Tatea knocked on the door and was let into the apartment. Tejina smiled and she asked. "Did you enjoy the movie? I heard it really stunk."
"You'll never guess what I saw, Todd and his friends battled the Silent card in the movie. Silent made it a silent movie but no one would know because they're all asleep." Tatea replied and then she became a little angry. "You messed up again. Sennyo caught on to what they were doing and followed them into the movie. They managed to hold her off until Todd caught the card. Sennyo and Sennae are getting stronger, so why aren't you helping Todd as much any more?"
"Todd is getting better at capturing the cards. Besides, I'm only to capture the clow cards so they'll be divided up more. If Sennyo and Sennae get their claws on them, the Dark one will become fully conscious and you know what will happen then..." Tejina replied.
Miiko flew up to them and perched up on her shoulder. "You really should be helping Todd out more. He's only 12 years old and has little idea of what he's up against." Tejina glared at his grinning face and he stuck his forked tongue out. "You're such an air head sometimes. You go out at night with your boyfriend almost always and you don't get very good grades. You also go out with your friends too often, you also never come home sometimes until 3 am."
"Cut me some slack, will you?" Tejina replied, flicking Miiko's nose, he glared at her. "You're just like my mother...always getting on my case. I have a life you know."
Tatea sighed, she knocked on the door. "Knock, knock! I'm still here. You really should pay more attention to your magic. It's cool, unlike my powers which I have to conceal from everyone 24-7. Anyway, I'm gonna go. I can't stand that lizard on your shoulder, he gives me the creeps." Tatea left the apartment.
"She called me a creepy lizard! Can I bite her? Pleazzze?!" Miiko hissed. "She's such a brat! Who'd have thought she's going to play such an important role in all of this?"
"You just want your powers back. I can see it in your eyes, you simple salamander." She replied. "Todd will get the cards back, I'll make sure of that. When he does, my curse will be lifted! I'll feel lighter than air!"
"You have a one track mind. By the way, when is the jello going to be finished? When? When? When?" Miiko asked. "Is it the green kind of jello? You know I love green jello..."
"Miiko, you're a pain! Of course it's green jello!" Tejina got a bit angry and smacked him off of her shoulder. "You are pathetic!"
Meanwhile on the fourth floor, Todd and Kero were sitting down with Miss Mackenzie for a dinner. They started eating, first they ate some stew and then the rolls as well as some vegetables. Todd swallowed his food and asked. "Why weren't you at school teaching my class? I was wondering where you were...you weren't at school."
"I was talking with some people that study magic. They figured out why the cards can't be sealed with a name." Miss Mackenzie replied. "It's because of a curse created by the dark one. Clow Reed subdued the Dark One to a state where it could be sealed...into a clow card known as "The Darkness." Miss Mackenzie replied. "The darkness was a clow card that only appears every ten times a cardcaptor is selected."
"The Darkness..." Kero mumbled. "Could it be that black clow card that I saw when I was sleeping...? It was an ominous card that brought on an unwelcome feeling that makes your hair stand on end."
"I don't really know the details but...when Clow Reed sealed the clow card, the Dark One counter cursed the clowbook. The curse is that, when the book of clow is opened the tenth time, I shall be reawakened." Miss Mackenzie continued. "Clow reed also created a seal on the clow card that it would only be unsealed when the clow cards are all back together. It was done so whoever faced the Dark One would be ready."
"That means that the Dark One's card form would be somewhere in town!" Todd realized. "How are we going to find it? With Li's lasin board or do I learn something?"
"It's not that simple." Miss Mackenzie replied. "It's essence is in a human. A human destined to have strong magic powers."
"That means that it could very well be in Sakura or Li? It could also be in Julian or you or even...me." Todd trailed off. "It can't be in me, can it?"
"I don't know..." Miss Mackenzie replied. "I doubt it, you have a strong force of good and so do Sakura, Li and Meilin. It has to be in someone completely neutral, a good or evil balance."
"...Good or evil balance...?" Todd muttered. "It couldn't be the naughty ones because they're too evil."
The dishes for the meal were done, and Todd smiled. He had no homework and decided to go rollerblading in the park. "I'm going rollerblading in the park!" Todd said frankly. "Kero! How about if you come with me? I'll give you a treat!"
"Cool! I never turn down treats!" Kero smiled. "Let's go!"
Todd strapped on his roller blade junk and skated out the door with Kero hanging out the pocket. He skated down the hall to the elevator and got into it. Kero poked out of the pocket and said. "So who could it be?"
"Who could who be?"
