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Other Good Guys

Tenshinhan-This is a three eyed warrior. He fought Goku in the 22th Tenkaichi Buduokai and won. Tenshinhan has a very powerful move called Hi Ko Ko Dan. No matter how many Super Saiy-jins are out there, he always want's to get better.

Master Roshi-An ancient and wise master of martial arts, Roshi has accumulated great power and knowledge. His is very old, completely bald and has a long, white beard. Because he has lived for countless years on a deserted island with only a turtle for companionship, his is also called the "Hermit Turtle." He's also called quirky, a kook, and a smelly old codger. His home, the Kame house, continues to serves as a gathering place for the good guys. Although he may appear strange, frail and harmless, Master Roshi is indeed a great warrior. He originally trained Goku and Krillin when they were young boys and taught them the "Kamehameha" a power that is channeled through the hands, creating a wave of tremendous power that can destroy mountains. The first Earthling to ever understand how to nurture and control the Power of Light, Roshi trains Goku and Krillin in its use.

Bulma-once a mixed-up teenager with blue hair, a pink outfit and a personality quirk that wouldn't allow her to stop talking for a second. She was immature, emotional, self-centered, impatient, argumentative, boy-crazy and given to fits of hysterics. Now she's blossomed into a mixed-up woman. She may have a new hairstyle and outfit, but she still has that same personality quirk. For that matter, she's also still emotional, self-centered, impatient, argumentative and given to fits of hysterics. Fortunately, she's also incredibly talented and determined. She will do whatever it takes to get what she wants, and she won't let anything stand in her way -- not mountains, not alien invaders, not even pride. As a mechanical genius who can operate and fix anything, Bulma is very important to the team. She discovers the capabilities of the Saiyan Scouter and enhances it for their use. It enables her to save the day more than once for the rest of our heroes. Still, the team concept doesn't always sink in and her independence sometimes flies in the face of her friends' aspirations to work together.

Yamcha-Many years ago, Yamcha was a desert bandit with an intense fear of girls. Goku first met Yamcha in the original Dragonball series, when the young Saiyan almost lost the Dragon Balls to Yamcha's thieving hands. Eventually, Yamcha joined the Z Warriors. He overcame his tendency to panic when around girls, and for a time he was together with Bulma. Yamcha is a powerful defender of the Earth and a strong supporter of Goku. He trained extensively with King Kai after his defeat at the hands of the Saibamen, and became a great warrior. Puar, the shape-shifting cat, is his beloved companion.

Nail-Other than Piccolo, Nail is the strongest Namekian warrior. When Frieza arrives on Namek and attempts to get the Dragon Ball password from Guru, Nail steps in and challenges Frieza to a fight. Frieza quickly complies, and the evil villain easily defeats the great Nail and his followers. After being wished to Namek by the Dragon Balls, Piccolo performs a fusion technique, absorbing Nail's strength and adding it to his own. Fused with Nail, Piccolo becomes more powerful than ever before.

Chi Chi-Chi-Chi is Goku's loyal spouse and Gohan's doting mother. Though she may seem to be a vulnerable woman in a world of male martial-arts masters, Chi-Chi is actually quite capable of handling herself. She is trained in many forms of combat, thanks to the help of her father, Ox-King. Despite her formidable skills, Chi-Chi is always encouraging Gohan to study and constantly worries about his involvement in her husband's dangerous adventures. A protective woman, Chi-Chi is always ready at a moment's notice to come to the aid of her family if she knows something is wrong.

King Kai is a master of martial arts and is generally regarded as one of the greatest teachers in the universe. He has often helped the Z Warriors learn new fighting techniques. Because he lives on a distant planet at the end of Snake Way, only the luckiest warriors have been able to benefit from his teachings (Goku, Piccolo, and a few others). King Kai's planet may be small, but its gravity is ten times that of Earth's - perfect for martial arts training! Although he is best known as an instructor, King Kai has gained some notoriety for his corny sense of humor and love of bad puns. King Kai's pets - a monkey named Bubbles and a grasshopper named Gregory - often aid him in his rather unusual training practices.