On 69
My replies to mails regarding Zechs and Noin... and other stuffs...
From: Kendra Moton
Subject: [zechs-n-noin] Some say this is a flame, but I call it stupidity
Date: Tue Jan 2, 2001 1:29am
I get a lot of interesting flames from my website, since I host yaoi
and non-yaoi fanfiction. (yeah, I'm straight in the middle when it
comes to the yaoi/non-yaoi debate except for 6x9. 6x9 forever! *waves
6x9 flag*) They usually have to do with the usual, 1x2, 1xR, Dorothy
sucks, Relena sucks, you're evil for writing 1x2, so on and so forth.
But this was just funny to me.
The Flame:
I have 6x9 stuff all over my site. On the page containing my fics, I
tell everyone who visits that I'm a huge 6x9 fan. But people still
ignore the warnings and flame anyway. I had to share this before my
death demon goes after the flamer.
Ok, ok.
I've read all your opinions on this, and I'm here to state mine. (No, I don't intend to start a war.)
First of all, if there was one pairing, again, true in GW, that's Zechs and Noin. Heero and Relena --- I don't see theirs a lasting one (within reason). Really. Now Duo and Hilde's --- very good. Their relationship was based on friendship. Treize and Une...a fling? But it's obvious enough in the series that they had a relationship yadda yadda. Zechs and Noin's relationship had always been based on friendship. And again, that's good.
And that friendship had grown to something more, quite obviously.
I see Noin to be the type to even have time for her feelings even with all the war and frustrations, blah blah. Zechs is a little more focused on his goal to attain peace as his family had wanted and so on and so fort. In the GW timeline, it's really hard to find time for your heart cos there's a need for survival and keeping what you believe in and so on. And thus, Zechs isn't that showy. But in every little way, one would see that he shared something special with Noin. He wanted her, but he wanted her away as well. Get it? Because there's something that he has to do and he doesn't want those whom he care for involved in it. Am I right? And in whatever angle you look at it, Zechs would always need Noin, and Noin would always need Zechs. Like the yin-yang links. They're all give and take. What Zechs needs and lacks, Noin's always there for him, and so is Zechs.
Now, Zechs and 13. 13 is responsible for getting Zechs into Oz, right? And they've been friends, right? And therefore, Zechs is expected to pay 13 what is due to him. As his superior, Zechs has the responsibilty to protect him. To abide by him. Just like every good soldier. That's like, duh, their duty --- to protect and serve their superior. And that's it! No more! That's the whole thing about them! Now why would anyone think that something more than that existed between them? I can't see any reason for such pairing. Zechs could have killed him if Une hadn't blocked the way!
And same goes with Noin and SP/11! Noin only saved Sally because she knew that Sally could help. That the lady knows something that may help. And there's nothing more to that. And as for 11... Like ??? Isn't it obvious already that they hated each other? Or maybe it was only 11 who has the problem.
But I'm not trying to say that 6x13 are idiots! Sometimes, one just can't prevent oneself for liking an alternate pairing. And sometimes, that's what irks me. Yaoi for me, is acceptable as long as it's true to the series. Trowa and Quatre are fine... At least there's a reason. But then again... And neither am I saying that 9xSP/9x11 are complete wackos! So let's all live in peace, shall we?
Other fans though, are just looking at one character and never focuses on other aspects around him/her. For example, I like Zechs. I love Zechs. And therefore, I'd like anything pertaining to Zechs. Yaoi or not! If I like only Noin, then I could like anything Noin, yuri or not!
See? We all have different opinions. And we just have to accept that. But I have to agree that sometimes, people aren't too open about things, and that when you're a really big fan, you get all touchy. Once you get offended, that's it! You lose your cool. I can be like that too. And that's scary.
So there ends my little heart-mind-and-soul-pouring and ranting.
6x9 FOREVER! Hear me? F-O-R-E-V-E-R! FOREVER!!!
Subject: Re: [zechs-n-noin] My side/opinion (Somesaythisisaflame...)
