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MS-09RII Downgraded Rick Dom II

Model number: MS-09RII

Code name: Rick Dom II

Unit type: mass production general purpose attack use mobile suit

Manufacturer: Zimmad Company

Operator: Principality of Zeon

First deployment: UC 0079

Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso

Dimensions: head height 18.6 meters

Weight: empty 45.6 metric tons; max gross 79.9 metric tons

Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1219 kW

Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 2 x 21000 kg, 2 x 7000 kg

Performance: maximum thruster acceleration 0.70 G; 180-degree turn time 2.1 seconds

Equipment and design features: sensors, range 5400 meters; 2 x external propellant tank, ejectable, mounted on backpack

Fixed armaments: scattering beam gun, mounted in torso; heat saber, battery powered, stored in recharge rack on back, hand-carried in use

Optional hand armaments: 360 mm giant bazooka, clip-fed, 5 rounds per clip; MMP-80 90 mm machinegun, clip-fed, 32 rounds per clip; 880 mm raketen bazooka, clip-fed, 5 rounds per clip; sturm faust, rocket-propelled warhead, can be stored on waist armor storage racks

Appearances: Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory

Webmaster's note: The Delaz Fleet's space mobile suit forces used in Operation Stardust were made up entirely of Zaku F2s and Rick Dom IIs. Unfortunately, while the F2s were durable machines capable of extended fight time, the MS-0RII Rick Dom II gobbled up fuel with its unneccesarily high thruster acceleration. In order to make the Rick Dom II a better mobile suit, and no doubt it part because of part and fuel shortages, seveal blocks of thrusters were removed from each mobile suit. Though acceleration was nearly halved, it remained at a decent level for space combat, and the Rick Dom IIs could now operate for a longer time in space without hazardous fuel tanks hanging off their backs. In additon, the Downgraded Rick Dom IIs were given much needed heat sabers, and some were moved up from the 360mm Giant Bazooka to a massive 880mm Raketen. In some ways, the downgraded Doms proved superior to their full strength predecesors, similar the Zaku F2's versatility over the higher performance Zaku FZ.