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YMS-16M Xamel

Model number: YMS-16M

Code name: Xamel

Unit type: prototype long-range support mobile suit

Manufacturer: Principality of Zeon

Operator: Principality of Zeon (Delaz Fleet)

First deployment: UC 0079

Accommodation: one pilot and one gunner, in tandem-seat standard cockpit in main body

Dimensions: overall height 27.0 meters

Weight: empty 75.0 metric tons; max gross 121.5 metric tons

Construction: titanium/ceramic composite on monocoque frame

Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1080 kW

Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 6 x 10300 kg

Performance: maximum thruster acceleration 0.51 G; ground hovering speed 220 km/h

Fixed armaments: 680 mm artillery cannon, barrel folds for transport, mounted on right shoulder; 20 mm vulcan gun turret, mounted in head; 8-tube missile launcher, mounted on left shoulder

Featured Series: Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory; Mobile Suit Gundam: Lost War Chronicles

Webmaster's notes: The YMS-16M was, in truth, little more than a massive artillery battery sporting a pair of useless arms. A weapon of huge destructive power, the Xamel, like the MS-09 Dom, mounted an array of hoverjet thrusters in its skirt armor, making it capable of skimming the surface of the ground at respectable speed despite being one of the largest mobile suits ever made, dwarfing a GM several times in girth. Mouting a massive 680mm long range cannon that could be folded over its back for transport, the Xamel was capable of devastating a target from well out of their range, then changing its position before it could be zeroed in on. This was important, as the Xamel mounted only an 8-tube missile launcher for medium range defense. While the missiles are considerably powerful, ammuntion is limited to eight rounds, and once extended the Xamel could only fight by using its own girth as a battering ram. A 20mm machine gun was mounted on the head for defense against enemy ground soldiers and light vehicles that may try to take advantage of the Xamel's lack of close range defenses, though it is ineffective against mobile suits save for a possiblity of diabling a camera or two. The YMS-16M's cockpit had a seat for both a pilot and a gunner, though the pilot was capable of filling both positions if necessary. Unfortunately, the YMS-16M was one of the last Zeon mobile suits produced in a war that was quickly shifting to space, and never made it past the prototype stage. It is unlikely more than a handful were ever produced.