Date: Sun Jan 7, 2001 11:21pm
(In response to Luc's post)
I almost completley agree with everything you said, it was well put and it
was respectful of other people's opioins. However, the only thing I can't
agree on is the statement you made about heero and relena not having a
lasting relationship. I am a stong Heero/Relena supporter (but not a psycho
one) I believe if Heero and relena just jumped into a relationship straight
after EW of course it wouldn't last. But, if they spent a few years apart to
find themselves and grow up a little I could see them in a very strong loving
Eh, thank you for agreeing with me for most of my points.
And about that HeeroxRelena bit --- SORRY!
I know that Heero feels something towards Relena and so does the girl to
him. And you may be right. But then, that is my opinion. And I feel really
silly you know. Cos I write HeeroxRelena romances and I say that. ^o^;;
Really silly, huh? Maybe I just wasn't able to explain myself further about
Well, it's just that I see something that keeps on holding them back ---
especially Heero. There's just this something in him that can't make him
stay in one place. I really believe that he has a lot to put together before
he gets himself to love. And I mean a lot. They may have a relationship, and
as I see it, there's no doubt that there'll be a sort of long-distance
relationship IF they did jump into a relationship all at once. And one could
get frustrated with that. And we all know where that sometimes end. But like
I said, I may be wrong. But they're ok anyway. ^o~
Again, that is MY opinion and I don't want anybody getting angry at me and
So, peace.
And can somebody please confirm the statement I'm about to make? I read in
one site (specifically on the 'about me' section) saying that Heero and
Relena, according to the creator (?) weren't really meant to be a couple.
Actually, the only straight couple in GW that she sticks for is Zechs and
Noin because they are the only one who are obvious and true by all means.
(Yeah!) The others are so yaoi. Well, anyway, is it true?
>And can somebody please confirm the statement I'm about to make? I read in
>one site (specifically on the 'about me' section) saying that Heero and
>Relena, according to the creator (?) weren't really meant to be a couple.
>Actually, the only straight couple in GW that she sticks for is Zechs and
>Noin because they are the only one who are obvious and true by all means.
>(Yeah!) The others are so yaoi. Well, anyway, is it true?
From: Sherlgirl
Subject: Re: [zechs-n-noin] My side/opinion (Somesaythisisaflame...)
Date: Wed Jan 10, 2001 5:10am
No - the interview which appeared in either Animerica or Tokyo Pop said
that they left things ambiguous for most of the couples... not 'x and y is
NOT meant to be a couple.'. THe reason why is that the person who was
being interviewed felt these characters were really all still young .
But I think he also acknowledged that there are endless sorts of
permutations -- and that different moments could be interpreted as being
one way or the other-- this keeps all the fans happy.
From: angel578499
Subject: Re: [zechs-n-noin] My side/opinion (Somesaythisisaflame...)
Date: Wed Jan 10, 2001 0:25am
Actually, I've heard that none of the main characters are gay, however none
of the striaght couples are offically confirmed.
To Sher and angel...
Argh! Ok. Ok...first of all, I'm not implying anything about the boys being
gay. I WAS referring to a webmistress' opinion (I figure she's a she). I'm
not even a yaoi fan...
Chibi-Luc: It's ok. She's not mad.
Of course I'm not mad! *laughs* I have no right to be.
And when I said 'true by all means' I wasn't exactly saying that the makers
of GW did confirm them, cos *sighs* yes, none were confirmed. It's all
implications in GW. *frowns again* It's silly, really. But most of those
implications were...obvious.
Hey...I've got a good suggestion:
Um, let's kill Sunrise? :)
Ok. I'll shut up now.
From: angel578499
Subject: Re: [zechs-n-noin] My side/opinion (Somesaythisisaflame...)
>Luc, I think it's cool how you (and everyone) put your opioin in such a
classy respectful way. That's what i love about this ML.
Thank you.
>BTW anyone ever been
on the AOL gw poasting boards?
>The people on there are so rude disrespectful, immature and snobby. That's
why i'm on this ML, I wanna talk about my fave
couple 6x9, with out getting flamed.
