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Weather and Yor Pet

Never leave your Dog in a parked car.
Temperatures rise rapidly even if a window is left open.
Temperatures can reach up to 150 degrees in just a few minutes.
This causes many needless deaths each year

Allways make sure they have plenty of fresh drinking water available

Dogs paws burn easily, So watch out for hot sidewalks and sand

When exerciseing your dog make sure it is not the hottest part of the day
try early in the morning or at dusk

Dogs can also get sunburned. Ears are particularly sensitive

Make sure outside dogs have access to a shaded area

Dogs are like humans, not all can swim. Watch them around water

When taking your dog into the woods or after exercise check them for ticks.
If a tick is found remove immediately

Heartworms are transmitted by mosquito bites
and if gone untreated it will cause death.
Have your Dog checked for Heartworms (Once a year)

Never let your dog hang its head out the window of a moving car,
this can cause numerious problems.


Remember antifreeze is very poisinous to your pets
If you suspect that a pet has drank antifreeze,
take your pet immediately to the veterinarian.

If your dog has to stay outside.
Please make sure they are protected from the elements
You can do this with A well insulated dog house that Faces away from wind with
a flap over door and straw for bedding

If weather is severe please bring animals inside,
Cold temperatures can make animals more susceptible to illiness

Rock salt is also very harmful for your pet,
but it is also irritating to there feet.
( suggestion: a thick layer of petroleum jelly to the bottom of the paw.)

Remember water freezes,
If your dog stays outside make sure they have fresh unfrozen water.

In the winter, for pets to stay warm it requires extra calories,
pets may need more food or a different diet.

If your house is too cold for you to stay in, then it's too cold for your pet.

Avoid frozen lakes and ponds,
every year many pets drown from falling through ice.

Albert's Page.. Poisonous Plants.. Traveling Tips..
A Dogs Prayer.. Great Causes.. Add a Link..
Weather & Your Pet.. What is Your Pet Trying to Say..
What every dog should remember.. Which pooch is right for you..
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