all the candy 

you eat!" he chuckled. 

        Her hands dropping to her lap, she turned to glare at him. "Oh, 

don't you start now, mister!"

        Smiling innocently, he pulled her closer to him, her head landing 

on his shoulder. "Comfy?"

        She giggled. "Guess so..." She wasn't the least bit surprised that 

she was actually starting to enjoy this...

        "Here, sir, which of these would you like to be holding?," asked 

one of the workers, showing Darien a shot glass and a hand of cards. He 


        "Oh, the cards, definitely!" The employee looked at him 

strangely, wondering why it was so funny, but handed him the five 

cards. He looked at them closely and burst out laughing again when he 

saw the designs painted on them. The 10, Jack, Queen, King, and Ace of 


        Smiling down on Serena, who was watching amusedly, he said, 

"Royal Flush. Seems a bit ironic, now doesn't it?" 

        She giggled. "You gonna win me again?"

        "I was thinking about it..." he mused. 

        "Okay, now I want you two to do what you feel comfortable with, 

play around with some different poses, I'll tell you when to freeze," 

said the photographer. He was already having a play-day with the 

couple's compatibility. They were every photographer's dream!

        Darien looked down on her, raising an eyebrow. She laughed and 

straightened her posture, crossing her legs, posing as sexy as she 

could manage. Of course, she didn't realize what an incredible job she 

was doing. Darien tilted his hat down, staring almost evilly at the 

camera, and the shoot began...


        Serena hung up the dress before stepping out of the dressing 

room. Darien was already out waiting for her, holding the hat in his 

hands. "You know, I almost want to keep this..."

        She laughed, taking it from his grip. "Naw, you can't hide your 

nice hair like that. It would be a terrible tragedy!" she said matter-

of-factly. Darien looked down on her lovingly, draping his arm around 

her again before they left to the front of the booth. 

        The worker looked up at them, smiling and pulling out a large 

envelope from beneath the counter. "Welcome back. You guys took some 

excellent pictures! You can only keep one though, so... which would you 


        She handed them a stack of 5 large black and white pictures. 

Serena buried herself deeper in Darien's arm, picking up the stack and 

beginning to look through them, with him watching over her shoulder. 

        The first was of them both facing forward, her left hand playing 

with the boa, while the other rested on his cheek. He held her tightly 

around the waist, his free hand holding up the cards as he looked at 

the camera warningly.

        Second was one of Serena turned in his lap slightly, her head 

resting on his shoulder. Her eyes were looking up at him with a happy 

glaze and one hand relaxed on his chest. He had one arm reached in 

front of her, supporting her back, while the other held the back of her 

neck carefully. His head lay on hers, looking seductively at the 


        Next was of Serena leaning forward and kissing Darien on the 

cheek. He was winking at the camera, tipping his hat to the side while 

his free hand rested mischievously on her thigh, pretending to tug at 

the garter.

        The fourth picture was of Serena winking and holding the cards 

happily, one leg kicking up straight, supported at the calf by Darien 

while his other arm held her back. Bending down, he appeared to be 

kissing the hidden side of her neck flagrantly. 

        In the final picture, Serena was sitting turned to the camera 

again. Darien held the boa at her stomach with one hand, the other 

holding up the cards slightly. Serena's hands held onto his, meeting 

over the soft feathers, their fingers laced together. She was looking 

up at him, meeting his gaze as he stared down on her, both with hints 

of loving smiles. 

        "Wow, that's a tough choice..." said Darien as they flipped through 

them again. Serena nodded. Personally, she liked the fourth. Looking at 

it, she could remember the feeling as his lips kissed her neck 


        Darien was in favor of the third. He enjoyed the look of her 

kissing him openly... very, very much.

        "I like this one," they said simultaneously, each pointing to 

their favorite. The lady behind the counter laughed. 

        "Can we get two?" asked Darien.

        "You'll have to pay for the other one."

        He smiled. "That's fine. We'll take these."


        "Where to next, princess?"

        Serena stared at the small map thoughtfully. How about... ooh! 

Let's go to the games, okay? Please?!"

        He smiled. "Sure! Lead the way!"

        After about 5 minutes of walking, Darien found himself surrounded 

with booths full of stuffed animals of all shapes and sizes. Serena 

laced her fingers through his and pulled him happily down the aisle, 

looking at the prizes available at each. 

        "Ooh, I want one of those! Can you get me one, Darien, please?!"

        He laughed. "Oh, so it's up to ME to get all the prizes, huh?"

        She giggled, looking away. "Well... it IS the guy's job, right?"

        Chuckling, he walked up to the booth and gave the worker two 

dollars, receiving 10 small darts. "So... how many balloons do I have to 

hit for the big one?"

        "All 10 for the grand prize, sir."

        "Hm... should be a cinch."

        Serena giggled, standing back to watch. He pulled up each sleeve 

dramatically before picking up the first dart. 


        Serena squealed with delight. 

        POP! POP! POP! POP!

        Giggling, she jumped up and down excitedly, clapping her hands 

together. The employee watched on in amusement.

        POP! POP! POP!

        Darien smiled. Two more...


        Turning, he smiled back at Serena. "Actually... I don't know if I 

can hit the last one, what do you think, Serena? Think I can do it?"

        She giggled, nibbling her lip. "I know you can do it, master!"

        He chuckled. "Do I get a good luck kiss?"

        She rolled her eyes at him, the smile lingering. Quickly taking a 

step forward, she stood on tiptoes and kissed his cheek before backing 

away with the beginning tints of a blush. 

