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Son Goten's Family

This page is about Goten's family! Goten has a mother, a father, an older brother, a sister-in-law and a niece. His father, Goku, is the strongest fighter in the universe. Goku is not too bright, but that's what makes him such a cutie!^-^ Goku is a pretty awesome dad who cares A LOT about his family! (What a guy huh?) Chi-Chi is a VERY stubborn and pushy girl. She pushed Gohan SO hard to become a scholar, and he did become one. She ABSOLUTELY HATES FIGHTING!! She's very over protective of Gohan and Goten. But she is a caring mother who takes care of her boys. Gohan is Goten's older brother. Gohan is smart, a scholar, a cutie^-^, a husband and a father! He is very strong (like his dad) and has an incredible hidden power within him. He has always been a great big brother to Goten and often looks out for him. In conclusion, Goten's family is a nice family, who just happen to save the world every now and then!^-^

His father, Goku

His mother, Chi-Chi

His older brother, Gohan