I do to. I hate it when you tend to be out of place cos everybody's
interested in this particular thing and you're not. One of the GW mailing
list I'm in gives me that sort of feeling sometimes.
Well of course it's not this group! I love you guys!! We just SO rule!
From: Choochoo4u123@aol.com
Subject: [NYS] Noin And Zechs
Someone posted in the ML that the most obviously hinted couple in
GW were Zechs and Noin. I disagree. True that Zechs couldn't bring
himself to kill her, but that shouldn't automatically be assumed that
he's in love with her. Remember that they both attended the Lake
Victoria Academy together. They got to know each other and became
very good friends. So how can he just put that friendship aside and
just kill her? I could never bring myself to kill my friends. I never
perceived Zechs as a cold blooded killer. Just look at the display of
affection he shows towards Relena. I don't think he would ever harm
those that are closest to him. I'm not saying that there weren't ANY
hints. Noin definitely displayed a lot of affection towards Zechs.
She even admitted to Relena that she loved him. However, I do see
this as a one way relationship. Zechs doesn't show any hints that
make me think otherwise that he's in love with Noin. I see him as
somebody who puts himself first before anyone else. Yes, he cared for
Relena but he didn't listen to her nor anybody else.( Regarding the
final episodes of GW ). Please don't presume that I don't like this
pairing. I actually enjoy reading fanfics about them. It's just that
I seldom see any hints during the series that makes me think they are
in love with each other.
The whole point of this email was to disprove the claim
that Noin and Zechs have the most obvious hints that conclude that
they are in love with each other. I think I said enough, I'll be on
my merry way now.
Excuse me?!
Do we have to go through all these again? *frowns* The whole ZxN/6x9
relationship being one-sided is already a thing of the past and proven
wrong! (No, no no! I am NOT --- I repeat, NOT --- angry. Just irked.) I'm
not going to explain Noin's side. I'd do Zechs. His would need further
interpretation and explanation. Forgive me, but this is gonna be a long one.
Now let me explain their relationship (nobody does it better than moi).
First of all about their friendship. Of course Zechs wouldn't kill his
'best' friend! (One exception would be Treize though. ^o^) But to think that
being too driven and focused on his goals, Zechs would stop at nothing.
Since Episode 4, Zechs had already hinted-slash-shown some sort of affection
towards Noin ('...you look well') And I believe one of the strong points is
when Zechs rushed over to personally help Noin out of her crappy beat-up
Aries ('Noin, are you alright?'), then they have a little discussion there
--- the sarcasm! Oh the sarcasm! --- until they reached the point where they
talked about fighting alongside each other. And Zechs said that he would
love to have Noin working ALONG with him.
And didn't he, earlier during that episode, in the bar tell Noin to 'not to
get TOO attached or parting will hurt'? Isn't it SO obvious already that he
CARED?! *sighs and composes herself*
Ok. Let's proceed.
Now the episode where Lady Une asks Zechs to do this particular mission ---
ya know, the part where they had all the Tauruses in the train and then the
Gundams were also believed to interfere with the slipping out of the MS's.
Noin asks (more of, pleads) Zechs to let her go with him, but he declines
the offer and tells her that he doesn't want her there but instead to be his
back-up because he trusts her more than anyone else. I mean, COME ON!
HELLO?! It's the whole 'I'm a soldier too' deal! It's not basically because
of friendship! He could have let her come along and help him but he cared
too much that he insisted she stay there in the control room for him. To
keep her safe.
And even in the incident at Antartica. What does Noin tell Zechs when he
says he's going to take all the responsibility and face the UEF? "Let me go
with you," but what does Zechs say? "No". He said he'll take care of it,
that he needs her to take care of Relena for him. Why? Because he trusts
her! And I believe that to entrust your most beloved sister to someone would
take more than plain trust to do so.
*sighs again*
I'm really tired you know. My fingers are sore, but I'll do this for the
sake and the honor of Zechs and Noin, and those others who are like me
(particularly us in the zechs-n-noin ML).