        Grinning, Darien turned and took aim. POP!

        "Congratulations, sir, which color would you like?" 

        "PINK!" Serena cheered happily, answering for him, before burying 

herself beneath Darien's arm. She took the large, 3-foot tall bunny 

from the man as he handed it to her, hugging it closely to her chest.

        Darien smiled down at her happy grin. As they began to walk away 

from the booth, she looked up at him with love sparkling in her eyes. 

        "Thank you, Darien."

        "No problem! Told you it'd be a cinch."

        Suddenly stopping, she turned to him and threw her arms around 

his neck, kissing him on the cheek again, the bunny clasped by the ear 

in one palm. Before Darien could react, her eye had caught on something 

else over his shoulder and she was out of his arms, holding his hand 

with the bunny hanging from her arm in a headlock. Darien shook his 

head, trying to clear the thoughts before they stopped at another 

booth, this one filled with large plush dolls of the Sailor Scouts and 

Tuxedo Mask. He laughed loudly. "Oh, you want one of these now?"

        She nodded vigorously. "Please, Darien?!         PLEEEEAAASE?!" She 

pouted her lower lips, looking up at him through thick eyelashes. He 


        "How could I possibly say no to that?" Turning to the young woman 

behind the booth, he asked, "What do I have to do for one of the big 


        She smiled at him, batting her eyelashes and ignoring the young 

girl at his side. "Knock over all three milk jugs in one hit."

        He grinned, "Seems easy enough." He handed her a dollar and 

received 3 baseballs in return. He threw one, knocking over the top 


        "Ooh, close..." said the woman in her most sultry voice. Darien 

didn't seem to notice as he watched her place the bottle on top again. 

        Throwing the other bottle, he knocked over the top one, and one 

on the bottom. The third jug swayed, but stayed in place. He grumbled 

beneath his breath. Serena watched closely, now more interested what 

the woman was doing than the game. 

        The bottles were set up again and Darien took a deep breath, 

aiming carefully. CRASH! All 3 bottles clattered to the floor. A grin 

spread across his face. The woman stared in shock, making it seemingly 

obvious that the game had been rigged. Gulping, she turned to Darien, 

who was smiling proudly to himself. Her eyes took on a look of 


        Leaning with one hand on the counter, she reached the other 

forward to gently squeeze his muscles through his jacket sleeve. He 

gasped, looking at her shocked. "What a strong arm you have. Do you 

work out much?"

        "Uh... I... um..."

        Serena held back the fit of giggles that came from the stuttering 

man and the hilarious sight he made. Finally, she pushed herself 

between them, much to the disappointment of the lady, and relief of 

Darien. "We'll take that one!" she said, pointing to a doll hanging 

above her.

        With disapproval written clearly across her face, the woman 

retrieved the prize, handing it to Serena. She took it happily, shoving 

it into Darien's grasp before quickly pulling him away.

        Once they were at a safe distance, Serena broke into a fit of 

laughter, holding her stomach tightly. Darien stared at her confused. 

Between breaths, she reached out to take hold of his arm, managing, "Oh 

my, what a... strong arm! Do... do you work out much?" Again, laughter over 

took her, as she struggled to catch hold of her breath. 

        Darien rolled his eyes, allowing her to have her fun. He looked

down at the large plush doll, about 2 feet tall. He grinned. She'd 

chosen Tuxedo Mask. 


        A little while later, Serena and Darien headed out to the parking 

lot to store their winnings in the car. Serena shoved the bunny, Tuxie, 

a large plastic blow-up lollipop, a 12-inch alien doll, the 

photographs, and two posters into the trunk. Turning, she shook her 

arms, relieving the tension from having been holding everything. Her 

master hadn't helped.

        Finally, they returned to the park, looking around for what to do 


        "How about that?" asked Darien teasingly.

        "Hm?" asked Serena, following his gaze to The Bullet, the 

fastest, twistiest, scariest roller coaster at the park. Her jaw 

dropped. Giggling uncomfortable, she began tugging his sleeve in the 

other direction. "Ha ha, don't be silly, Darien."

        He stopped in his tracks. She turned to face him nervously. "I 

was serious. Come on, let's go!" He began walking toward the line, 

dragging her behind him. Serena dug her heels into the dirt path. 

        "Nuh-uh, no WAY am I going on THAT!" she screeched. 

        He chuckled. "Why? Are you AFRAID?!" he teased. 


        He laughed, continually pulling her toward the line. 

        "No Darien, no! Please, don't make me, I don't want to do this! 

Darien, it's so high! Please?!" 

        They had reached the end of the line before Darien finally turned 

to her. She was gawking up at the coaster, her eyes wide and jaw agape, 

and she was shaking. 

        His smile finally turned to concern. Lacing their fingers 

together, he brought a hand up to her face and turned her to look at 

him. "Are you okay?" he asked gently. She bit her lip.

        "You... you really want to do this?" she whispered, fear flashing 

past her eyes. 

        He gulped. "Hey, we don't have to do this if you really don't 

want to. I... I didn't realize you were that afraid..."

        "Hey, the line is MOVING!" said someone who had already gathered 

behind them. Unwillingly removing his gaze from Serena's he pulled her 

steadily to the ticket collector. 

        "6 tickets," they said tiredly. 

        He turned to her. "It's not too late to leave..."

        She shook her head. "No... whatever you want." Her eyes had 

wandered up the steep track again. 

