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MS-05A Zaku I Early Type

Model number: MS-05A

Code name: Zaku I Early Type

Unit type: mass production general purpose mobile suit

Manufacturer: Zeonic Company

Operator: Principality of Zeon

First deployment: May UC 0075

Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso

Dimensions: head height 17.5 meters

Weight: empty 50.3 metric tons; max gross 65.0 metric tons

Construction: super-high tensile steel on monocoque frame

Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, power output

rating unknown Propulsion: 2 x rocket thrusters: output unknown

Equipment and design features: none

Fixed armaments: none

Optional hand armaments: 105mm machine gun, drum-fed, 100

rounds per drum, spare drums can be stored on waist armor racks; 280mm Zaku bazooka, 4 round magazine; heat hawk, battery powered, can be stored on waist armor racks; shotgun

Webmaster's notes: The Duchy of Zeon's first succesful combat mobile suit, the MS-05A is overshadowed by its successor, the MS-05B, which was produced in larger numbers and to which it looks vey similiar. Though the MS-05A was old technology by the start of the One Year War, it would still be used in combat in limited cases, in times of shortage as well as by traditionists who simply weren't comfortable piloting anything else.

Black Trinary colors(drawn by Mark Simmons)

drawn by Mark Simmons

alternate colors(drawn by Mark Simmons)