Newayz...remember that time the four OZ officials (13, 11, 6 and 9) were in
one room with Treize commending Zechs and Noin's works (and Lady Une gets
all jealous), the expression on Zechs' face was obvious. And there was even
one time that it was hinted that they slept together --- the episode where
Zechs was watching the news about Mr. Darlian's assasination. Then after a
brief talk, Zechs headed towards the bedroom and then Noin followed. ^o^
(Damn Sunrise! WHAT EVER really happened there?! ;)
And even the battle in space! If Zechs could kill Treize who he probably had
known longer than Noin --- then it is not impossible for him to finish off
Noin as well. But instead, he pleaded for her to move back and let him pass.
But Noin did not. And so he TRIED but he whizzed to the other direction,
almost crying, saying (in the English version) "Why am I still so
spineless?" and those words are enough to say that Noin had been a special
connection to him. In the Filipino version though he said, "Bakit? Bakit
kailangan nating magkaharap [ng ganito]?" which is "Why? Why did we have to
face each other [like this]?" Stating that he is resenting his move to kill
her. Because...I repeat...he feels something for her...Needs her in his
life. And so they spent the remaining time together.
We all know that Zechs isn't that verbal when it comes to his feelings
(Heck! He didn't even tell his sister that he loved her!) but his actions
had always spoken louder than words whereas Noin had both. Zechs had always
been the one who would sacrifice his life for his loved ones and would do
anything to ensure that they are safe.
In Endless Waltz too! In the OAV, during their battle against 250+ Serpent
Customs in Brussels, Noin became the 'target' since her Taurus is already
beat-up. And what did Zechs do? He, even though cornered, shielded her and
told her in a concerned tone, "Noin, you don't have to put up with me,"
(Here he goes again, I know) but Noin replied, "No. I've already told you a
year ago that I won't leave you. I have waited for you all these time. I am
not willing to wait anymore." Surprised and slightly smiling at the words,
he said that he understands and so continues to fight.
And even at the the end of EW where they fly off to Mars. Zechs was still
worried of having Noin along since he knew life would be hard there in the
red planet. But they understand each other.
In the movie, when Noin picks Zechs up, the latter asks about how she has
been and apologizes for all the trouble he got her through. He, again,
CARES. If Zechs is just using her, he would have simply said 'Thank you'.
Even during their chess session at the end of the movie...
And please take good note that the story is during the time of war. Surely a
soldier's main focus is to fight, attain his goals and survive. The heart
comes last. Survival of the fittest shall we say. And however cold Zechs may
appear he never failed to let those little emotions slip out especially for
Relena and Noin. And the fact that he believes his hands are already too
tainted with blood is enough for him to think that he is not worthy of
anyone's love, enough to hide his own feelings. One reason for him to keep
asking Noin for forgiveness. He didn't even let Relena know he still exists,
remember? Zechs is cold, arrogant but his soft side always shone whenever he
is with Noin and same goes with Noin to him. Their relationship is overly
give-and-take and I don't think anyone could give the two the best and most
other than each other. Zechs, however you look it at it, whether you like it
or not, will always end up with Noin, and so does Noin to him.
Also, if you have watched the series from start to end and never failed to
notice the two, you would definitely say that they are the most hinted
couple. Asides from the fact of them being long-time friends.
Do you think Noin would really have the guts to display her feelings for all
the world to know unless they did share something special? Think about that.
If it's purely Noin's side, do you think even with all the intelligence and
level-headedness in her, she would be able to tell Zechs that she won't wait
anymore for him? I don't think so. I don't think Noin's that desperate. She
goes on with her life, believing in Zechs. And Zechs trusting in her.
And btw, do you think Sunrise would have them as 6 and 9 if not for a
reason? I mean, take Lady Une. Une has a split personality, and with her
name meaning 'una' or one in German, she became 11. And so with Treize. 13
is an unlucky number, often referred to as the 'death' number. And Treize is
like the cause of all troubles in the AC 195 war. And 1 for Heero being the
No. 1 --- the one and only --- the Perfect Soldier (that's enough compliment
already), and being the main guy character in the series. The same goes for
Zechs and Noin. 6 and 9. Yin yang. Give and take. *frowns* Cancer sign. ^o^
*grins* So there, I believe I've made it very clear already...