        Bending down, Darien kissed her cheek, drawing her attention back 

to him. "Everything will be okay. It'll be fun!" He handed the tickets 

to the collector before pulling her up to the waiting pad. The small 

tunnel had been built and painted in the shape of a gun. Soon, a group 

of black carts came up to the deck and Darien and Serena claimed their 

own. Once in, Darien placed his arm around her, pulling her closer to 

his body. She was still shaking. 

        "We can still get off."

        Her gaze turned to him, and slowly the frightened look melted 

away to trust and care. "No... it's about time I got over my fear 


        He smiled, taking a deep breath just as the cart jumped into 

action. Serena screamed briefly, squeezing her eyes shut. Darien smiled 

down on her as they began to climb the first hill. Leaning over, he 

brushed his nose against her soft skin. 

        "Open your eyes. It's better that way."

        She gulped, hesitating a moment before lifting her lids. Pursing 

her lips together, she grasped at Darien's hands, holding the closest 

tightly between her palms. He tightened his grip around her waist. 

        "Here we go..." he whispered as the cart began to tilt on the first 




        "I change my mind. I don't wanna do THIIIIIIIIISSSSSSS!!!!"

        Her screams echoed loudly throughout the park as they dropped 

down the first hill, around the bend, through the tunnel... Darien was 

surprised he didn't go deaf.


        Darien emerged laughing from the cart, turning to help a shaky 

girl behind him. Serena climbed out, before stumbling into his arms. 

Chuckling, he looked down on her. 

        "So what did you think?"

        She looked up with wide eyes, the remains of excited tears drying 

in their corners. "I... I can't believe I just went on that..."

        He laughed. "Hey you want to do it again?"

        "WHAT?! You've GOT to be kidding!"


        "You weren't kidding. I can't believe you weren't kidding..." 

Serena whispered as Darien strapped them into the cart for the second 

time. He smiled at her.

        "Aw, it wasn't that bad, was it?" Her only response was a cold 

glare from the corner of her eye. He chuckled, placing his arm around 

her again. "Hey, ya wanna try it without hands?"


        "Okay, okay, relax, I was only joking."

        "I can never be sure anymore."

        A rumbling was heard beneath them as the gears started into 

action and they were on their way up the first hill. Serena gulped, 

taking in deep breaths. Once again she reached for Darien's hand, 

biting her lip nervously. 

        At the top, Serena closed her eyes, preparing for the long drop. 




        Her eyes opened one at a time. "Huh? Why aren't we going down 

yet? Wh... why aren't we moving at ALL?!" she screamed already on the 

verge of hysterics. 

        Darien looked around. Sure enough, they were frozen in place at 

the very top of The Bullet. "Oh, no..." he whispered.

        "Darien..." squeaked out a tiny voice. Turning, he saw her staring 

up at him, tears of horror and panic welling inside her eyes. 

        "Oh, Serena, it's okay. Nothing to worry about, I'm sure they're 

just having some small problems. It'll all be over in a minute. It's 

all right..."

        "I'm scared..." she whispered, her eyes never leaving him. Slowly, 

a crystal tear flowed down her cheek. His eyes immediately began to 

overflow with emotion. Worry, protectiveness, love...

        He brought up one hand, stroking away the tear just before 

another could fall. Tying his hands behind her back, he pulled her 

close to him. She buried her head in his jacket, squeezing her eyes 

closed as tears soaked into the green material. He held onto her 

tightly, stroking her back, running hands through her hair, all the 

while whispering sweet comfort. 

        After what seemed like hours, though could very well have been 

less than five minutes, the gears started up again, this time moving 

backwards, and they were brought slowly down the hill. Serena never 

looked up, never loosened her hold on him. Once they had reached the 

platform, a couple workers came up to them to check on their safety. 

Darien glared at them, knowing full well it wasn't their fault, before 

standing from the cart and leading the sobbing girl away. One man 

handed him his tickets, which he shoved into his pockets before 

wrapping his arm around Serena once again, molding her body to his.


        "She wasn't at home?"

        "No, her mom said she was staying with a sick friend."

        "That's strange... wasn't any of us. Could it have been Molly?"

        "I don't think so... Molly was at school yesterday."

        "So... no one's seen her?"

        "Not since the arcade yesterday... and then, she didn't even bother 

saying good bye... just up and left!"

        Raye shook her head. "This just isn't like the Meatball Head. 

We've been planning this trip to the fair for weeks! She wouldn't just 

miss out on it!"

        "Really! Maybe something came up..." added Lita, staring at all the 

colorful shops around them. 

        "Perhaps she decided to stay home and stud... oh, never mind. I 

forgot who we were talking about for a moment," said Ami, a small blush 

hinting at her cheeks.

        "Do you think..." said Mina softly, "do you think she didn't come 

because of me?"

        The small group turned to look at her, ceasing their promenade 

down the rows of the carnival. 

        Lita smiled at her. "Oh Mina, you don't think she's still mad at 

you? Come on, we all know how forgiving she is!"

        Mina shook her head. "I know... but you all heard what she said 

after Darien left last Saturday. She said she would never forgive me..."

        "She DID look pretty mad..." Raye added. Lita elbowed her 

harmlessly in the side. 

        "Don't be silly! Of course Serena forgives you!"

        Mina sighed again. "I'm not so sure. I mean... she really does hate 

Darien. And if it weren't for me, she never would have been stuck with 

him for a whole week! She must have felt embarrassed and lowly... and 

it's all my fault!"

        "Oh it is not either! Serena gave you permission to use her as a 

bet, remember? She knew what she was getting into!"

        "She is right," spoke Ami. "It was of her own choosing. Besides, 

even if she was mad at the time, Serena can never hold a grudge. She's 

incapable, I think."

