Todd entered the door and found himself in an open field. The ground sort of looked like a giant tapestry rug and the sky was white. "What a strange place but...what on earth am I standing on?" Todd bent over and touched the floor. "This feels like paper! This is so weird...wait! I'm standing on a giant 'W'..." Todd realized this and ran across the space to spell out the word Windy! "I'm standing on the windy card! What next?"
Todd looked overhead as a giant appeared above him. The giant was Miss. Mackenzie and she smiled warmly. "What happens next is that you learn about photosynthesis! Wake up!"
Todd woke up to stare into Miss Mackenzie's gentle eyes. There was laughter in the background and Todd looked up. He realized that he fell asleep in class and blushed stupidly. "Sorry!"
""Don't fall asleep in class again, Todd!" Miss Mackenzie warned in a cheery tone. "Even if you go to another world..."
"How did you know...?" Todd mumbled, surprised. The bell rang and they were dismissed for recess. Todd was being bothered by Sakura, Li and Madison as they went outside. Li asked first. "Did you have a nice sleep?"
"Oh shut up, Li." Todd grumbled. "I had a dream about the clow cards so don't make fun!"
"Really?" Sakura asked. "What was the dream about?" "Well, I was in a dark room with the clow book leaning against a wall. It grew huge and I walked through it as it was a door. I walked into a giant field, the field turned out to be the windy card. It was interesting!" Todd replied, thinking. "Then I woke up...I wonder what the dream means?"
"It means that you've gone crazy!" Madison joked. "We should watch you for erratic behavior."
"Erratic as opposed to his normal strange behaviour?" Li replied, amused. "That'll be hard."
"Mean!" Todd replied bitterly. "Anyway seriously, what does this dream mean?"
"Well, your dream had to do with the clow cards and the size of things so..." Sakura trailed off. "...well, sorry. I have no idea."
"Thanks!" Todd replied sarcastically as the bell rang to go back inside.
Everyone went back into the school. Todd went to his locker to prepare for math class. Todd grumbled to himself as he shambled into the room. Miss Mackenzie was writing some fractions on the board, that day happened to be the day that Todd learns how to multiply and divide fractions. Todd was annoyed with it all and wrote the problems down. Todd slowly nodded off towards the class' end. Todd suddenly realized that he was dreaming again and slowly got up from the earthy ground. He was wearing his white suit with a white cape, topped with his white turban. Todd realized a metal door was right in front of him and he opened it as a bright light from outside temporarily blinded him.
The light vanished to reveal a beautiful courtyard with blossoming trees outlining the edges and flowers grew all over the lush greenery. Todd saw that there were puffy cumulus clouds overhead in the sapphire sky. Todd walked out and saw there was a round marble plate in the middle. The plate had the same design carved into it as Li's lasan board. Todd breathed in the fresh air and looked around, the walls around the courtyard were also marble and had water flowing down from one side of the octagonal design into a reflecting pool that surrounded the courtyard. The rest of the sides had ivy like vines that covered the wall.
"Welcome..." A voice called from overhead.
Todd realized that he was listening to the same voice that came from his silhouetted figure that he met some time earlier. Todd walked onto the lasan marble plate and asked. "Who are you? Show yourself!"
"I am the one who gave you the magic spell the other day. Welcome to the Lasin Shrine. This is where you shall conduct your training." The voice replied in a gentle tone. "This is the..."
"This is the...what?" Todd asked out loud. "I need to know!"
The voice suddenly changed its voice. "This is the...math teacher, Miss Mackenzie speaking! Todd! Wake up!"
Todd suddenly woke up staring into Miss Mackenzie's face again. People were laughing in the background. Todd smiled stupidly and waved to her. People laughed again as Miss Mackenzie got up and said. "Can I see you after class?"
"Sure thing, I need to talk to you about something." Todd replied as the bell rang. Everyone but Sakura, Li and Madison left. Miss Mackenzie sat in her desk and took out her lunch. She asked. "Todd, why are you sleeping so much?"
"I sometimes get drawn into it, I'm sorry." Todd replied sincerely. "I have to talk to you about what I have been dreaming. Wake up, Kero!"
Todd looked into his backpack and Kero flew out and yawned. He looked at Miss Mackenzie and greeted her. "Hey! Miss Mackenzie!"
"Hello Keroberos." Miss Mackenzie replied. "So, you're helping Todd to get the clow cards and to help him train for the final judgement?"
"Final judgement?" Todd asked. "What is this final judgement?"
