Images - Dark Musashi's Rocket Realm
Rocket Troop Pics
A few of them are kind of small, Gomen! Most of these are really good though. The asterisk (*) means it's a rocketshippy pic.
"EEEP!It's gonna shock us!It's gonna shock us!!!"
"If you think you're cool look at us!"
Aww, how sweet.*
back 2 back
"And exactly what are you gonna DO about it?"
Musashi and Kojiro...really pissed off!
"Oh Kojiro, you do care..."
"Shut up brat or I'll shove that stupid hat down your throat!!!"
That has got to be one of their coolest poses ever...
"You can do it, Jess!"*
I hope that is for shooting nets...
Aren't those sleeping bags a little close?*
Making a plan...
As our heroes make their way through the dark tunnel, no one seems to notice THAT REALLY OBVIOUS-
Watching Meowth lose is sooo boring.
"Yay! we're gonna get out!"
Maybe stealing Vileplume perfume wasn't such a good idea...
Whoever laughs first loses!*
They're REALLY scared in dis one.*
James is being a good friend, what IS Jess doing!?
This is an extremely rocketshippy pic.*
Strike a pose!
"Ash just wet his pants!"*Snicker Snicker!*
A tight hug, how cute!*
Since when did James become a rope?
Telling James she loves him...*
And Jessie just spotted James!*
This is what what happens when Meowth won't shut up.
HAHAHAHAHA! Jessie's Lickitung beat Pikachu!
Team Rocket steals the stage!
High and mighty...
Okay, so honest work isn't so bad.
Aww, poor Jess.
Team Rocket...Sunbathing?*
Well at least Meowth has friends...
Jessie's crying...
"Get me out of here you stupid bird!"
Jessie captured Lickitung!
A cool pic of Miyamoto (Jessie's mother)
I think they caught something.
At least they don't have to swim...*
A strange pic from 'Holiday at Acupulco'*
Alright Team, huddle up!
Please don't kill us...nice pissed off pokémon...
We're too young to die!!!
A kawaii hug and a Mew*
Hang on, don't laugh-
Haunter can't be that funny-JESSIE!!!
What''s Meowth laughing for?
I think James is enjoying his punishment ^.^*
Maybe a little too much!
Rocketshippy and so Kawaii!!!*
Jessie's getting a lift from James...again!*
Wouldn't you like to know what James is saying here? Jessie's face matches her hair...*
Their beautiful faces...up close!*
Jessie and James representing a very familiar movie: starring Psyduck and Wigglytuff!*
Nice hug, but you might want to work on the facial expressions.*
Ugly costumes, but they are so cute together.*
Another hug, more costumes.*
They look pretty happy considering they're hanging on for their lives...*
A scared hug, how 'shippy!*
Okay, now they're screaming and terrified, but still kawaii!!!*
Time to hug again, we're gonna die!!!*
Cute hug, but those faces are just plain scary.*
A best friends forever hug, let's get 'em!*
Kawaii hug, but are they afraid of Satoshi?*
"Turbulence...Jessie please don't let me fall!"*
Do they always sleep like that?*
"Ve are selling eggs! Vould you like some?"
"Care to dance?"*
"Alright! Let's go!"*
The end of Holy Matrimony 1*
The end of Holy Matrimony 2*
The end of Holy Matrimony 3*
Let's dance! We're gonna be rich!*
Hey! What are they doing with Satoshi (Ash) and Pikachu? Nice hug, anyway...*
*scary* James in a bikini, from 'Holiday at Acupulco'
Misty looks shocked at them...
James, please take those off for the sake of your fans ^.^*
"Hahahahaha! We got Pikachu!"
Heh heh...stompin' on Meowth ^_^*
"Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!"
"Go Rockets!"
Jessie, James and their Pokémon
EEEW!!! Jess, don't make dat face!
What? Meowth got wrapped up by a Caterpie?
This pic's kinda cool.
"Jessie! James!"
A cool scene from the original 2BA Master theme song
Guess James did something really bad this time!
"Yes, Boss?"
The illustrious Team Rocket!
A cute hug, Rockets reunited.*
Look Jessie! Now we're both schoolgirls!
Scared Again
Pokéball, go!
The seemingly famous picture with the moon in the background
Looks like we finally got our lunch back!
Jessie says 'let's go', James doesn't look too happy.
Dirty and tired
What's your problem?
A smile and a hug, how 'shippy!*
Jessie n' James!
Team Rocket's Rockin'-really!
TR in all their glory
Same scene, different poses.
*ouch* fried again!
Snug as a bug in a...tree?
"That's right! We're Team Rocket!"
What's James so happy about?
"Tentacool for sale, a one-time special!"
"We have an answer for your aquatic pest problem!"
Meowth and a bag of Tentacool
uhh, Jessie might want to watch where she's going...
"*heeheehee* we got him!"
*heeheehee* building a sneaky trap
Calm down, Musashi!
"Meowth even took baths with that egg!"
Sailing rough seas on...a life raft?
Dressed as scary traditional Japanese Kabuki actors
Man, that's ugly!
Cool motto pose
"We're tired of our motto..."
"So we thought we'd try a song!!"
Funny faces
The Team Rocket musical motto!
Here it is...
We're sensational!
"Jessie! James! The speed of light! Prepare to fight!"
"Dat's right!"
"Our snoring hurts!"
Jessie and James as rock punks
Looks like Meowth has a plan.
"I'm the gorgeous one!"
"I'm the handsome one!"
Target acquired!
We'll have all those pretty Pokémon for ourselves, James!
Just standing around
James looks funny...
All beat up
This one's cool, they're warriors!
Awww, Jess is usin' her James as a pillow!*
Neorocket Together
Giovanni looking evil
What a pathetic brat!
A huge Pikachu???
Those are some ugly disguises...
This is a holdup!
Scene from the banned episode"Porygone" - That's right, the seizure one! (Not TR, just cute)
Legs, and Pokéballs.
Who expected that?
Meowth, get off!!!
What is it with us and serious injury?
Growlithes are chasing them, dressed as officers
A very happy Team Rocket!
From another banned episode (excessive use of guns??!)
"We wanna make a deal with you!"
"Get back up here James!"
Disguised as a doctor and nurse in a fake Pokémon center
J, J, & M eating dinner
A cute team pic!
NEVER start a fight with a fat lady!
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