        Chewing on her lip, Mina looked up at them hopefully. "I guess 

so... but I would really like to see her... so I can apologize..."

        "I know! I'll call her this evening and see if she wants to go to 

the mall with us tomorrow! She can never turn down a shopping spree! 

And then you guys can make up and everything! Plus... it involves 

SHOPPING!" cheered Lita happily. The other girls smiled and nodded.

        "Yes, and then we can stop at the book store and I can pick up 

that new chemistry book I ordered last week!"


        "Um... hey, guys?"

        "Yeah, Raye?"

        "I... don't think we'll have to wait 'til tomorrow for Mina to 



        They all followed Mina's gaze... and their jaws dropped 



        "It's okay, Serena... Everything's okay now..." Darien whispered into 

her hair. Finally, her frightened sobs began to subside and she looked 

up at him slowly, with red cheeks and glossy eyes. He leaned his 

forehead on hers, running a finger down her cheek. "I am so sorry, 

Serena. I shouldn't have made you get on that... I'm so sorry..." 

        Slowly, a crooked smile began to crease her lips as she looked up 

into his pleading ocean blue eyes. 

        "No, it wasn't your fault..."

        He nodded slightly, pulling her waist closer to him. "I won't 

force you to do anything else, okay? I promise..."

        Serena closed her eyes, inhaling deeply. "You didn't do anything, 

Darien. Instead, you made it better..."

        Slowly, his eyes drifted close as he leaned forward, aching to 

touch her pouting lips...

        "I NEVER thought I'd see the day..."

        Their eyes swung open as Serena turned in his arms to see four 

enthralled girls staring at them with shocked amusement. Darien took 

quick note of the sight, before dropping his hands to their side, 

mumbling inaudibly beneath his breath. 

        "Well, well, well... If it isn't our favorite slave and master..." 

teased Raye, a joking smirk highlighting her face. 

        Serena gulped, a red blush spreading through her cheeks. "Uh... hi 

guys! Um... fu...funny seeing you here... hee hee... he..."

        "Not really... we WERE going to all come together, REMEMBER? 

Although, I see you've found MUCH better company..." 

        Serena hung her head. 'Ooh, they have bad timing!' she yelled to 

herself. Clenching her teeth, she looked up and smiled sweetly. 

        "Well, you know how it is with me... Never know just what'll happen 

until it's done! Besides... I got... pulled into another agreement,


        'Now leave before I decide to sick one of those clowns on you!'

        "Oh, yeah, that..." said Lita with a slight twinkle in her eye.

        "How is the slave holding these days?" added Raye.

        Darien rolled his eyes, assuming it would be awhile before he had 

her to himself again. 

        Serena eyes looked at them bitter-sweetly. "Oh, just fine... It's 

been... most interesting, hasn't it Darien?"

        "Oh yeah, very interesting."

        "Um... Serena?" said Mina quietly. 

        Serena switched her attention to her friend standing slightly 

behind Raye. "Yeah?"

        "I... sort of need to talk to you..."

        She could instantly tell that something was bothering her close 

friend. "Oh, sure, anything."

        They walked away quickly, Serena sending a somewhat apologizing 

gaze to Darien before disappearing beneath the canopy of a large tree. 

        Darien watched them go quietly, before turning to the others, all 

with secretive smiles. Sighing and rolling his eyes, he made his way to 

a bench, collapsing and hoping she would come save him soon.


        "What is it, Mina? What's wrong?"

        Mina sighed, leaning against the thick trunk. "Serena... I want to 


        "For what?"

        "For the whole bet thing. I'm so sorry I stuck you in that 

position and... oh please don't be mad at me! I honestly though I would 

win!" Her pleading eyes looked up seriously at Serena. She was 

surprised when her friend started to giggle slightly. 

        "Oh, is that all? Aw, don't worry about it Mina! I've already 

forgotten all about it! No biggie! Actually... it wasn't nearly as bad as 

I thought it would be. Darien's... actually... kind of nice... once you get 

to know him..."

        Mina looked at her carefully as Serena began digging her toe into 

the grass, kicking at a small pebble. "Re...really? Then you're not mad?"

        "Naw, of course not!"

        With a huge grin, Mina leaped forward, startling Serena into a 

brief hug. "Oh, goodie! I was sure you'd never talk to me again! I feel 

so relieved! Whew, that is a HUGE load off my shoulders!"

        Serena giggled, prying herself away. "Never talk to you again?! 

Yeah right! You're one of my best friends, Mina! Friends forever! 

Besides..." Serena gasped in mid-sentence, looking away quickly. 

        "Besides what?"

        "Never mind."

        "No, tell me! PLEASE?!"

        Taking a deep breath, she looked up at her nervously. "Can you 

keep a secret? INCLUDING from the other scouts?"

        Mina looked away, nibbling gently on her lip. "I don't know if I 


        "Fine, I'm not telling!"

        "No, no! I won't tell, I promise!"

        "Okay... well, you see..." Gulping, Serena looked over to where 

Darien was sitting bored in the midst of three giggling and gossiping 

girls. "I've sorta... fallen for Darien..."

        The short silence was soon filled with, "You WHAT?!"

        "Shhh, keep it down! Remember, you can't tell anyone!"

        "Oh, Serena, this is wonderful! I always knew you would be such a 

cute couple, I just thought that it would never happen because of your 

history! You've told Darien, right? So you guys are an item and 

everything?! Oh, he must be so happy!"