"The person who has the spirit of the Dark One." Kero replied, taking out a piece of litter. "Man, you gotta clean out this pocket. It's full of junk!"
"Some of it isn't even completely eaten and has been in my pocket for almost two months." Todd replied. "You smell anything funny?"
"What?! Oh yuck!!" Kero gagged, almost falling onto the floor. "You're disgusting."
The elevator door opened, revealing Tatea. Tatea looked down at the floor and saw Kero and and a bunch of litter. Tatea bent over and picked up Kero, he froze like a stuffed toy should be. She handed it to him and said. "You're...wierd... you also littered all over the elevator. Clean out your pockets once a month at least. Well, here's your stuffed toy, it's so filthy and ugly." Kero glared at her but when she looked at him, he froze again. "It's also stupid looking and the eyes look so messed up."
Todd sighed and took Kero and pocketed him. "Whatever..." He turned to her. "You know about the clow cards right? Well, when they were released, did a black card fly into your apartment and did you eat it? Is it inside of you now? Can I have it?"
"You are stupid." Tatea replied as she got off at the first floor. "You get more weird and stupid every time I see you.
Todd got off after her and scowled at her. "You can't be the one anyway, you're too evil."
"Thank you." Tatea replied loudly as she left the building.
Todd skated outside and eventually made it to the park. He skated to the penguin slide and got into its mouth. "Well, Kero. Who do you think the Dark One's hiding inside of?"
"I think it's that stuck up Li kid!" Kero replied bitterly. "He's a pain in the neck!"
Todd smiled and laughed to himself. "You're a pain to his finger though, it could be inside of you!"
"Not a chance. I'm a guardian beast of the seal." Kero proudly replied. "I've got a heart of absolute gold!"
"You know, I've been thinking. Maybe it doesn't make people evil, they're probably totally unaware of it and it doesn't affect them at all." Todd stated, intrigued. "What a pain, it could be inside anyone."
"It very well could be! It's getting cold, so let's go home." Kero replied, shivering a little. "I'm getting cold..."
"You're probably too cold to have ice cream!" Todd smiled. "I guess it's better for my wallet anyway."
"You know, all of a sudden I feel a little flushed. I need to cool down with one of those ice creams." Kero replied, patting his tummy. "Vanilla, chocolate, napoleon...
"That's neapolitan...you." Todd skated out of the park. but under the penguin slide was Miiko. He was lost in thought and looking in Todd and Kero's direction. "...Let's go for some ice cream, maybe I'll figure out who has the Dark One's power within him or her."
After the ice cream, Todd went back to the Kyodon Manor and into his apartment. He walked in and looked at the clock. "...whoa! 9:01! We've been out for almost three hours!" He stripped off his roller blade gear and sat on the couch. "I wonder what Miss Mackenzie is doing?"
She walked out of the master bedroom dressed in pajamas. "I was about to mark the pass in homework. Maybe you should go to bed..."
Todd yawned. "Hmm...goin' to bed early wouldn't hurt, I'm actually pretty tired." Todd got ready and he collapsed on his bed. Kero curled up beside him and they were asleep within minutes.
A drop of water fell into a pool of black water and it made ripples and a ping noise. Todd's outline appeared in the water and he saw the clowbook approach him and open to reveal a doorway. Todd stepped through it and entered the beautiful lasin shrine. He stepped onto the grass and looked about. "Here I am again..."
The silhouette appeared and said. "Welcome back to the Lasin shrine. It's been a little while."
"What's going on?" Todd asked in a dreamy sort of way. "Am I to be tested again?"
"No, there's someone who wants to see you here." A figure walked through the door in shadow and walked into the moonlight. Todd gasped as he saw the spirit of the Flower card approach him. "Meet the Flower, a spirit who you caught earlier..." Todd blinked and went into flashback.
Sakura, Li, Todd and Madison walked outside and found themselves up to their knees in flower petals. Todd looked up to see a woman dancing on the roof of the kitchen building. Todd gazed at the woman and sighed. "This is a clow card, It's very pretty!"
"Yeah! It's the Flower card!" Kero replied. "Come on! Todd, jump up there."
"Alright, Alright..." Todd replied, taking out his pocket spear.
"Spear of Todd...power of
magic...power of light...surrender the spear...the force ignite,
Release!" Todd's spear glowed and flashed out. A shower of glittering sparkles
appeared and the spear grew to normal size. Todd then threw up the jump
card and chanted. "Jump card!" Todd slammed the card with his spear and
grew wings on his feet. Todd leaped up 20 feet and onto the roof. Todd
then said to himself. "I hope they paid well for this roof...wouldn't want
to fall through the roof." Todd espied the flower card dancing and releasing
more flowers. "Flower card, isn't it...?"
