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MS-14C Gelgoog Cannon

Model number: MS-14C

Code name: Gelgoog Cannon

Unit type: mass production artillery mobile suit

Manufacturer: Zeonic Company

Operator: Principality of Zeon

First deployment: UC 0079

Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso

Dimensions: overall height 19.5 meters; head height 19.3 meters

Weight: empty 55.8 metric tons; max gross 79.8 metric tons

Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1440 kW

Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 79900 kg total

Performance: maximum thruster acceleration 1.00 G

Equipment and design features: sensors, range 6300 meters

Fixed armaments: RA-2 beam cannon, mounted on backpack over right shoulder; twin beam sword, powered by rechargeable energy cap, stored in recharge rack on back, hand-carried in use

Optional hand armaments: beam rifle, powered by rechargeable energy cap; 3-tube missile launcher

Featured series: MSV (Mobile Suit Variations); Mobile Suit Gundam F90 (manga)

Webmaster's notes: The MS-14C Gelgoog Cannon, without a doubt, would have turned the tide of the war if only enough units had been produced in time. Based off the body of the MS-14A, which was usually the best mobile suit on the field, the MS-14C added a beam cannon over the shoulder, the type of fire-power that could easily devestate an enemy ship. The addition of the MS-14B high mobility thruster backpack to the Gelgoog Cannon meant that despite the added weight of the beam cannon it could still move faster than the MS-14A. For more precise combat it could use both the beam nagita and beam rifle of the Gelgoog, as well as an optional missile launcher. In place of the standard Gelgoog shield, the Gelgoog Cannon could be equipped with a less cumbersome forearm mounted shield, though the protection it provided was very limited. The Gelgoog Cannon had an entirely different head from the A type, the main difference being the addition of a forehead sensor also seen on the Zaku Cannon to aid in targeting the beam cannon.

Thomas Kurtz colors

Thomas Kurtz colors

(drawn by Mark Simmons)

Thomas Kurtz colors(drawn by Mark Simmons)