        Rolling her eyes, Serena turned away slightly. "No Mina, we're 

not an item. I can't bring myself to tell him! I'm so afraid that he 

won't feel the same way..."

        Mina laughed loudly. "You've GOT to be kidding! Serena, haven't 

you seen it YET?! Darien is totally crazy about you! He has been for 

who-knows-how-long! It is SO obvious! Even the other girls have 

noticed," she concluded seriously. 

        Gawking, Serena stared at her for a long time. "WHAT?! You knew 

this and you never TOLD me?!"

        "Well, we were afraid you'd get mad at us, since we all thought 

you hated him so much!"

        "Th...that's no excuse! You should have told me!"

        "Oh, Serena, let it go. You know now, right?"

        There was a brief silence as Serena stared back at Darien. He was 

checking his watch. Slowly, a tiny smile dawned on her lips. "I hope 

you're right, Mina," she whispered. 

        "Of course I'm right. I AM the senshi of love, after all! Now 

what are we doing here still?! You need to go save your knight in 

shining armor, li'l lady! Come on!"

        Laughing, Serena was dragged back to the small group on the arm 

of her close friend.

        "Alright, gals, we've had our fun. Now let's leave these two 

alone, shall we? I have a sudden craving for cotton candy!" Without 

giving them time to respond, Mina successfully began to usher Raye, 

Lita, and Ami away, turning once to 'slyly' wink at Serena, an act that 

seemed to take every muscle in her face to do. Serena rolled her eyes 

before turning to a charmed man, sitting leisurely on a bench. Inhaling 

deeply, and with hope filling her eyes, she asked cheerfully,

        "So, where to next, boss?"


        "Serena, WHAT are we doing in Kiddy Land?"

        The girl giggled happily, holding onto Darien's hand as she 

dragged him amidst the hoards of laughing and running children. 

        "We're gonna go on some of the little rides!"

        Darien chuckled. "And WHY are we going on the little rides?"

        Serena rolled her eyes. "BECAUSE I'm not going on anymore big, 

fast, scary ones, DUH!"

        Shaking his head, Darien continued to follow the bouncing ray of 


        "Ooh, we have to go on the choo-choo train, and the haunted house 

and the tea cups... this will be so much fun! Let's go on the train 


        "What?! The train?! That little itty-bitty thing? You've got to 

be kidding! I doubt I even FIT on that!"

        "Oh, don't be such a baby! If you hadn't made me go on The 

Bullet, I might not be torturing you like this now, so face up to it, 

mister!" Serena turned to the ticket holder. "Here's 2 tickets!"

        The old man grinned amusedly. "Go on up! Have fun!"

        "We will!" And she tugged him up to the loading area. Darien 

sighed as the train pulled up to the wooden platform. "In we go!" 

cheered Serena, stepping into the caboose happily. Groaning, he 

followed in after her. 

        The ride went by VERY slow for Darien as Serena had the time of 

her life dinging the brass bells and watching the large animal 

sculptures they passed. Most of the time, he simply watched her, 

content that at least SHE was enjoying this. How he wished he had her 

liveliness at times like these...


        "Okay, next, the haunted house!"

        "Oh, Serena, no, please! That thing is so..."

        "What? Are you SCARED?!" 

        He rolled his eye. "Oh, for goodness sake..."    

        "Don't worry Darien, I'll protect you! Now come on!"

        "I don't want to do this. I don't want to do this..."

        "Loosen up, it's a quick ride. It'll be over in a flash!"

        He groaned in response. "These rides are so cheesy."

        Serena sighed, looking up to the grotesquely painted house with 

broken boards and screams heard from inside. Then, a light bulb went 

off and she decided to try out Mina's observation. "Hey Darien, if you 

come I promise to hold onto you REALLY tight..." she taunted, smiling up 

at him. 

        Darien gasped almost unnoticeably, looking down on her to see if 

she was just trying to tease him. In an instant, he could tell she was. 

But that didn't seem to effect his answer...

        "Ugh! Fine, if you really want to go, I'll come!" 

        Her eyes widened surprised. 'It worked? It actually worked! What... 

what does that mean, exactly?'

        "Okay, come on!"

        They gave their tickets to a bored-looking employee before 

jumping in the first little wagon they saw, which looked somewhat like 

a mining cart.

        After passing through the creaky doors marked 'DANGER: DO NOT 

ENTER', Serena kept to her promise, instantly clasping onto Darien for 

dear life. He chuckled, quickly beginning to enjoy this ride. 

        "Ooh, look! It's a skeleton! Scary! Oh, and a three-eyed monster! 

How terrifying! A MUMMY! Darien, save me!" Serena faked, hiding her 

eyes and screaming dramatically. Darien laughed. 

        "Never fear, damsel! I shall save you!"

        Serena laughed merrily as Darien pulled out a pen and started 

pretending to sword fight and slay the monsters as they passed. 

        "Oh, my hero!" she swooned, leaning on his shoulder and staring 

at him dreamily. As they neared the end of the ride, Darien grinned 

down on her, gently kissing her forehead.

        "That wasn't so bad," he whispered. 

        She let her dreamy lids close, nuzzling deep beneath his arm and 

relaxing in his half-embrace. 

        'Thank you, my knight. My prince. My love...'

        "Serena, we have to get off now..." 

        She sighed with a sweet giggle, opening her eyes. Darien stood 

from the cart and offered his hand, pulling her up after him, before 

they left for the next ride. 

        "How about the fun house next?" Darien suggested as they neared 

the large House 'O' Mirrors. Serena smiled brightly. 

        "NOW you're starting to get the hang of what I like!" she 

laughed, quickening her steps. 