Flower giggled and nodded. Todd smiled and then replied. "Now sorry...but I'm afraid I'm going to have to capture you. We can't have you showering us with petals, pretty as they are." Flower glared at Todd but then giggled again. Todd stared at her and she whispered in his ear. Todd nodded and said. "Sure thing, it's agreed! We'll have a dancing contest, and if I win, you'll come with me!"
"What are you doing, Flower? Are we going to fight or something... or maybe do some sort of dancing contest?" Todd asked. "But...that can't be true right. I captured you so what is it that you want?"
Flower smiled gently as she took Todd's hand and they went to the Lasin statue slab and she curtseyed to him. She smiled again and blushed a little.
"We're going to dance? That's odd..." Todd looked at her a little odd and said. "Well, if you say so...but I'm not very good at it..."
They joined hands and they began to waltz. Todd was really surprised at how well he was dancing. As they danced under the stars, Flower was shedding multicolored flower petals. Todd smiled and gulped as they continued to dance as the moon stared down, shedding light on the twilight shrine. They swung around, Todd and flower smiled at one another and danced through the night. With the first ray of the morning light, the dance ended with her curtsey. Todd nodded and bowed like a gentleman.
Todd looked around him as the Lasin shrine flooded with light. Todd found himself awake ten minutes before the alarm sounded. Todd nudged Kero and Kero yawned. "Whoa...up before the alarm? I'm impressed."
"I had a dream...that I was waltzing...huh?!" Todd arose quickly to see the flower card in card form at the foot of his bed. "Whoa...this has to mean something."
"What means something..." Kero replied. "Hey, it's the flower card. What's it doing being outside the clowbook?"
Todd took the flower card and under it was a note. The note read. "Thank you for the dance." Todd smiled and said. "Never mind, It's nothing."
Todd took his uniform out of the closet and changed into it, Kero floated up and Todd was gone through the curtain. Kero looked in his direction peculiarly and shrugged. Todd walked into the kitchen which was full of French toast and oatmeal porridge. Todd smiled and sat down to it. Miss Mackenzie was all ready there, putting honey on her toast and brown sugar on her oatmeal.
"Another day, another dollar." Todd said to her as he finished up his breakfast. He got ready for school and strapped on his roller blade gear. "I'm going to school early...so I can meet Sakura and Li."
"Take care, I don't need to be there early today..." Miss Mackenzie replied, sipping some coffee.
Todd skated to the elevator as he always does and rode it to the bottom. Todd looked back at the elevator as he got off. "No Tatea today? Well, well." Todd continued blading and went out the door. He skated around and got fancy. He leapt over the obstacles and skated down the handicap way of the steps. He entered the park where he skated around the penguin slide once and he finally made it to school. He saw both Sakura and Madison in the courtyard and he waved to them.
Sakura smiled as he got closer. "You in a good mood today?"
"Yeah! You seem cheery today..." Madison commented. "Did you capture a clow card?"
"No..." Todd muttered but then smiled stupidly. "I danced with the flower card last night. I wonder why she wanted to do that?"
"I don't know..." Sakura replied.
Todd looked out the gate, and sighed. "I wonder... anyway. When's Li going to be here?"
Todd saw a kid enter the courtyard and he gasped. Todd stammered a bit and the kid blinked and ran off. Todd turned to Sakura and asked. "Who in the world was that!? It looked like me!"
"You probably saw someone who looks like you. It happens all the time." Sakura replied. "I saw a girl who looked like me in the grocery store on last saturday."
Li walked into the courtyard and stared at Todd with his hard unforgiving stare. Todd stared back and blinked. "What's up? You look like you're going to accuse me of something."
"I saw a kid who looked just like you a couple of minutes ago..." Li replied, and then he looked at the clock. "I think it could be a clow card..."
"A clow card that takes the shape of humans?" Todd asked. "I don't know...I didn't feel anything."
The bell rang for everyone to go in and Sakura replied. "We'll have to fight it after school. We have school now."
School was unsettling, Todd couldn't help thinking what the person was doing. Math wasn't hard but no one could stay focused. The second class was english and it was much the same. When the bell rang, Todd ran out into the courtyard. "Okay guys, let's find this clow card. The police didn't pick me up for something so the card couldn't have created that much trouble."
Todd, Li, Sakura and Madison ran into an area that was secluded and Li took out his Lasin board. "Force of light with ancient spin, send forth the magic power within. Force, know my plight, release the light!" Li's lasin board flashed but the beam disappeared. "What?! Is it gone?"
