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MS-08F Dom Fuenf

Featured series': Mobile Suit Gundam 0079: Zeonic Front; Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory

Model Number: MS-09F

Code name: Dom Fuenf

Unit type: variable environment mobile suit

Manufacturer: Zimmad Company

Operator: Principality of Zeon

First deployment: UC 0079

Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso

Dimensions: head height 18.5 meters

Weight: max gross weight 44.8 metric tons

Construction: super-high tensile steel on monocoque frame

Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1199 kW

Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown

Fixed armaments: scattering beam gun, mounted in torso; heat saber, battery powered, stored in recharge rack on back, hand carried in use

Optional hand armaments: MMP-80 90mm machinegun, clip-fed, 32 rounds per clip, spare clips can be stored on waist armor storage racks; 880mm raketen bazooka, clip-fed, 5 rounds per clip, spare clips can be stored on waist armor storage racks; 90mm assault rifle; 3-tube missile launcher

Webmaster's notes: A Dom introduced late in the war that did not see particularly heavy production, the MS-09F was made so that it could be easily equipped with either space boosters or ground effect hoverjets in a standard MS bay. Such a mobile suit was effecient because it could serve the role of two other mobile suits, capable of participating in a land battle and then a space battle immediately afterwards. Due to its late entry in the war, most Dom Fuenfs were most likely equipped for space use as Zeon forces were pushed further and further from earth. It would be used in the last battles of the war in limited numbers, some in the hands of high ranking individuals such as Aguille Delaz who prefered them to the MS-14A Gelgoog. The name Fuenf, which is the german word "five", represents this mobile suit as the fifth Dom variant, following the Dom, Dom Tropical Test Type, Rick Dom, and Rick Dom II. The also rare MS-09F/trop Dom Tropen is a ground-equipped Dom Feunf modified for use in tropical and desert climates (see entry).

Aiguille Delaz colors