        Serena giggled, looking at herself in the funny mirror. 

        "First I'm fat... then I'm skinny! Fat... skinny! Look at my neck! HA 

HA, I LOOK LIKE A GIRAFFE!! Darien, come look at this!! Darien? 

Daaaarieeenn..." she called in a singsong voice, turning to look around 

for her companion. The mirrors refused to show his reflection near her. 

"Hm... where did he go?" 

        Slowly, she began to wander aimlessly around the glittering 

rooms, feeling along the tall glasses, watching as thousands of hers 

strolled by. "Darien?" she called. Silence filled the air. Somewhere in 

the distance, children's laughter bounced from room to open air and 

back. Looking around, Serena noticed the flickering of an overhanging 

fluorescent light. Her skin shuddered and she wrapped her arms about 

herself, eyeing her tinted replicas evilly. 

        "Darien!?" she cried, fear grasping at her heart. Her calls 

echoed and died into the surrounding screens. Biting her lip, she 

stopped walking and stood for a minute, turning around to face her 

images, staring horrified back at her. "He'll come for me..." she 

whispered, sinking to the ground. "He will come for me..."


        Darien thought he could hear her call for him. Turning from the 

young children playing in the ball pin, he began to search the 

surroundings for her. Seeing nothing, he ventured back into the mirror 

maze he had just come from. Hadn't she followed him yet?

        "Hm... I could have sworn she was right behind me..."


        He gasped. She sounded frightened. Immediately, he jogged back 

into the room, easily making his way to where he had supposedly 

deserted her. Drawn down a couple mirror-plated hallways, he thought he 

heard a faint whimpering. His eyes widened. And then, passing around a 

hidden corner, her saw her. Actually, he saw twelve of her. 


        Twenty-four meatballs paired with twenty-four crystal blue eyes 

turned up to look at him. 

        "DARIEN!" she shrieked, hopping to her feet. Grinning, he ran 

toward her, as she threw herself at him. 

        WHACK! WHACK!

        "Ow," they moaned, rubbing at their heads. 

        "Darien? Which one are you?"

        "This one! Where are you?"

        "Over here."

        THWACK! THUD!

        "Oy, this could take awhile. Alright, Serena, DON'T MOVE! I'll 

come to you..."

        He watched as they all nodded, gulped slightly, before feeling 

around the small room. Stopping with a smile on his face, he turned to 

the other side of the chamber, and began walking with confidence. 

        "Darien..." Serena whispered, her eyes glued to one particular 

image in front of her. Then, a warm hand was laid on her shoulder. 

Swinging around, she looked up into two deep, unglazed eyes. 

        "Found ya."

        Drawing in a breath, she surged at him, wrapping her arms tightly 

around his neck. He smiled, pulling his arms around her. 

        "Hey, Princess, there's something I want to show you." She looked 

up at him in the brief second before she was lifted off her feet into 

his arms. Squealing, she clung to him tightly. He laughed. "Come on, 

it's this way... I think."

        He carried her warily through the maze as she stared up at him in 

a soft stare, lying her head on his shoulder lovingly. Then, suddenly 

without warning, she felt herself falling. With a screech, she landed 

comfortably in a pit of multi-colored plastic balls. Shaking off her 

shock, she looked up to see Darien laughing above her. 

        Furrowing her brow slightly, she chucked an orange ball at him, 

hitting squarely in the shoulder. He grinned back as she threw yet 

another, smacking him in the stomach. Raising an eyebrow, he slipped 

off his shoes before jumping in after her, dunking her in the pool 

before running slowly away. Laughing, she followed, hurling primary 

colors at him the whole time, ignoring the gawking kids around them. 


        Forty minutes later, laughing and out of breath, Serena and 

Darien emerged from the House 'O' Mirrors after being kicked out of the 

ball pit for being over age. Serena hung on his arm loosely, smiling 

and giggling as they talked over all the stupid things they had done 

when they were littler. 

        "Ooh, Darien, will you buy me a snow cone, PLEASE?!" Serena 

shrieked out of nowhere, noticing the stand not far away. 

        Darien chuckled. "Why, anything your heart desires, princess!" 

        Serena smiled and led him to the colorful booth. While waiting in 

line, she turned to him suspiciously. "Hey, when did you go from 

calling me slave to princess?"

        He looked at her for a moment, before flashing a cocky grin. "It 

just seems to fit you better. Of course, if you PREFER slave..."

        "NO! That's okay, I like Princess!" she exclaimed quickly, 

smiling up at him. "Beside, you can call me whatever you wish, Master!"

        He laughed. "Does that include..."

        "EXCEPT," she countered quickly, "Meatball Head."

        In what seemed to be a mix of a groan and a chuckle, Darien 

rolled his eyes as Serena began to order. 

        "I'll have a large with cherry and orange, please!"

        "And I'll have a large, just grape," added Darien, pulling out 

his wallet. After they had paid, they walked off happily, holding hands 

as they nibbled at their treats. 

        "So where to after this?" asked Darien. 

        "Hm... I don't know..."

        "It's starting to get dark. How about the Ferris Wheel? Unless, 

of course, you're afraid of that one too, then I'm sure we could go 


        "No, of course not, I LOVE the Ferris Wheel! Besides, it's 

tradition to go on that at the carnival! It just wouldn't be the same 

without riding at least once!"

        "Great! Then let's start heading over to that. It should be 

twilight by the time we get there, it is on the other side of the 



        "That'll be six tickets."