"Don't worry about it right now, you still have plenty of time left to train." Miss Mackenzie replied. "You don't get tested until you have all of the clow cards captured. Why don't you tell your story?"
Li, Sakura and Madison pulled up a chair as they listened to Todd's story. Todd began. "In the first dream, I was in a dark room with the clow book. The book grew to reveal a doorway and I went through it. I was walking on a clow card after I went through the door. I must have either been tiny or the clow card was huge. Either way..."
Miss Mackenzie was very absorbed by the story and replied. "Go on, I'm listening."
"In the second dream, I'm in my dream clothes, you know...the white suit and stuff. I open the door and see a beautiful court yard with the thing in the center. Li...your lasin board has the exact same design." Todd continued.
"You mean this?" Li asked as he got out his lasin board and showed it to Todd. "This is the sign of Yue! He's the second clow guardian who is ruled by the moon, the lasan design has the moon on it."
"Ohh!" Todd replied. "This person's gentle voice tells me that she was the one who gave me the magic spell. She also said that this would be where I train."
"Is any of this familiar?" Li asked Sakura. "I don't remember this."
"I don't either." Sakura replied. "A lot of this stuff never happened to me. I released the cards but I only had to get them back and get tested. We never had to defeat the "dark one." We also never dreamed of where we trained...this is so weird. Kero, can you help us out here?"
"I can." Kero replied. "This is the tenth time that the book was opened so the person who opens it will have to battle the Dark One. The person who opens the clow book also gets special treatment from those not named. They help train him in the right of becoming the Clow Card Master."
"Anyway...about the second thing." Todd interludes. "I also heard from Kero here, that if I sign the clow cards, they become sealed. However, when I or Sakura or Li or whoever has magical powers signs the clow cards, the cards react and the name signed disappears, why is that?"
"Well...I don't know. I'll have to look into it." Miss Mackenzie replied. "This might be a side effect of the Dark One's release, but I'm not sure. I'll look into it though."
Suddenly there was a scream in the courtyard. Everyone got up and ran outside. Todd looked outside to reveal that a giant beetle was scurrying towards him in the hall. Todd cried out and ran back into the classroom. "Wow!"
"What's wrong!?" Sakura shouted.
"There are giant bugs! Giant! Huge ones!" Todd stammered trying to mimic their size.
"Ah well, it is natures' will that humans will one day be stepped on by bugs. Or in this case, a clow card's will." Li replied
They all ran down to the door and opened it. Sure enough, there was a giant cockroach heading their way. Todd gaped at it and asked. "What do we do now?"
"We fight them!" Li shouted and then chanted. "Force of light with ancient spin, send forth the magic power within! Force know my plight, release the light!" Li held up his pendant and summoned his sword.
"Now element...wind!" Li slammed an ofuda on his sword guard and sent a blast of wind that sent the cockroach on its back. "Everyone get out now!"
Everyone slipped past the downed cockroach and into the cafeteria. There were over 20 giant cockroaches in there. Todd stared at them and replied."Wow, they're everywhere! We'll have to tent the place!" Todd got out his pocket spear and began to chant. "Spear of Todd, power of magic...power of light...surrender the spear...the force ignite, release!" Todd's spear gained an orb which glowed and flashed, causing the roaches to scatter. Todd's spear grew to full size and a cockroach emerged from the counter and rushed at the group. "Summon the force which comes from within! Magic Missile!" Todd pointed his spear up and gained an orb of white energy. Todd flung the energy at the cockroach which hit it in the head. The bright flash stunned it and sent the rest of the roaches to scatter again. "Okay! Everyone outside!"
Everyone ran to the door in the cafeteria and ran outside. Outside they witnessed a panic in the streets as giant bugs and birds ravaged the school. Todd looked at a bird that was flying overhead and Todd moaned. "Oh no...Everyone! Get out of the way!"
The bird let out a sloppy mass that landed on the pavement where Todd and his friends ran away from. The mass splattered and small chunks of it splattered on the walls and the doors of the cafeteria. "Oh man, that was so gross!" Sakura replied.
"Oh no!" Todd looked at the paying field, now covered with giant ants. "Giant ants! This is the work of a clow card for sure! Right, Kero?"
"Right! The Big Card!" Kero replied. "Let's go find it's visible form!"
They ran to the courtyard and straight into a huge web. Todd, Sakura, Li, Madison and Miss Mackenzie were now stuck in it. Madison manned her video camera and got some shots of giant flowers and bugs. "This is so cool! It's like were in the middle of a nature film!"
