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YMS-15 Gyan

Model number: YMS-15

Code name: Gyan

Unit type: prototype general purpose mobile suit

Manufacturer: Zimmad Company

Operator: Principality of Zeon

First deployment: UC 0079

Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso

Dimensions: overall height 19.9 meters

Weight: empty 52.7 metric tons; max gross 68.6 metric tons

Construction: super-high tensile steel on monocoque frame

Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1360 kW

Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 56200 kg total

Performance: maximum thruster acceleration 0.82 G

Equipment and design features: sensors, range 4400 meters

Fixed armaments: none

Optional hand armaments: beam saber, powered by rechargeable energy cap; shield, mounts 56 x missile launcher and 12 x hide bomb/space mine

Featured series: Mobile Suit Gundam; Char's Deleted Affair: Portrait of Young Comet; Mobile Suit Gundam: Federation VS Zeon DX; Mobile Suit Gundam: Encounters in Space

Webmaster's notes: The YMS-15 Gyan was designed by Zimmad company to compliment its highly successful MS-09R Rick Dom. Allowing the Rick Dom to support it at long range with its 360mm bazooka, the Gyan would serve as a close range fighter, equipped with a thick beam saber and a shield. Unfortunatly, the concept of a close range only fighter was not the type of thing Zeon had the pilots or the time to produce, and the Gyan never made it past the prototype stage, one of these units going to Zeon's Colonel M'Cuve, who oversaw the Gyan's production, the headspike on the Gyan having been adopted form that used on his personal Gouf. Equipped with a thruster backpack similar in style to that used on the MSM-07 Z'gok, the Gyan could propel itself at an impresive speed, comparable to the MS-14A Gelgoog and RX-79 Gundam. In addition to this, the Gyan was not totally defenseless at medium range, its shield mounting an impressive 56 "needle missile" launchers, as well as being able to launch 12 floating mines, making the Gyan the only mobile suit other than the Zaku Minelayer type able to do so. However, the concept of a weapons studded shield was too elaborate compared to simpler firearms more often used in grunt mobile suits, another reason the Gyan failed to see mass production.

Ranba Ral colors

Anavel Gato colors(drawn by Mark Simmons)

Char Asnable colors(drawn by Mark Simmons)

Ranba Ral colors(drawn by Mark Simmons)

Drawn by Mark Simmons