        Darien handed over the orange tabs before they were escorted to a 

red cart, swinging near the back of the ramp. Serena crawled in first, 

and he followed as the worker closed the safety bar behind them and the 

ride started with a rumble. 

        "Oh, Darien?" Serena whispered just as he placed his arm around 



        "Just... don't rock it. Please."

        He chuckled. "I think I can manage that."  

        Sighing contentedly, she rested her head on his shoulder, smiling 

peacefully to herself as the ride picked up slightly in speed, sending 

her stomach rolling every time they began to come back down again. 

Darien smiled at her giggling as she wrapped her arms in front of 

herself, looking out over the park, just as the flashy lights began to 

stand out against the new navy backdrop. Their conversation was soon 

filled with her many "Look over there!" and "Darien, wave to the little 

people!" 's. 

        Serene buried herself deep into his embrace, loving every moment 

of this ride. Her eyes darted to the horizon where the dying embers of 

the sun streaked the sky with entrancing pastels. Gasping, she pointed 

it out to Darien and they watched it together every time their cart 

reached the top of the ring. 

        Soon, the ride slowed down and stopped completely, leaving them 

stranded peacefully at the exact peak of the ride. Drawing the angel by 

his side closer, Darien lay his head on top of hers, his eyes' gaze 

caressing the sun as his hand stroked lovingly, possessively down her 

shoulder. She smiled, grinning as the last spark and glimmer died 

before them...

        "What time is it?" she whispered so quietly Darien almost didn't 

hear her as they began their descent downward. 

        "9:30," he answered. 

        She nodded. 

        'Two and a half more hours of being yours, my love...'    


        Holding hands, fingers laced together, stealing loving glances, 

the two wandered aimlessly through the fluorescent sparkling lights and 

smiling crowds. Serena watched on to the swirling rides, hugging 

Darien's arm close to her side, smiling brightly as he teased her 

gently of her fear of heights and going upside-down. Time passed 

quickly, hours at a time. 

        "Well there has to be SOMETHING you're not afraid to go on," 

Darien chuckled, tickling her stomach accusingly. She laughed along, 

her eyes searching around, almost hoping they would find a very long 

line. Time always passes slowly when you're standing in a line. 

        'Darnit, time, stand still!' she cursed in her head, eyeing 

Darien's watch from time to time.

        "Hm... how about... hey, what's that?"

        Turning, Darien took notice of what she was pointing to. A large, 

thirty foot grandfather clock standing amidst a courtyard of rides. The 

hands read 11:30 exactly. He gulped. Creating a lop-sided smile, he 

eyed her from the side. 

        "Serena... it's a clock."

        Rolling her eyes, she smacked him hard on the side. "Well, DUH! 

But what are they doing to it?" 

        Looking up, sure enough, Darien saw that two men, dressed in 

black so as not to draw attention, were busy tying something onto the 


        "Oh yeah, didn't you know?"

        "Know what?"

        "Every Saturday at midnight, they launch off a grand spectacle of 

fireworks. All kinds! Crackers, Roman Candles, Bottle Rockets, M80s, 

Black Cats... It's wonderful to watch! They must be setting up for it 


        Serena's eyes grew wide. "Ooh... we'll be able to see it, won't 


        "Of course! You'll love it."

        Smiling up at him, Serena snuggled up closer to Darien. Her eyes 

wandered over the small courtyard, landing on something they had missed 

before. She gasped. "Oh! Oh, we HAVE to do that, please, PLEASE?!" she 

begged, tugging on his sleeve. 

        Darien laughed and let himself be led to...

        His jaw dropped. 'She wants to go on... The Tunnel of LOVE?!'

        Serena stopped briefly, standing before the ticket holder. She 

turned back to see the absolute shock on Darien's face. 

        "Darien? Daaaariieeeennn..."

        "Wha... huh? THIS?!"

        She took a surprised step back, before her hopeful eyes glazed 

over with disappointment and she looked quickly away. 

        "Oh, well... we don't HAVE to. I mean... I'm sure this ride must be 

so corny and stupid and... besides, why would you go on with ME? It... It's 

just for... lovers, after all..." Her sentence slowly faded away as she 

dove into analyzing the concrete below her with the toe of her shoe. 

        Looking at the red blinking letters arcing over the entrance of 

the tunnel, a grin slowly began to pull at Darien's lips. 'Lovers? This 

ride is only for lovers... and she wants to go on with me.'

        "Don't be silly Serena! I'd love to go. Come on!"

        "Huh?" Serena looked up just as Darien handed the smirking man at 

the gate his tickets and pulled her to the small dock. 

        "Step easily," said another attendant, holding the pink boat, 

complete with a red glittering heart backdrop, still. 

        Darien held Serena's hand as she stepped inside, before following 

after her. As soon as they were settled, the worker shoved them off and 

they went sailing slowly through the tunnel. 

        Looking over at Serena, Darien bit his tongue, sliding closer and 

nonchalantly wrapping his arm around her waist. She stiffened for only 

a second before leaning on his shoulder, sighing as the romance drifted 

over them.

        Thousands of tiny electrical candles lit the inside of the 

tunnel. Soft violin music echoed in the calm air. Vases of red roses 

sat on every shore, heart glitter and potpourri petals littered 

randomly about. As they traveled through different romantic 'scenes', 

Serena smiled, imagining her and Darien were the little plastic 

figurines. They passed by a ballroom full of people dancing, a replica 

of the Romeo and Juliet balcony scene, A park where couples lay and 

watched a faux sunset, a wedding chapel, and other like scenes. 