Li looked up to see a giant spider reeling itself down the web to their level. The spider's venom dripped from it's fangs as it faced Todd and Li. Todd looked up to the spider's eight eyed face and asked. "Are we gonna die? Because I don't want to die!"
Li and Todd reached for their clow weapons but were so entangled, they couldn't get them to point at the spider. Li replied to Todd. "I can't use lightning or my ofudas and you can't summon your clow definitely looks like it..."
The spider chose Sakura first and huddled above her with its dripping fangs, preparing to strike. Suddenly, three emerald shurikens stuck the spiders side and the shurikens exploded into a blast of emerald energy. The spider was knocked clear off the web. "Looks like I got here just in time!"
Everyone's face lit up as they saw the Mysterious Stranger drop down from awindow and landed gracefully on the ground. She let fly some more shurikens and cut the web apart, freeing the clow gang and Miss. Mackenzie. They all ran over and thanked the Shrouded one but it turned away. "The Big Card is causing this mess. The card is over there! Go seal it!"
Todd looked over to the visible form of the Big Card. "Thank you!" Todd replied as they all ran over to the big card. The big card looked over and leered at them as they all approached her. Todd and Li were first to meet her. Li shouted. "How dare you attack our school! We won't let you destroy it!"
Todd glared at Big and added. "That'll change though, because I'm gonna capture you!" Todd positioned his spear and chanted. "Return to your power...hey! Where are you going?"
Big dashed away from them and ran to a small oak tree. She leaped up to the first branch and climbed it to the top. Todd and Li and The Mysterious Stranger ran up to the tree and stared at her at the top. Todd glared at Big and commented. "That won't stop me from capturing you!"
Big looked down and giggled evilly. She took her wand from her bag and tapped the tree with it. The earth began to shake as the tree suddenly grew to become 1000 times its normal size. Todd stared in awe as the little oak transformed into a tree that was at least 700 feet tall. "Wow! Maybe this tree can stop me from capturing you...!"
"Todd!" Li said to Todd, serious. "Use the fly card and fly up there!"
"Right!" Todd said as he took out the Fly card. "Let's Fly!" Todd slammed the fly card and large white wings grew on his spear head. Todd hopped onto his spear and flew all the way up to the top of the top of the tree. Todd saw big nestled on the branch of the tree and he stopped at the branch. Todd hopped off of his spear and the wings shrank and disappeared. Todd walked closer and replied, annoyed. "So, I was saying... that you're going to be captured! You've done enough damage! Big Card...return to your power confined...Big Card!!" Todd positioned his spear which gained a glowing clow card on the point. Big filtered into the clow card and her picture appeared on the card. Todd took the card, but just as he grabbed it everything returned instantly to its normal size. Todd was now falling from seven hundred feet up. Todd cried out but took the Fly card back out. "Fly Card!"
Todd chanted as the wings grew back on his spear head. Todd flew back down toearth and landed in front Li, Sakura and Madison who was taping Todd. Miss Mackenzie and The Mysterious Stranger were also there.
"Todd caught the Big card!" Kero announced. "Awesome work!"
"I got it all on Tape!" Madison replied as she showed the camera to Todd. "It was easy now with my ultra zoom option!"
"I'm glad..." Todd replied, happy. "That's two cards in one day!"
"You are improving yourself more and more. I am happy that you take this business seriously." The Shrouded one replied as it dashed off.
The School was fine, there was only one broken window and some scratches on the cafeteria floor. The principal closed the school for the day to repair things. Todd, Sakura and Li were walking home when Todd thought about the mysterious stranger. "Did anyone come to realize how tall the mysterious stranger is?"
"No, I didn't notice." Sakura replied. "Should we?"
"No...I was just wondering if anyone else did?" Todd replied as they continued walking.
Everyone reached the turnoff point and Todd realized that they were let out early today. "Let's go to my house today. We'll study the clow stuff and maybe spelling. I think we have a test in a few days right?"
"Right!" Li replied. "Let's go."
Todd and Li approached the Kyoden parking lot and went into the main building. Todd was hit with a terrible feeling and suddenly felt very little. Todd looked up to notice a little girl dash away from them. She was wearing strange clothing and Todd's suspicions were confirmed. "This is the work of a clow card!"
