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Did you Know

There are over 69 words that contain the word Cat.

Cats only have four toes on their back paws
But they have five on their front paws

Most cats have no eyelashes

Cats can jump up to seven times as high as they are tall

The average life span of a domestic cat is 14 years

Neutering a cat extends its life span

A cats vision is around 185 degrees

A cat spends up to 5hrs a day grooming itself

A cat has 230 bones

Cats have 30 teeth

102 degreesF. is a normal body temperature of a cat

When a cat rubs up against you she is marking you with her scent

If a cat is holding its tail high and steady she is happy

Cats walk on their toes

Cats sleep 16 to 18 hours per day

The first cat show took place in London in 1871

It will cost on an average $6,650
to maintain your Cat durning it's lifetime.

The year of the Cat is believed to bring
better and gentler times for everyone.

The last Year of the Cat was 1999

If your cat's ears are pointed forward,that indicates
altertness, friendly interest or attentiveness.

A Cat's ear has more than 30 muscles.

Cats can't see in total darkness, But they can see
far better than people in semidarkness

A cat's heart beats twice as fast as a human heart

Calico cat's are almost always female

The average age of an indoor cat is 15 years,
while an outdoor cat's is only 3 to 5 years

The average cat weighs in at about 12 pounds!

Adult cats have 32 teeth

The largest litter was in South Africa,
she gave birth to 14 kittens and they all survied

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