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MS-09RII Rick Dom II

Model number: MS-09RII

Code name: Rick Dom II

Unit type: mass production space combat mobile suit

Manufacturer: Zimmad Company

Operator: Principality of Zeon

First deployment: UC 0079

Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso

Dimensions: head height 18.6 meters

Weight: empty 45.6 metric tons; max gross 79.9 metric tons

Construction: titanium/ceramic composite on monocoque frame

Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1219 kW

Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 5 x 21000 kg, 2 x 2500 kg; vernier thrusters/apogee motors: 9

Performance: maximum thruster acceleration 1.38 G; 180-degree turn time 1.8 seconds; maximum ground running speed 133 km/h

Equipment and design features: sensors, range 5400 meters; 2 x external propellant tank, ejectable, mounted on backpack

Fixed armaments: scattering beam gun, mounted in torso

Optional hand armaments: 360 mm giant bazooka, clip-fed, 5 rounds per clip; panzer faust, rocket-propelled warhead, can be stored on waist armor storage racks

Featured series: Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket; Mobile Suit Gundam: Outer Gundam; Gundam Tactics Mobility Fleet 0079; Mobile Suit Gundam: Encounters in Space

Webmaster's notes: Yet another ridiculously high preformance mobile suit produced by the United Maintenance Plan for upgrading Zeon mobile suits. In the usual fashion of the UMP, which also produced the Zaku FZ and Gelgoog Jaeger, the Rick Dom II is supposedly a refit, yet seems to be built, externally, at least, with a completely different set of parts than the standard Rick Dom. In any case, the Rick Dom II's new array of fuel gobbling thrusters warrants two propellant tanks extending from its back, which make rather unfortunate targets in combat. The Rick Dom II also gained an upgraded version of the 360mm Giant Bazooka, but lost its heat saber, making the mobile suit rather vulnerable at close range. The Rick Dom II was perhaps the most heavily produced mobile suit of the UMP, but despite high preformance, it was far from perfect.

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