
Tips for Cats and Kittens
Places to Sleep: As all cat owners know, Cats sleep where ever they want! (couches,beds,chairs)Pet stores carry several different kinds of beds, But we have found that most cats Love the hanging hammick (put it buy a window where they can get sun and fresh air)
Litter Boxes: As soon as you bring your kitten home, show him/her where the litter box is. Place him in it a few times for the first couple of hours. Always keep the litter box in the same place. Remember to check the box at the least once daily. If your cat quits using its box, there is probably a reason, Maybe the box is to small, The box is dirty or the box is in a heavy traffic area. A litter box should be scrubbed on a regular basis.
Kitty Litter: Once again there are so many differnt kind ( Scoopable, Scoopable multi-cat, Scoopable deodorized, non-clumping non-clumping doodorized ect.) this is a hit and miss issue, depending on what you can afford and what your cat perfers.
(You just need to keep in mind the more it cost doesn't mean its the best).
Grooming: Long haired cats need A LOT of attention, daily brushing is required to avoid matts and tangle. Short haired cats need a lot LESS grooming, occasional brushing is all that is required. Cats do get hairballs, so grooming will help prevent this. There are a varitety of brushes out there. Most everyone that I have talked to including myself use a slicker brush.
Feeding: Remember Kittens are not Cats and should not be fed adult Cat food.Very few Kittens or Cats over eat, so food and water should may be kept out for them.
Shots: Take your new kitten to your veteriaian as soon as possible before introducing into your family of pets, your veteriaian will check it throughly,They will let you know what shots are needed, and when they are needed, they will also answer any questions you may have. (no question is a dumb question)
With a little effort, love and patience your Cat will be a lifelong companion
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