Translations - Dark Musashi's Rocket Realm


Alright, here they are! The stuff that means absolutely nothing to you in Japanese is now translated into English! Here I have some that I know but I hope to be finding more. Please note that there are many ways of translating Japanese to English, as no language can be translated word-for-word to another. I have tried to keep the general meanings of the words and phrases. If anyone knows a translation I don't have or would like to correct something please e-mail me and tell me. Thanx!^_^ Also: please check out my sounds section to hear some of the songs listed here! I have tons of MIDIs, and also some Realplayer and MP3 files.

Ok, here goes:

Rocket Dan Yo Eian Ni-Here's an English translation to the official Rocket Gang theme song! It took me forever to find it, so enjoy this one!
Rocket Troop Motto-This is the REAL motto sang in Rocket dan Yo Eian Ni and recited by Jessie and James in the Japanese anime. In English and Japanese.
Cassidy and Butch's Motto- I'm sure you remember the episode where Our beloved TR heroes try to steal from a Pokémon day care/conditioning center, and it turns out the "day care" was run by Cassidy and Butch, who put Jess, James, and Meowth in cages and copied their motto. Here is the translation to that motto! And by the way, these imposters were caught and put in jail. Serves them right! In English and Japanese.
Lucky Lucky-This is a song that basically makes puns on Pokémon. It is sung by Kojiro. He also talks about some girl he met, and I am assuming that girl is Musashi. The song is...interesting...^_^! In 1 Japanese and 2 English versions.
Rocket dan: It's a White Tomorrow! CD Drama-If you have ever heard the official Rocket Troop Forever CD, you would have heard this in Japanese. If you haven't, it is a long 3-part CD-Drama with full voice acting and sound effects. It tells a story about Team Rocket, and introduces the "lost charactar" Mondo! My translation is in English only, and I do have some small pictures to go with it.
Names-The names of important charactars, Gym Leaders, Badges, and Cities. In both English and Japanese.
All 151 Pokémon-American and Japanese names of all the Pokémon!
Mezase Pokémon Masutaa-The translation to the Japanese theme song. Just so you know, it is sung by Satoshi(Ash), even though it does sound like a girl. In 2 English versions and 1 Japanese.
Batoru Shiyouze-It means "Battle Plan" or "Rivals". A cool song about Pokémon battles and old friends. I don't think they ever made an English equivalent of this one. In English and Japanese.
Miscellaneous Japanese Translations-These are just a few words I know, most of them seem to be used in anime a lot. Some of them have to do with Pokémon, some don't.

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