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MS-15B Gyan High Mobility Type

Series: Giren's Greed

Unit Type: high efficiency general purpose

Manufacturer: Zimmad Company

Maximum thruster acceleration: unknown

Optional hand armanment: beam lance x 1, shield, mounts 4 x rocket launcher

Webmaster's notes: Though the Gyan design was not deemed fit of mass-production, it was popular with a small number of ace Zeon pilots, and so a second high mobility version was created. The MS-15B was armed extremely sparingly, armed with a shield that mounted only four rocket launchers in exchange for the standard Gyan's bomb laden one. The Gyan's already large beam saber was extended and thickened to become a beam lance, making the Gyan High Mobility Type a powerful mobile suit, but only if the pilot was good enough to survive getting to extremely close range.

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