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MS-06FZ Zaku-FZ

Model number: MS-06FZ
Code name: Zaku FZ
Unit type: mass production general purpose mobile suit
Manufacturer: Zeonic Company
Operator: Principality of Zeon
First deployment: UC 0079
Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Dimensions: head height 17.5 meters
Weight: empty 56.2 metric tons; max gross 74.5 metric tons
Construction: titanium/ceramic composite on monocoque frame
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 976 kW
Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 3 x 24500 kg, 2 x 3000 kg; vernier thrusters/apogee motors: 14
Performance: maximum thruster acceleration 1.07 G; 180-degree turn time 1.6 seconds; maximum ground running speed 103 km/h
Equipment and design features: sensors, range 3200 meters
Fixed armaments: none
Optional fixed armaments: 3-slot grenade rack, carries standard high-explosive/fragmentation or smoke/hide grenades, mounted on waist armor rack
Optional hand armaments: 90mm machine gun, clip-fed, 32 rounds per drum, spare clips can be stored on waist armor racks, with attached grenade launcher, 1 round; heat hawk, battery powered, can be stored on waist armor rack; sturm faust, rocket-propelled warhead, can be stored on waist armor storage racks
Featured Series: Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket; Mobile Suit Gundam: Outer Gundam; Mobile Suit Gundam in UC 0099: Moon Crisis; Mobile Suit Gundam: Encounters in Space; Advance of Zeta: The Flag of Titans

Webmaster's comments: A high performance upgrade of the Zaku II, the Zaku FZ was an entirely different design, mounting many additional verniers on the legs and left shoulder as well as an additonal backpack mounted thruster. The FZ's chest is an entirely diffent shape than that of the standard Zaku II, the cockpit placed square in the center of the chest with a standard flip-down hatch. The Zaku FZ used grenades rather than a bazooka for anti-armor purposes, equipped with three grenades on its skirt armor, optional sturm fausts, and a grenade launcher attachment that makes the unimpressive MMP-80 90mm Machine Gun into a useful weapon. The FZ, though a huge step up from the Zaku II, was not a pefect design due to rapid fuel consumption by its large number of thrusters.


(drawn by Mark Simmons)

(alternate head type)(drawn by Mark Simmons)