Physical Stats
- Name: Jowy Atreides
- Age: 17
- Sex: Male
- Height: Unknown?
- Hair Color: Moonshine blonde (silvery)
- Eye Color: Greenish-blue or bluish-green
- Stamina: Jowy, from what I have noticed, is very athletic. His reflexes are very quick. Well, you would need both in order to fight with a quarterstaff. Which leads me to another fact, that he would have a strong running knowledge of Akido.
- Personality: Jowy always seemed to be the more aggressive of the group. He can be playful, joking and talkative, but on the other side of the coin he is very emotional and brooding when the situation calls for it. Primarilly though, Jowy, due to his experiences, is a very bitter, scarred and emotionally tortured person, which ultimately led him to do the things he did.
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