        Darien watched her face turn happily dreamy when she eyed a young 

'couple' kissing tenderly. Her eyes closed for a brief second and she 

licked her almost unnoticeably puckered lips. His heart sped up faster 

as his hand unconsciously pulled her nearer to his body. 

        "Serena..." he whispered, so quietly, she almost didn't hear him. 

However, her eyes widened instantly at the yearning she could hear in 

his voice. She turned to face him directly, their eyes meeting stars in 

the dim light. 

        He gulped, slowly placing his free hand on the far side of her 

waist, allowing it to linger softly. Inhaling a shaky breath, he stared 

deep into the brilliant gaze, thousands of daydreams and fantasies 

pulling into his thoughts. 

        Serena stared back, surprised at the longing in his sapphire 

eyes, more so at the intimate position. Her heart leaped as his eyes 

darted to her lips in a blink before staring innocently at her again. 

Gasping quietly, her stomach began turns of madness as she thought she 

could see directly into his intentions. Unconfidently, her eyes 

fluttered shut, leaning forward just slightly. 

        With his confusion swept away, Darien's eyes glazed over and he 

moved his hand up to her cheek, before inching toward her, all the 

while thinking, knowing, that she was just as tempted. That she... 

possibly, hopefully, felt the same longing, the same love.

        Their noses brushed, warm breaths lingering on their slightly 

parted lips. Warm sensations caressed over them, delightful shivers 

consuming their spines. She could feel his tender hand caressing her 

cheek, her neck, playing in her hair...


        "Yo, lovebirds, the ride is over."

        Their eyes flew open to see nothing but azure blurs. Darien 

sighed, his shoulder sagging, as he turned to glare evilly at a 

smirking worker. Grumbling and groaning, he arose from the small boat, 

turning to help Serena out. She took his hand half-heartedly, climbing 

out beside him before they both ventured back into the familiar 


        'Stupid worker. Stupid Tunnel of Love. Stupid romantic fantasies 

that everything has to be perfect and lovey-dovey and sweet and 

beautiful. I just want to kiss her!! I JUST want to tell her how I 

feel, before it's too late! Is that SO much to ask?! One kiss, without 

being interrupted, it's all I need. THEN I could tell her everything, 

but NO! Of all the chances we've had, SOMETHING gets in the way. 

Business calls, food timers, RIDE employees! Ugh!'

        "Aw, heck with it!" 

        Serena gasped as Darien grabbed onto her arm, turning her quickly 

around. The next thing she knew, his warm, savory lips were pressed up 

to her own. 

        She gasped, her eyes flying wide as his arms wrapped possessively 

about her waist, shaping her body to his. A squeal escaped into his 

kiss, followed quickly by a soft, surprise moan. Her lids draped over 

shocked blue eyes as her arms tied themselves around his neck, one hand 

grabbing onto the shoulder of his jacket as the other sifted harshly 

through the thick hair at the nape of his neck. 

        As soon as he could feel her responding, Darien eased his kisses, 

tasting her more gently, tugging so slightly at her welcoming lips. His 

arms loosened slightly, caressing her back, as he leaned over her, 

practically bending her fragile body beneath him. Teasing her lips with 

small, butterfly kisses, he began to ease his tongue gently into her 

lush, admissible lips. She made no limitation, doubting her heart and 

body would let her if she tried to stop him. Instead, she allowed him 

fully, delighting in the flow of emotions, sparked by the man she knew 

now, if there had been the slightest doubt before, that she was in love 



        The lock was slowly and unwillingly broken by the distinct sounds 

of fireworks exploding overhead. Serena gasped, looking over Darien's 

shoulder as a cascade of color lit the midnight sky. Darien 

unconsciously stood her up straight, his eyes wandering above as well. 

His arms remained tied around her, though loosely, as they watched the 

rainbow showers. 

        "Oh, Darien..." she whispered, her eyes locked to the incredible 

sight. Her body felt a million different things, hot, cold, flooded in 

happiness and delight. She felt strong and powerful, and yet like 

pudding in his arms.

        A smile began to dawn on his lips, but slowly, it froze. His eyes 

changed from ecstatic to saddened as he looked down on the awed girl. 

        'Midnight...' he thought. 


        "Hm?" Her gaze drifted back to him, a blush only staining her 

night-cloaked cheeks at the remembrance of only a few short moments 


        "It's midnight."

        Her eyes tried to read his seriously, though nothing seemed to 

make any sense. It was so obvious now... he loved her, as much? As much. 

She tilted her head to the side confusedly. 

        Pursing his lips together, Darien allowed one hand to drop from 

his waist to his pocket. Shortly after, he pulled something out and 

enclosed it in Serena's palm. 

        "You're free again. You no longer belong to me..."

        Gasping, Serena looked down in her palm, knowing exactly what to 

expect. The small pearl earring gleamed happily back at her. She stared 

at it for a moment, silently.

        Darien gulped. Her silence scared him. Gradually sliding his 

other hand away from her, inching back.

        Her stare returned to him through thick lashes. Assured, she 

followed him forward. He ceased his decent. Her hand slipped into his, 

holding the gem between them. The other came up to tenderly caress his 


        "Darien, I may not be yours anymore. But my heart always will..." 

Standing on tiptoes, she leaned forward, catching his lips on hers, her 

hands sliding around behind him again, the earring left safely between 

his fingers. It wasn't long before she was in his embrace again, and 

neither knew just when the firecrackers died off.


That's all for now! Please e-mail me!!! The epilogue will probably be 

up next week, so keep your eyes open! ^_~


Luv and God bless!