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MSM-07E Zugock-E

Model number: MSM-07E

Code name: Z'Gok-E

Unit type: mass production amphibious mobile suit

Manufacturer: MIP Company

Operator: Principality of Zeon

First deployment: UC 0079

Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso

Dimensions: head height 18.4 meters

Weight: empty 69.5 metric tons; max gross 88.9 metric tons

Construction: titanium/ceramic composite on monocoque frame

Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 2570 kW

Propulsion: rocket/hydrojet thrusters: 4 x 20000 kg, 2 x 16000 kg; optional hydrojet booster packs: 2; vernier thrusters/apogee motors: 9

Performance: maximum thruster acceleration 1.26 G; maximum water speed 118 knots

Fixed armaments: 2 x beam cannon, mounted in hands; 6 x torpedo launcher, mounted in head

Featured series: Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket; Mobile Suit Gundam: Outer Gundam; Side Story of Mobile Suit Gundam: The Blue Destiny (game); Side Story of Mobile Suit Gundam: The Blue Destiny (manga); Mobile Suit Gundam: Lost War Chronicles; SD Gundam: G Generation Neo

Webmaster's notes: Despite the MSM-07 Z'gok's success as an amphibious mobile suit, there was room for improvement. The Zugock-E is the responce to this fact, and is probably the most versatile amphibious mobile suit design of the One Year War, though, unfortunately, the design never got past the experimental stage and production was very limited. The mega particle cannons of the old Z'gok were upgraded to fire in a machine gun rather than extended beam fashion, much the same as those mounted on the MSM-03C Hygog. Meanwhile, the Zugock-E featured a larger frame than its predecesor, as well as a great ability to telescope its limbs to make it more streamline while submerged. The head mounted missile launchers of the standard Z'gok were replaced with torpedo launchers, making the Z'gok the only mobile suit outside the MSM-03 series able to fight underwater. The torpedos could also be used above water as effectively as the missiles. The Z'gok's backpack was removed, the Zugock-E instead depending on a large number of smaller hydrojets mounted along its back as well as all over its body. For an extra boost of speed, the Zugock-E could mount the same kind of booster backpack as the Hygog, capable of taking it high into the air or giving it a speed burst under water.


SD Zugock-E