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MS-09G Dowadge

Series: Double Zeta Gundam

Unit type: mass production ground combat

Manufacturer: Zeon Duchy

Maximum thruster acceleration: 1.28 G

Fixed armaments: 4 x 60 mm vulcan gun, mounted in head; 1 x heat heat saber, stored in rack in backpack; 1 x scattering beam gun, mounted in torso

Optional hand armaments: 380 mm giant bazooka, with attached smoke discharger; heat tomahawk

Webmaster's Notes: Dowadge was UC 0088's version of the land-skimming MS-09 Dom. Infact, the basic design for MS-09G Dowadge was crafted during the One Year War but never put into production. Zeon renegades who fled A'Baoa'Qu on the last day of the War took Dowadge's plans with them, where it would be mass produced and used as a primary combat unit during the first Neo Zeon World War in UC 0088. If the Dom was a powerful hover equipped mobile suit, then the Dowadge could only be better, featuring more fuel efficient hover effect ground thrusters, increased anti-air armor in the way of four 60mm vulcan guns, and a bazooka with shells 20mm larger than Dom's.