
Why do I love Alec?
There are so many reasons.. *smile* That's what this page
is for.
How long ago was it? About two years? I was (and still
am) a huge Fushigi Yuugi fan, so naturally when
Caitlin drew my attention to Yuu Watase's latest series,
I was intrigued. One day, she was showing me and my
friend Ida pictures from AnC online, and she asked us
which guy we thought was the cutest. Both me and Ida said
Aki, which lead to Cait informing us that we were very wrong,
that Tooya was the best looking one of the three. This
sparked my interest even more, and soon I was reading the
manga (thanks to the wonderful people that translated it
- you're all too awesome for words! I thank you from the
bottom of my heart! ^^). I can clearly remember Cait
trying to "fix me up" with Yuuhi... *giggle*
Oh, that was funny. Don't get me wrong, now. I love
Yuuhi, I really do. In fact, I guess you could say that I
have a mini crush on him. ^^ It just didn't seem to be
working out, though. You see, whenever I first meet the
cast of characters for a new anime or manga series, I can
usually guess just from looks and a little info who my
favorite character will be. It's always been that way, be
it in Fushigi Yuugi, Final Fantasy 6, or anything else
that I've watched or played. And while I really did
feel myself growing fonder and fonder of Yuuhi, it still
didn't feel quite right. It was like something was
missing, something important. I didn't mention it,
though, until I met HIM - then there was no going
As soon as I first saw Alec, I forgot every other
character. It truly was love at first sight. I still
remember going online and searching for information on
this elusive genius, coming up with only slightly more
than I knew about him already. When I mentioned this to
Caitlin, she happily told me that Alec was the guy she'd
had picked out for me from the very start, but that she
feared I wouldn't get to know him well enough to fall for
him, being a more minor character and all. Yes, I
realized that he wasn't one of the main characters. I
also came to accept that he wouldn't be in the manga
nearly as much as the others. Did that stop me? Oh, no
way. In fact, it only made me want to learn more
about him. Soon, I was head-over-heels in love with
Alexander O. Howell, with no way to turn back. Not that
I'd want to, of course. ^^
In time, my love for Alec had grown to immense
proportions. I still find it hard to put how I feel for
him into words, which is why I sound so awkard right now.
You'd be surprised by just how difficult it is to express
your love for someone. Well, this is my way of attempting
to tell the world how much I cherish, adore, and love
Alexander. This shrine is dedicated completely to him, my
dear video-game-playing-anime-watching-genius. I love
you, Alec - forever and always.
What else? Oh, I'm
not done yet. *grin*
His hair. It's gorgeous! Long, flowing
blond locks... and he braids it! Wai~! ^_^
His eyes. Those amazing lavendar pools of light
that reflect his gentleness and caring... they're windows
to his beautiful soul.
His otaku-ness. He loves anime and video games!
How cool is that, I ask you? He's just as obsessed as the
rest of us crazy otaku. *grin* I love it!
His sweet and gentle nature. The boy is an angel,
I swear.
The glasses. They're just so cute! Eeee! I love
guys with glasses. i can't help it. It's a weakness of
mine. *giggle*