Meet Some Special Furry Friends
Read their Storys
Sadie & Dempsey
They are the proud owners of: My Brother Vic
And Here is their story
June 16,1995 is the day we got both Sadie and Dempsey they both were around eight weeks old. For the first month they would not venture far from the door leading to the crawl space of the house. Once they got used to their surroundings they started to push a kick ball around the yard, the ball was bigger then both of them. Right know Sadie’s favorite toy is anything she can grab away from Dempsey and have him chases her around the yard. She is the leader and Dempsey is the enforcer. All I have to do when they are loose at the lake or out back in the woods is call Sadie, and they both come running. Dempsey’s favorite and only toy is a solid rubber ring that he likes to play tug of war with and of course Sadie has to play also, so I end up pulling (sometimes) them both around the yard until I let go or they win then Sadie runs around the yard with the toy in her mouth and Dempsey follows right behind her. They both sleep in the house at night Dempsey in the lazy boy and Sadie with me until I get restless or start to snore then she goes to her corner were there are a stack of pillows. Dempsey also likes to paw me when he wants to be petted and that can be a very painful experience. At night when he has to go out he will go to the side of the bed that I'm facing and lick my face once he even climbed up on the bed and licked my face and waking up out of a dead sleep with Dempsey staring at you is a little surprising.
I'm sadden to say that my brother lost his best friends, Both Sadie and Dempsey were attacked by the neighbors Pit Bull. He jumped the fence and mauled both. They did not have a chance.
Chelsea & Brisco
They are the proud owners of: Brenda and Family
And here is their story
Chelsea is a Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie) mixed with ????.. I got her at the SPCA when she was about a year old, she is now 6. SPCA stands for the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Her previous owners left her alone at home for over a month,the people had planned on leaving her outside for the entire length of their trip tied outside with just a kid coming by to feed her once a day. After a week of barking all night the police took Chelsea to the SPCA where 3 days later we adopted her into our home. (And she has been spoiled ever since)
I had her at home for about 2 weeks before the previous owners came back and found out they did not have a dog any more.. sad isn't it.
It was sad because Chelsea was a year old and did not know how to act inside a house.. I had to house train her .. instead of greeting me at the door when I came home she hid under the wooden kitchen table. Her little legs looked like the chair legs so it took sometimes a couple of glances to see she was hiding under there.Then she would walk out after my coaxing her and the table cloth would rest on top of her head like a veil, it was so cute. But I think she did it because she was not allowed in the house before and thought she would be yelled at.
She was spayed prior to leaving the shelter. Her favorite friend and buddy is Brisco the cat. He was named after the character on Law and Order. He was also adopted from the SPCA and was neutered. They are best buddies, and play all day..

He is the proud owner of: Janet
And here is their story
My name is Tango & I’m a 14 year old Quarter Horse gelding. I met Janet at my new barn a year and a ½ ago in March. I talked it over with Lydia, my barn Mom, & she agreed I could teach Janet lots of stuff about horses so, hay, I adopted her.
Now I take my job seriously because it’s a big responsibility raising a ‘horse savvy’ human. I’m teaching Janet to ride since I’m already well trained. I come when I’m called even when I’m way out in the pasture with my buddies Taz and Buck. Sometimes I even gallop up to Janet in the pasture to really make her feel good. I let her get on me bareback to ride me through the pasture up to the gate. I even follow her around without a lead rope in the round pen. [She thinks she’s training me. If only she knew!] And we both like to go for rides on the trails.
When I’m not busy in the pasture with all the other horses, Lydia brings me in to my stall for grain. She lets me back outside in all but the coldest, wettest weather so I spend most of my time in a natural environment just being a horse. [I like that a lot!] Janet grooms me while I munch on grass down by the round pen. I think we both treat each other well and that’s great!
Speaking of treats, anyone have any carrots? Horse biscuits? Apples?
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