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You Know You Like Tamahome Too Much When...

You get the “oni" symbol tattooed on your forehead
...In glowing red ink
You start to wear your hair in buns and wander the streets alone in hopes that a fine, blue-haired guy with “oni" on his forehead will come save you
When that doesn’t work, you cut it short and dye it blondish-brown
You have Tamahome’s pic in your wallet but not your boyfriend’s
Half of your hard drive consists of FY pics, 75% of them being Tamahome
You convince your boyfriend to dye his hair blue and grow out a ponytail
...And get blue contacts, and he has perfect vision
...And get the “oni" tattooed on his forehead
...And he agrees to it!
...he does this because he knows it's the only way to get your attention anymore...
You search every library in your town in hopes of finding “The Universe of the Four Gods" just so you can be with Tamahome
...When you don’t succeed, you look in Japan
...Then China
...When you can’t find the book, you look for the scroll
You can actually think of enough things to put on a list like this
You’re jealous of Miaka, but still get mad at Yui for trying to take Tamahome from her (I actually kinda like Miaka, gluttonous as she may be)
...You also get mad at Nuriko, even when you find out that he’s a HE (I mean, he kissed him for cryin out loud!)
...You get madder at Nakago...just...ICK!
You can’t decide whether Tamahome looks better when he’s good or bad (you gotta admit, the bad boy thing definitely works for him! It works for Tasuki too!
You surf the ‘net looking for pages like this
...And when you don’t find one, you make one! (yeah go me!)
You think Miaka should be with Hotohori just so you can be with Tamahome
You go to Japan, looking for Taka (and the National Library, he might be there)
When you find out that the seiyuu for Tamahome is the same as Fiore in Sailor Moon R, you start to like Fiore a lot more
...This also goes for Heero Yuy in Gundam Wing...
...And Zelgadiss in Slayers
You feel like wringing Miaka’s neck when he proposes to her and she turns him down
...Till you find out why and you REALLY wanna wring her neck for having such a great guy
Your best friend’s new nickname is Yui because she likes Tamahome too
Your fiancee gets jealous because you talk more about Tamahome than your upcoming wedding (yeah that’ll be me *^_^*)
You join every club/mailing list/whatever that you can about Tamahome
...And read EVERY e-mail you get from them
You want to find Suboshi and beat him to death because he killed Tamahome’s family (Yuiren is TOOO KAWAII!!!)
You are scared of old ladies because you’re afraid one of them might be Taiitsukun (my friend has a neighbor who looks like's scary)

My links!!!

Felicia's Page...incredible FY site!!!
Also...You Know You're An Otaku When...
AND...The 12 Otaku of Christmas
My Adopted Bish'onen!
You Know You Like Tasuki Too Much When...
You Know You Watch Too Much Labyrinth When...
If the Seishi Had Modern Songs...
Silent friend Dave's site ^_^