"What do you mean, Todd?" Sakura asked as she looked at herself and her surroundings. Sakura realized that the field they were in was the doormat. The desk of the administrator was like a huge building and they seemed miles away from the elevator. "Oh, I see what you mean. Everyone, we are now three inches tall, that little girl dressed in odd clothing who ran away was our size so that would mean that either she was affected or she was the clow card. And since she had weird clothes, I think it's a clow card!"
"Right! The Little card! Its power is to do just that!" Kero replied. "You need to get to where she is in order to capture it! Whoa! Watch out!"
A giant foot appeared above them all. They cried out and got out of the way of the foot as it collided with the ground in a huge crash. More stomps followed as the giant was wiping her feet. Tadia finished wiping her feet and started to walk to the elevator. Todd hopped onto the back of her foot. Todd called quickly. "Come on! Climb on! The taxi won't wait forever!"
Sakura, Li and Madison jumped onto the back of Tatea's feet as she walked to the elevator. Todd got off her sock when she entered the elevator. "Everyone off! She lives on floor three of the apartment so if you don't want to be stuck there, get off now!"
Everyone did as Todd said as Tatea disembarked the elevator onto the third floor. Everyone looked on as the elevator doors closed. "I have to do this is quickly! Spear of Todd...power of magic...power of light...surrender the spear, the force ignite! Release!" Todd chanted as the lasan deign appeared below him. The spear glittered as it grew to normal size as Todd slammed the Fly Card with the spear head. "Let's fly!"
Todd flew up to the buttons and pressed the 4 button with both of his hands. Todd used his strength and luck was with him. He pushed the button and the elevator began to move to the top floor. The elevator doors opened to reveal the penthouse floor. "Quick everyone! Get off the elevator! It'll close soon! So get out now!"
Everyone got moving but the elevator doors started to close as Sakura was entering the paths. "Oh no! Sakura!" Todd gasped as he saw the elevator doors beginning to move on Sakura. Todd was still on his spear so he flew it to retrieve Sakura just as the doors closed, narrowly averting disaster.
"Thanks Todd..." Sakura replied as Todd let her off the flying spear.
"No, problem!" Todd replied proudly.
Li looked over and sighed at Todd and Sakura. He looked on to see the doors that went down the hallway. "Hey! There it is!" Li pointed to Little as she glanced over to Li and started to run down the hallway. "Don't let it get away!"
Todd looked over and saw little run to his door and grew up to her normal size. She shrank as she gripped the lock area and squeezed through the lock area making herself tiny as the way in. Todd got off the spear and the wings vanished. Todd took out the dash card and threw it up. "Dash! Make me, Sakura, Li and Madison able to run really fast so we can reach my door! Dash card!" Todd slammed the card with his spear and Dash appeared. He ran in front of them and showered them all with whitish green sparkles. Everyone felt the need for speed.
Because of Dash's spell, Todd, Sakura, Li and Madison could get there quickly. Todd took out the Jump card. "We're about the size of keys so...I'll jump up there and open the lock myself! Jump Card!" Todd slammed the card and white wings appeared on Todd's feet. Todd leaped up to the lock and entered it. Todd found the unlocking mechanism. But to Todd's dismay, he didn't have the strength to move the mechanism. "Darn it!" Todd hopped down the lock and sighed.
Everyone looked at him and asked. "So did you open it?"
"No I couldn't open the lock, after I climbed into it I pushed on the mechanism but I couldn't move it. Even if I could move it...we'd never be able to get in. I'm so small that the door knob is like a huge building so I couldn't move it anyway...which means that we're shrinking more and more!!"
Everyone heaved a disappointed sigh and looked over as tremors were felt. They saw the Mysterious Stranger approached and looked down. It finally stated. "I knew I sensed something odd going on here! This is the Little Card's doing right?"
"Right, the little card is in my apartment!" Todd replied. "I can't get in, but we have the key! So... ... here!" Todd got out his key.
The Mysterious Stranger knelt over and replied. "I can't use this key, Todd. I can barely SEE it let alone use it!"
"Right!" Todd replied as he got out the Big Card and chanted. "Big, make this key the correct size to fit the lock. Big card, release and dispel!" Todd slammed the Big card with his spear and a shower of blue sprinkles engulfed the key. The key grew to its correct size.
The Mysterious Stranger picked up the key and unlocked the door. The Stranger Picked them all up and placed them on the coffee table and stated flatly. "You know, Todd. You could've have used the big card to counter act the spell of the Little card and made yourself normal size!"
Todd smiled for a second but then he realized what happened and his jaw nearly hit the floor. Everyone else who was little, including Kero put their hands in their hands and screamed. Todd smiled stupidly and replied. "Whoops!"
