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MS-06F2 Zaku II Type F2

Model number: MS-06F2

Code name: Zaku II Type F2

Unit type: mass production general purpose multi-class mobile suit

Manufacturer: Principality of Zeon Granada Base Operator: Principality of Zeon (Delaz Fleet); Earth

Federal Forces

First deployment: UC 0079

Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in main body

Dimensions: head height 17.5 meters Weight: empty 49.9 metric tons; max gross 70.3 metric tons

Construction: titanium/ceramic composite on monocoque frame

Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 986 kW

Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 2 x 20500 kg, 4 x 3100 kg; option for 2 x solid rocket boosters, mounted on backpack

Performance: maximum thruster acceleration 0.76 G; 180-degree turn time 1.7 seconds

Equipment and design features: sensors, range 3200 meters

Fixed armaments: none

Optional fixed armaments: 2 x 3-tube missile pod, mounted on legs

Optional hand armaments: MMP-78 120 mm machinegun, drum-fed, 100 rounds per drum, spare drums can be stored on waist armor storage racks; MMP-80 90 mm machinegun, clip-fed, 32 rounds per clip, spare clips can be stored on waist armor storage racks; 280 mm Zaku bazooka, cartridge-fed, 4 rounds per cartridge, spare cartridges can be stored on waist armor storage racks; heat hawk, battery powered, can be stored on hip armor storage racks; sturm faust, rocket-propelled warhead, can be stored on waist armor storage racks; beam rifle, powered by rechargeable energy cap

Featured Series: Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory; Mobile Suit Gundam 0079: Zeonic Front; Mobile Suit Gundam: Encounters in Space

Webmaster's comments: The Zaku F2 is, obviously, the sequel to the F type. It is a more versatile approach than the MS-06FZ Zaku FZ, which upgrades the Zaku's preformace too far and suffers from rapid fuel depletion. The F2 instead continues the tradition of a general purpose, highly effective mobile suit. Operationg well both on land and in space, the F2 eliminated any need for a J2 type Zaku. Using many of the same weapons as the MS-06F but also Sturm Faust RPGs, the Zaku F2's weapon diversity was everything you could ask for. The F2 also equiped a reactor powerful enough to charge a beam rifle, but such a rifle was rarely used, most likely due to beam weapon shortages. On land, the F2 could be equipped with a booster jet on either side of its backpack to provide a short term boosted jump, taking the F2 to an impressive altitude. The F2 shares the dashing looks of the standard Zaku II, the main difference being much thicker chest armor on the F2 that protrudes outwards where the F type's is flat.

SD Zaku F2, Neuen Bitter colors

Earth Federation colors

Earth Federation colors

Neuen Bitter colors (on left)

Neuen Bitter colors

Neuen Bitter colors(drawn by Mark Simmons)

Earth Federation colors(drawn by Mark Simmons)

drawn by Mark Simmons

drawn by Mark Simmons

Neuen Bitter colors