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MS-15C Gyan Cannon

Series: Giren's Greed

Manufacturer: Zimmad Company

Unit Type: Artillery

Optional fixed armaments: cannon x 2, 3-tube missile launcher x 2

Optional hand armaments: beam saber

Webmaster's notes: Not much is known about the Gyan Cannon, which was presumably produced in extremely limited numbers. It was for the most part superficially identical to a standard Gyan, save for different shoulder and skirt armor and cannons of unkown shell size mounted over its shoulders. It also mounted a different thruster backpack, though it is unknown if this is more or less powerful than the standard Gyan booster. As is the trend with Zeon artillery mobile suits, it was equipped with missile launchers to provide itself with midrange fighting capability. It could also use the standard Gyan beam saber.