The little card saw them and tried to run away. Todd saw this and took out the wood card. "Wood Card! Release and... ... ...orrgghh!" Todd groaned as he fell to his knees. "Yuck... I feel hideous."
"Spell weariness!" Li shouted. "Todd! Try to hold on!"
Sakura rushed to Todd's aid as Todd began to fall. Sakura caught Todd and Todd looked up at her. "...thank you..."
"No problem!" Sakura replied, happy. "I'll help you."
"You'll have to finish the battle!" Li called to The Mysterious Stranger. "Todd can't!"
Little looked up and took some magic sand out of her bag. With surprising force, Little nailed the Mysterious Stranger with the sand and the Stranger shrank down to Li's size. "Very well..." The Mysterious stranger replied as it took the shadow card out of its pouch.
Little ran to the end of the coffee table and jumped the span to the couch. Little glared back at the Mysterious Stranger and made a face at it. Little then dove into the couch.
"We'll never find that little pest now...!" Todd cursed.
The Mysterious Stranger turned to Todd and smirked at him. "Yes we will. I'm going to use the shadow card! Unless you have the couch lighted from the inside, Little is fair game for Shadow!" The Stranger got out her dagger and the shadow card. "Shadow, release and dispel. Find Little within the couch, then flush her out and constrain her." The Stranger slammed the card with its dagger and released shadow.
Shadow swirled and appeared but then flew into the couch. Within, everyone could hear some scraping and some shuffles. Little bolted out, she was terrified. Shadow was right behind her and sank into the crevasse between the couch cushions before Little looked back. Little breathed a sigh of relief but was caught by surprise as shadow flew up from under her and bound her, Todd and the Stranger could see Little struggling to get free but she failed.
"Now you can seal the card." The Stranger replied.
"Little Card! Return to your power confined! Little!!" Todd yelled as he positioned his spear. A glowing clow card appeared on the point and Little, along with shadow was drawn in. Little's face appeared on the card and shadow also appeared in card form both flew to the Shrouded One. Todd and the Shrouded one lept off the coffee table as they returned to their normal size. Todd gave Shadow to the Shrouded One and replied. "Oh, man...I lost the Little card but I guess you deserve it! But when Shadow appeared in card form, I see that shadow is also nameless, why?"
"I can't seem to put my name on the card." The Shrouded One replied. "When I try, the card glows and the name disappears."
"The same thing happens to me! Hey where are you going?" Todd asked.
"I have served my purpose. I must go now..." The Shrouded one replied as it dashed out of the apartment.
"Thanks..." Todd replied as he collapsed on the couch. "Well, what do you want to do guys?"
"We'll go home and leave you to battled 3 cards today! You should be very happy!" Sakura replied.
"Yeah! You caught Loop and Big today!" Kero replied happily. "I'll bet you're exhausted..."
"I'm also happy! Because I caught our whole adventure on video!" Madison replied cheerily. "Next time, I'll make you a costume! I'm already thinking one over for you!"
"Thanks everyone!" Todd replied as they left the apartment. "I'll relax now and...oohhh..." Todd's vision blurred again and Todd suddenly fell asleep.
" should sleep for deserve to have a little break!" Kero replied as he curled up beside him, Kero yawned and they both fell into a nice deep sleep.
Kero woke slowly and gave a mighty little yawn. Kero turned to Todd
and asked.
"What? It's dark! I'm wide awake too now! Todd, you realize that this
is going to
mess up our sleeping schedule. What do we do now?"
"We watch the late night movie!" Todd replied, picking up the remote
"That'll definitely knock us out. What's the movie tonight? According
to the
satellite, it's Ground Hog day!"
* * *
Todd rushed into the kitchen and looked for the pop tarts in the pantry.
found them and took them out. He opened the box to reveal that there
were none
left. Todd looked at the empty box and commented. "There aren't any
pop tarts
left...but, I threw out the box, or maybe I didn't...?"
Kero flew in and said. "There aren't any groceries because...wait...this
familiar...oh well." Kero flew to his video game and booted it up.
"What!? There's
no new data! But I saved!"
* * *
Madison giggled as she revealed Todd's new battle costume. The costume
Todd wearing baggy yellow pants with a huge baggy shirt and a stocking
cap on his
head. The cap was yellow and black with a dingle bell at the tip of
the cap.
Madison got Todd to look in the mirror and Todd sighed and asked. "What