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Gundam Wing FAQ

Idea for this page submitted by If you want to submit entries of your own, send them to, and see the stupid disclaimer on the main WGWS page. The following entires were submitted by

Q: How did Zechs get the idea to destroy Earth?

A: He borrowed a copy of Char's Counterattack.

Q: Why did Otto die when he crashed the Tallgeese?

A: He wasn't a main character in a Leo.

Q: Why did Ben Stein apply for a job to co-write Gundam Wing?

A: He thought that it was a speech writing job. (He was a speech writer for Nixon, get it?)

Q: What did Zechs see when he looked in a mirror?

A: Char.

Q: What did Duo say when he saw Quatre lying dead?

A: "He's a main character, he can't die!"

Q: Why couldn't Noin find any of the Gundam pilots or Zechs when the next war broke out?

A: They all took modeling jobs and were too busy.

Q. What did everybody say when they saw Quatre lying dead?

A. Nothing was said, but many celebrations could be heard.

Q. Why was the ZERO system invented?

A. Just about everybody in that universe is too lame to be a Newtype, so a cheap solution was found.

Q. What did the Gouf Custom ask Heavyarms Custom?

A. Plenty. "Wheres the ammo? Why are you a so called "custom"? What do you fight with after you run out of ammo? Does it get hot and loud in there?"