From: Sunshine
Subject: Re: [NYS] Noin and Zechs
I've got a couple thoughts about this pairing, and you seem like the person
to ask. ^_^
I absolutely agree that they're in love. I really believe that they'll end
up together, one way or another, if they haven't already /anyway/.
But I wonder whether or not they really should.
To Sunny-chan...
*looks around* Me?
I'll gladly explain.
I don't think Zechs should really be characterized by being self-centered.
The guy is actually so selfless.
I have to agree that Zechs is a little messed-up but remember? Endless
Waltz? He said something by the end of the battle at Brussels...with a
smile...What were those words again? I can't remember, but I believe that
it's something about not giving up hope again and stuff...Its kinda like: 'This way...This way I don't have to lose hope again.'
And true, that he still have things to atone for, thus his usual apology
speeches. Newayz, about your question whether or not they should go
Zechs just needs a little, well, lightening up. And btw, I know all of you
have seen the pic of Zechs and Noin holding hands together with their backs
against each other's...Here's my interpretation:
Noin loves Zechs. Zechs loves Noin. But Zechs needs to get over certain
things in his life first before he could go on to really tell Noin that he
loves her. There are still certain things that he has to resolve before anything else...
That's it. And besides, because of their strong friendship and their admiration for each other (which is quite obvious in the series) is enough to make their relationship stronger and undying.
Hey, I'm writing this ZxN story (like that's new. ^o^) and I think that
could help. I'll try to finish it asap.
From: Tisha Jones
Subject: Re: [NYS] Noin and Zechs
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 9:27 PM
Ever heard the song on Grease "Hopelessly Devoted To
You"? Unfournately that would be Noin's anthem. I love
her and all, but whats the deal GW girl obsessing over
guys who are obsessed with there own issues? I know
I'm not helping but hey the is just my opinion.
Ok, ok.
Perhaps I really need to clear something here...
A lot of people often make this mistake about Noin...
Noin is *NOT* obsessed. There's like a big difference with being in love and being obsessed.
Yes, Noin loves Zechs with all her heart, mind, body, and soul ---
*looks at Noin* That kinda reminds me of something...
Noin: *shrugs* I kinda heard that one too...*looks at Zechs* You?
Zechs: *frowns* Even if I did, I wouldn't remember.
Well, whatever. Let's get back to the topic.
BUT! She knows where to draw the line. She loved Zechs but she was willing to sacrifice that love for him to her other love, the space and earth. If she was obsessed, she would have followed Zechs to the ends of the earth, to hell and back, and with whatever plans he made.
But she DID NOT. Instead, she went on with her life, but still believing that somewhere out there, Zechs lives.
And so... her love to Zechs is *NOT* and obsession. Just PURE love.
From: Hito Merquise
E-mail: 02mdoebel@clyde.k12.oh.us
i just wanted to tell you that zechs IS NOT french for six. the word "six" is french for six. i am in french 4, and i think i know what im talking about. hito
From: R Martin
E-mail: Wickinynn@excite.com
Date: 2-2-2001
I like what I have seen of this site, but I did see one error. in Zechs biography, the meaning of Zechs is not the number 6 in french. 6 in french is spelled Six and pronounced something like see-se. I never could spell out those pronunciations. ^_~ Other that that kewl site!! thanks
I know that!
And I've, like, made the change long ago! (Yup. I know it's my mistake. My list of foreign terms had a font so small that's why I interchanged French and German --- y'know, referring to Zechs' number as French while referring to Trowa's as German, and so on. And then I kinda forgot about it that I didn't know until HRei3 e-mailed me about it. ^o^) Anywayz, I checked it, it says GERMAN. So could you just please try to reload/refresh that page because there might just be some problem with Angelfire again. You see, that did happen to me once while I was using the comp. at my friend's house...*rolls eyes* It was the main page that time. It displayed the page with the old main pic but I've already changed it two days prior to that.
Thank you.