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What's Your Pet Trying to Say


Kneeding Cats are quite likely content
The Tail
A Cats tail can tell a lot
* Slow wag - A slow wag of a cat's tail usually menas, "Go away and Leave me alone" this usually happends when the cat has been stroked durning a nap or other moment it didn't want to be bothered
* A straight elevated tail usually indicates extreme confidence, along with a purrfect strut!
* A Puffed tail always means fear
The Purrrrrrrrrrr
Cats don't only purr when they are happy, In fact, cats in fear or in horrible pain are also know to purr. But most pet owners know exactly what their cats are trying to convey
The Rub
Even though your cat undoubtedly loves you, rubbing up against you isn't necessarily a sign of love. Cats faces hold sent glands that release a unique scent with friction. What your cat is doing is marking you, letting everyone who comes in contact with you know who owns you.
The Look
Look into your cats eyes and it will tell you what it thinks.
* When a cat glance at you, then quickly turns away,it has acknowledged you but has not invited you to come closer
* Dilated puplis are a sign that someting scary is near
* If your cat gives you a long stare, Watch out it's probably a threat


When a dog puts its back up and its front down its a sign that your dog wants to play. If you are serious at the time its probably trying to lighten your mood
The Look of the Ears
If your dogs ears are pointed back or to the side, this indicates fear, but some dogs do this all the time, no matter what the circumstance
The Woof
Barking is how dogs communicate fear, happiness, loneliness and danger. Listen close each bark is different depending on your dogs message Wet Ones
When your dog licks you, its a sign of affection ot gretting. Dogs also lick older dogs as a sign of submission
The Wag
Not all tail wagging is a sign of friendliness, some dogs wag their tails with fear or indecision. Pay close attention to what's happening
The Paw
A raised paw usually indicates a happy mood and the dog is looking for attention

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