"Maybe it's an elemental card!" Todd suggested. "They're hard to sense."
"No..." Li replied as he saw the near clone of Todd enter the courtyard. He ran into the courtyard and Li gave chase. "I saw it! Let's go!"
They all ran into the school and saw the fake Todd go up the stairs and they followed him to where the fake entered the chemistry lab. "Oh, no! It's entering Mr. Terrada's chemistry lab!" He shuddered. "I hope Mr. Terrada isn't in there..."
They all entered the chemistry lab. They sighed a breath of relief when they noticed that Mr. Terrada wasn't in his room. They then blinked. Sakura stepped forward and asked. "Where did the kid go? He ducked in here, and there's no other doors he could pass through. The lab is on the second floor so it's unlikely he jumped out the window.
"We'll find him later, our lunch is almost up." Madison replied, pointing to her watch. "We'll search for it after school. We have social studies."
The bell rang merciliously and everyone headed for social studies and the period zoomed by. Gym class was the last class. Todd and Li both worked together to help their team win the game of crown jewels. Todd and Li smiled to one another and Madison said to Sakura. "You know...they just might be starting to get along!"
"Li! You missed that opportunity by a mile! What's with you?!" Todd asked with hostility.
"Well YOU should have been guarding the jail area like you were supposed to! All the people I tagged, are now free because you didn't catch Zachary!" Li shot back. "You may be good at catching clow cards but you're terrible at catching people!"
While they continued arguing, Sakura replied. "Don't say that...it always gets wrecked..."
The final class was over and they left the gymnasium. "Todd Arcana! I finally found, look what you did! What a mess!!" Mr. Terrada stomped up to him. "Do you have something to say for your awful behavior?!"
"What did I do?" Todd asked, totally confused. "I didn't do anything!"
"Don't say that! I saw you!" Mr. Terrada shouted. "How can you defend yourself after what you did?" Mr. Terrada shouted. "You first ran into my lab and threw a beaker on the ground. Then you wrote 'Todd Rocks' all over my chalkboard, you don't rock at all. You also threw the chalk you used at me and you took my coffee right out my hand and spun around with it on a desk! You splattered coffee everywhere!"
Todd gained a mystified look. "Huh?! I was in gym class for the last hour and 20 minutes!"
"You were not! I saw you!" Mr. Terrada replied, irritated. "You'll be suspended for this...but why would you do this?"
"I didn't! I can prove it!" Todd replied seriously and showed him to the Gym teacher.
"Well, he was in Gym class the whole time, he didn't even take a shower. He also spent like 10 minutes bickering with Li Showron." Ms. Tamme replied. "He's a good runner but he lacks dexterity."
"Oh...well, I'm sorry I accused you. The person who did it looked a lot like you." Mr. Terrada replied. "I'll find out who did it."
Todd nodded to Sakura and said. "We have some work to do so let's go."
Sakura and Todd met Li, Madison and Meilin outside. Li took out his lasin board and chanted. "Force of light with ancient spin, send forth the magic power within. Force, know my plight, release the light!" The lasin board started to glow and it sent out a beam. "It's in this direction!"
They followed the beam to the park where they saw a kid harassing a little kid into giving him money. The little kid was crying and Todd ran up to them and saw that the kid was the clone. "Hey, Clone! Don't mess with that kid or else!"
The clone looked over and gulped. He started to run, knocking the little Kid over. "After him!" Li shouted as everyone gave chase. The Todd clone ran out of the park with Li, Todd and Meilin.
"I'll get him!" Meilin called out. "Whoa! he's going into the grocery store!"
The clone flew into the grocery store and they followed him into the produce section. The clone took some apples and started whipping them at Todd, Li and Meilin. With a shocked and slightly embarrassed look, they dodged each apple, pineapple and pear that was thrown at them. Todd took out his pocket spear and chanted. "Spear of Todd...power of magic...power of light...surrender the spear, the force ignite! Release!!" Todd summoned his spear and it burst into a shower of sparkles revealing the full size spear. Todd smiled stupidly and said. "Let's hope no one saw that!"
"There it goes!" Meilin shouted as they chased it to the bakery.
The fake hopped behind the counter and took a pan of cake batter and threw it up. It came down on them and splattered all over their clothes. It laughed as they looked at each other, covered in cake batter. It jumped back over the counter and ran into the section of frozen food.
Todd growled at it, very angry and they all ran after it. They chased it to the canned foods and it also started whipping cans of food at them. Todd slammed the shield card with his spear. "Shield card!!" A blue barrier surrounded them and the cans bounced off of it. "You're such a pain!"
