Please Note: This site is for entertainment purposes only and the author assumes no liability for the content. Contact your veterinarian immediately or the Animal Poision Control Center @ 1-800-548-2423 (Poision Control Center does charge a fee) if you think your pet has ingested (eaten) any of the following plants. This does not represent a complete list of all poisonous plants.
Alfalfa, Almond (pits of), Alocasia,
Amaryllis, Apricot,Arrowgrass,
Avocado, Azalea. Baneberry,
Bayonet, Beargrass, Beech,
Bird of Paradise, Bittersweet, Black-Eyed-Susan,
Bleeding Heart, Boxwood, Buckeyes,
Burning Bush, Buttercup. Cherry (pits of),
Cherry ( most wild varieties), Cherry (ground),
Clematis, Cornflower, Cyclamen.
Daffodil, Daphne, Dumb Cane,
Diffenbachia. Eggplant, Elderberry,
Elephant Ear, English Ivy, Euonymus,
Evergreen. Ferns, Flax,
Four O'Clock.Golden Chain,
Gopher Purge. Holly, Honeysuckle,
Horsebeans, Hyacinth,Indian Tobacco,
Iris, Iris Ivy.
Java Beans, Jack in the Pulpit, Marigold,
Marijuana, Mistletoe, Morning Glory,
Mushroom, Nightshade, Narcissus,
Oleander, Peach (pits of), Peony,
Periwinkle, Philodendron, Poison Ivy,
Poison Oak, Poppy, Potato,
Common Privet,Rhododendron, Rubber Plant,
Skunk Cabbage, Snowdrops, Snow on the Mountain,
Sweetpea, Tobacco, Tomato,
Tulip, Tung Tree,Virginia Creeper,
Water Hemlock, Weeping Fig, Yews,

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