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You Know You're A ZxN Fan When...

Check out this list and see if you're the ULTIMATE ZxN fan (like me) or just admiring the twosome. If ever you have something to add to my list here, please feel free to send yours and I'll put it up with your name.

Here goes…!

    NOTE: All these are based on my case...

  1. You are Lucrezia Noin-Peacecraft --- and that would be ME!
  2. You are the proud owner of Flames of Oz --- and again, that'd be ME!
  3. You started a ZxN movement.
  4. You relate everything to Zechs and Noin.
  5. You own a ZxN site.
  6. You collect everything ZxN (fics, arts, dijs, etc.).
  7. You write ZxN fan fictions.
  8. You draw ZxN fan arts.
  9. You write about Zechs and Noin for your theme papers (and you get 90's --- which would be equivalent of A's --- for them!)
  10. All your e-mail addies are ZxN related.
  11. You have posters of Zechs and Noin posted in your cabinet cos you don't want to spoil them.
  12. You have ZxN pics posted on your desk at school.
  13. You have ZxN pics posted in your locker.
  14. You print out ZxN pics and paste them in your organizer.
  15. Your sketchpad is full of ZxN drawings.
  16. Your wallpaper on your desktop is a ZxN pic.
  17. You talk about them all the time.
  18. You dream of them everytime you close your eyes.
  19. You dress up like Noin.
  20. You cut your hair like Noin's.
  21. Your dream guy is someone who looks like Zechs.
  22. You have turned your seatmate to a ZxN lemon (fanfic) addict.
  23. You get angry with people who pairs Zechs and Noin with other characters, but try your very best to calm down.
  24. Whenever asked to give a number in Math, everyone already knows what to expect: 69 or 96 or 6 or 9.
  25. Everybody in your class knows of ZxN.
  26. Everybody knows how addicted you are.
  27. You are a member of a ZxN ML or club.
  28. You try to see first the insides of the mangas that you are going to buy. No ZxN, no way!
  29. You sell your mangas that doesn't have any ZxN contents.
  30. You waste all your printer ink just for ZxN pics and fanfics.
  31. You don't read fanfics other that ZxN fics, and everytime you read other GW fics, they just got to have ZxN content before you read them.
  32. You want your name to be changed to Lucrezia, or Lucille (Lucy).
  33. You want your future bf's name to be changed to Milliardo or Zechs.
  34. You kiss Zechs before you go to sleep.
  35. You have ZxN pics posted on your headboard.
  36. You spend your time writing a list such as this.
  37. You have a lot of ZxN-ish thoughts.
  38. You draw Zechs and Noin when bored in class.
  39. You speak like Noin.
  40. You sing Far Off Dawn without a hitch.
  41. You can't stand a day without speaking about Zechs and Noin.
  42. You smile when you see a sided tree.
  43. You smile when you see a bar.
  44. You smile when you see red silk.
  45. You smile when you see or hear the word RAVE.
  46. Your friend knows your thoughts and the reason why you smile.
  47. When you sing, you think of Zechs and Noin.
  48. Serena's your 'big sister'.
  49. You don't let anyone --- as in ANYONE --- mess with your ZxN stuffs.
  50. You draw ZxN at the back of your notebooks, so when your teacher asks the class to submit the notebooks for checking, you hurry off to tear those pages with drawings --- with EXTRA care.
  51. If given the chance to scream at the top of your lungs, you'd go: "I LOVE YOU ZECHS! I LOVE YOU NOIN!"
  52. Zechs sent you an animated pic of Epyon the first time he e-mailed you because he says he likes your site.
  53. Fans e-mail you and tell your they looooveee your site. (yabang ko 'no?)
  54. You fight the urge to ambush GMA because they won't listen to your demand to return GW (just to see Zechs and Noin).
  55. To you, almost all Sarah McLachlan songs are ZxN songs.
  56. You scream whenever (in EW) Zechs gets close to shield Noin from the Serpent Customs in the battle in Brussels.
  57. You intend to write tons of fanfics this sem-break.
  58. You never wrote a GW fic without them.
