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MS-07H-4 Gouf Flight Test Type

Model number: MS-07H-4

Code name: Gouf Flight Test Type

Unit type: prototype ground combat mobile suit

Manufacturer: Zeonic Company

Operator: Principality of Zeon

First deployment: UC 0079

Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso

Dimensions: head height 18.8 meters

Weight: empty 65.2 metric tons; max gross weight unknown

Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rating unknown

Propulsion: rocket thrusters/thermonuclear jet engines: total output unknown

Fixed armaments: 2 x 5-barrel 75mm machinegun, clip-fed, barrels are mounted as hand fingers

Featured series: MSV (Mobile Suit Variations)

Webmaster's notes: The quest to build a flight capable mobile suit had already been highly problematic, suffering primarily from heat and fuel problems. However, it wasn't until the forth model of a Flight Capable Gouf that the idea was finally cancelled. Armed with the 75mm hand machineguns that Zeonic Company seemed intent to use on their first flight type model, the MS-07H-4 was similar to it's predecesors, one of the few external differenes from the MS-07H being more functional and aerodynamic shoulder armor. Unfortunately, it was the first to explode in midair during a test flight, and the resources and publicity nightmare that was the Mobile Suit flight project was quickly cancelled. However, Zeon field engineers could never really get the idea out of their heads, and would continue to experiment with new designs.

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