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MS-06F Zaku II Dozle Zabi Custom

Model number: MS-06F

Code name: Zaku II Dozle Zabi Custom

Unit type: customized mass production general purpose mobile suit

Manufacturer: Zeonic Company

Operator: Principality of Zeon

First deployment: UC 0079

Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso Dimensions: head height 17.5 meters Weight: empty 57.6 metric tons; max gross weight unknown

Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rating unknown

Propulsion: rocket thrusters: total output unknown Fixed armaments: none

Optional hand armaments: 120mm machine gun, drum-fed, 100 rounds per drum, spare drums an be stored on waist armor storage racks; 280mm Zaku bazooka, 4-round magazine, can be stored on rear waist armor storage rack; large heat hawk, battery powered, can be stored on waist armor storage rack

Featured Series: MSV; Mobile Suit Gundam: Encounters in Space

Webmaster's notes: Like his brother Garma, Dozle Zabi had a customized Zaku II made for him. However, unlike Garma's unit, Dozle's was completely one of a kind, a customized MS-06F with a brilliant green and gold color scheme. Featuring many menacing external features, such as engravings, a thick command antenna, dual spiked shoulder armor, and spiked hands, the unit stood out easily from un-customized Zakus. It is unknown whether Dozle's Zaku was upgraded performance-wise or not. Dozle had his unit equppied with an extra-large heat hawk, similar to the one Ranba Ral used with his Zaku I, but even larger than that.

Drawn by Mark Simmons