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Staying True, Part Two

By: KLMeri

The sky began to darken. Noin pulled herself up. Stop moping, Lucrezia! she scolded to herself. Just concentrate on getting out of here.

She sighed heavily, and stretched her taut back muscles. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the fading light. She walked out around the tree, exploring the ground. Noin intently perused the ground for her boot prints. I will just follow them out of here, she thought with a little confidence. If I can see, that is.

She bent down, and brushed the leaves aside. Bingo! She gave herself a pat on the back. Noin smiled, and quickly glanced back at the tree she had rested against. She saluted it, and began to head back to the headquarters.


She rubbed her arms, and shivered. "Damn, it's cold," Noin muttered. It was growing very difficult to follow her footsteps. Darkness approached quickly. She decided to stop for the night.

Next time I should just run home, she thought. She pressed her back against the tree trunk as a cracking noise filled the air. Just...just animals, she told herself. Quit scaring yourself!

"Zechs," she mummered into the night, "I REALLY wish you were here." She chuckled, realizing how scaried she sounded. I'm such a fool.

She leaned her head back, and closed her eyes. Visions danced behind her closed eyelids. She saw him laughing, smiling. A tear slipped down Noin's face. I miss you so much. So much.

Instinctively, her hand reached into her pocket, closing reassuringly around a small note. She fingered it lightly, and slowly pulled it out. Smoothing down the creases, she brought it close to her face and reread it for the hundredth time.

Can it be true? Are you alive?

She placed it against her cheek comfortingly. Noin closed her eyes again. I do believe. I do.

I will find you, Zechs. I promise.


Lady Une paced her office. She glanced out the window, worriedly noting how late it was. She had dismissed the men several hours ago. Once again, the thoughts of Noin filled her mind.

I hope she's okay.

Cringing at the image of Noin's grief-stricken face, Lady Une considered searching for her, but she doubted that Noin wanted to be found. Don't stress yourself about it, she thought. Noin is a big girl. She can take care of herself.


A branch snapped behind her, causing Noin to pratically jump out of her skin. She shuddered, and scooted back against the tree, bringing her knees to her chest.

It's really dark out here, she thought. No! Stop it! Don't do that. Think happy thoughts. Remember, there is probably only nine hours to go before dawn.

She hung her head. I'm never going to make it.

Well......... I'm getting there.