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You Know You Like Tasuki Too Much When...

You start carrying around a fan and yelling “Lekka (Rekka, either one)…Shinen!”
…and think it’ll actually start a fire
You start developing a fang fetish
You get the kanji for “wing” tattooed on your forearm
You are glad Miaka chose Tamahome so you can have Tasuki
You start to see the similarities between Tasuki and Sailor Mars…
You start a Tasuki Fan Club
…Web Page
…Web RING!!
You search high and low for a red-head guy with fangs
You actually WANTED to be Miaka when Tasuki got her drunk…
You thought it was cute when Tasuki gave Miaka mouth-to-mouth
…you wished it was you…
You create a screen name/ID with Tasuki in it (lil_lekka_shinen_tasuki_girl is one of my Y! IDs)
…then a Yahoo/MSN/etc club in his honor
…and freak out when you find a guy with a Tasuki SN/ID (my husband's got one but after we got together)
You think Tasuki had a point in being angry at Tamahome/Taka for Miaka’s constant worry/upset for him
You understand why Tasuki is always constantly defending Miaka even though she loves Tamahome/Taka
You make your bf dye his hair red and carry around a silver fan
…and get the kanji for “wing” tattooed on his forearm
…this is after you get over your Tamahome obsession and his hair’s blue already and he has “oni” tattooed on his forehead
…he starts praying that you get over your FY obsession before he’s covered in tattoos and has multi-colored hair
You figure you’ve given up on Tamahome…Miaka and Yui (and all of your Tamahome-obsessed friends) can fight over him
You like the show of respect and affection he has when Nuriko and Chiriko die
…you also understand that when Tasuki cries…you KNOW something’s wrong
Your bf is jealous of Tasuki b/c you talk about him more than you
...or he changes his name to Tasuki so you talk about HIM more!
You create a character for an RPG that is a female version of Tasuki (Mine is here, cept that instead of a's a feather duster!)

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My Adopted Bishies!