  59. You fantasize about Zechs all the time just like Noin fantasizes about him.
  60. You never cease to pester your classmate with, "Zechs is soo H-O-T-T hot..."
  61. You never cease to pester your classmate with, "I'd give everything to be Noin..."
  62. You're the official --- the ONE and ONLY --- ZxN fic supplier in the class --- not to mention in school.
  63. You just plain LOVE them.
  64. You just wish you were the character in place of Relena and swear that you'll never bother Noin and you'll take good care of yourself so she could spend time with Zechs.
  65. If you were Relena you'd go tell your brother, "Milliardo, why don't you let Noin-sama take care for you instead of taking care of me?"
  66. You'd love to go to Japan and head straight to Sunrise and plead to them to tell you --- better, to make a sequel to EW --- what happened to Zechs and Noin afterwards.
  67. Whenever you watch that 'tap tap' scene in Episode 4, you clutch your pillow tightly and just can't help but scream.
  68. Bevrly Wong advises you to make a list as such (and it just so happened that you were already writing one) because of the sudden realization of how rabid a fan you are.
  69. Your classmates know very well how to describe you. (Or so at least they get to give the right description about you...)
  70. You change Squall's name to Zechs, and Rinoa's name to Noin (FF8).
  71. You plan to dress up like Noin on your Christmas party.
  72. You just always seem to come up with stories about them wherever you are, and whatever time it is.
  73. You know every bit of info about those two.
  74. You just have to get every existing Z/N/ZxN thingy there is in the world.
  75. Questions, request for Zechs/Noin stuffs...they know exactly who to turn to: YOU!
  76. ZxN fanfics...they know exactly who to bug for it: YOU!
  77. Zechs and Noin are your inspirations when writing articles about love, friendship, and good grades.
  78. Your parents know Zechs and Noin.
  79. People in your house know Zechs and Noin.
  80. Heck! Even your dog knows Zechs and Noin!
  81. Whenever the lesson in your THE class is about friendship, love and having good relationships, your mind soars to ZxN world.
  82. You had yourself made an official ZxN pin button (which also happens to be your official Flames Of Oz button).
  83. You hate it when people refers to Noin as Zechs' puppy...
  84. You hate it when people describe Noin as overly obsessed with Zechs...
  85. You get annoyed at people who says Zechs does NOT love Noin. You'd go, "HELLO?!" and then start ranting.
  86. You uphold the glory of ZxN.
  87. You uphold the truth of ZxN.
  88. You hold ZxN contests.
  89. You just have to say something about ZxN - even just one thing - and your day's complete.
  90. You like them. A LOT.
  91. You love ZxN people. (ZECHS-N-NOIN ML ROCKS!)
  92. You have to get a dose of ZxN a day...
  93. You think of what kind and how many fanfics you're gonna read about them when you wake up the next morning.
  94. You adopt all Zechs/Noin nekos and chibis you could.
  95. You conduct a petition to have GW back.
  96. You promise yourself to have your shirt air-sprayed so you could have Z/N on it.
  97. Your welcome note on your cellphone says: ZECHS x NOIN f.o.r.e.v.e.r.
  98. The first thing you're gonna do when you get a car is have the plate no. say WIND or FIRE or ZECHS or NOIN!
  99. You made sure you write down 100 of these...
  100. YATTA! You did write down 100 of these!

So, how much did you score?

  1. You smile when you hear the GNR song Patience. - Kartune2
  2. At work, you always change the "from" line on your e-mails to Miss Noin. =) - Carolyn Prange
  3. You got Zechs and Noin skins for your Sims game and made them get together! - Katie Miller
  4. You cry everytime you watch that episode where Noin pleads to stay by Zechs' side, and go "Awww!" when you hear Sally say "Zechs and Noin appear to have gone off somewhere" in Endless Waltz - Katie Miller
  5. You vow to destroy Zechs/Original Character fics with your own two hands - Katie Miller