It laughed again but looked back to see two security guards approaching him. He suddenly glowed white and transformed into the security guard. It freaked them both out and they ran away in terror. The clone ran to the checkout counter and leapt over the girl in charge there. Todd, Sakura, Meilin, Madison and Li followed momentarily. They ran out the door and the girl looked back and shrugged. "At least they didn't steal anything..."
The clone ran through town with the gang close behind. The clone ran round a corner and changed into a clump of grass and they all rounded the corner. "Where did he go?" Sakura asked.
"He might be hiding from us." Li replied. "I'll take out the lasin board."
"I'm tired...I need a rest." Todd breathed as he sat down in the grass, sitting on the clump that the Clone was. "This grass is lumpy...I'll beat it down." He started beating the grass down and the grass cried out. Todd backed away from it. "Whoa! The grass just screamed."
The grass became the Mirror card with a black eye. Todd turned to it and said. "Are you going to come with us now or are we going to have to chase and beat you down again?" Mirror shook her head, and coughed. Todd knelt down and said. "Sorry I hit you, but, I didn't know you were THERE! You all right?"
Mirror nodded and sat down on the ground and closed her eyes. Todd stepped back and positioned his spear. "Mirror card, return to your power confined! Mirror!!" Todd brought his spear down and a glowing card appeared on the point. Mirror broke into a mass of swirling energy which flowed into the card like water. Mirror's picture appeared on the card and it floated to Todd. Todd took it and said. "That's the end of that."
"You apologized to the clow card..." Meilin mumbled. "Why? It's just a spirit!"
"Spirit's are people too..." Todd said as he looked at both the mirror and the flower card.
"You have the flower card there too! What's up?" Sakura asked. "You like the card?"
"Yes, I do." Todd smiled as he put them away. "Well, how about we go to my house and celebrate with pudding? I know Kero will go for that!"
They all walked off towards the Kyodon manor. Miiko watched them as they walked off. "The mirror card has been captured huh...well I guess that Tejina will need to know this..." He opened his wings and flew off.
* * *
"This should pay for any damages that the kids did, here you go, Tori." Miss. Mackenzie replied. "Make sure you give this cheque to the supervisor."
"Don't worry about it." Tori replied. "Good thing I was on shift to explain it to my boss. He didn't ban Todd."
"I'll talk to him when we get home." Miss Mackenzie shot a disapproving but warm glance at Todd who smiled, a little embarrassed. "I'll see you again someday."
Miss Mackenzie and Todd left the grocery store and they drove back home. While in the Car, Todd asked. "Are you mad at me? You know it's because..."
"Of the clow card...I know, I sensed it. Just...never mind, you couldn't have avoided it." Miss Mackenzie replied. "We're almost home..."
It was now late in the evening and Todd was getting ready for bed. Kero flew over to him and commented. "I heard you captured a clow card and I missed it! At least we had pudding..."
"You know, I learned a lot today." Todd said. "I forgot...I had a dream last night that I danced a waltz with the flower card and I found the card on the foot of by bed. It was wonderful..."
"What?!" Kero floated up. "The flower card asked you to dance? Why would she do that?"
"I don't know, but I wonder what it means...usually when I have dreams it means some sort of omen. Like the radio tower or the Lasin shrine.
"You dreamed about a clow card...it means that one of the clow cards have chosen you." Kero replied. "It's a test and it's about you and the clow cards."
"What do you mean?" Todd asked, surprised. "What kind of test is that?"
"A test that you have to figure out on your own. I can't help you on these things." Kero replied. "When Sakura was the card captor, she didn't have this sort of thing happening because she was a girl. But the card captor before her..."
"Card captor before her?" Todd asked. "Who would that be?"
"His name was Yuuki Genki, a warrior that lived almost 200 years ago. He fell in love with a clow card." Kero replied.
"Fell in love with a clow card?" Todd asked. "That's odd, but... well, let's go to sleep. We'll talk about it tomorrow."
Todd turned off the lamp and they drifted into a quiet sleep.
"Fine with me if she doesn't want to come with us to the picnic on Saturday...humph!" Sakura replied full of spite. "I don't know why I ever became friends with her anyway...she obviously thinks that she's too good for us! She's such a snob!"
"Sakura...you don't mean that." Todd replied somberly. "What did Madison do to you that got you so mad in the first place?"
* * *
"How are we even going to get near that huge storm cloud? I know there is a clow card in there but how are we going to get in there?" Li said to Todd. "You could use fly and shield but who knows how long it would last?"
"I have an Idea!" Sakura replied as she ran to her pink cell phone. "I'll call Madison, she'll help us out...I hope..."