Elite Knight presents...
Crazy Crossovers is when we put a the Anime characters under one roof. Tell me if you like it.
Crazy Crossovers:Episode 1:Moving In
Quatre:Hey, Heero, why did we have to move in with the other Anime stars?
Heero:Because, the author made us.
Trowa:Here it is. The mansion we are supposed to live in.
Duo:(carrying suitcases and wearing a hawaiian shirt and sunglasses):Let's see who's home.
::Everyone sweatdrops::
Goku:Hey Krillin, what should we do?
Krillin:Hey, the G-Wing pilots have arrived let's talk to them.
Duo:Hey Krillin, Goku, WAZZUP?!!!
Quatre:Forgive him he's always like that so what do you want to do here?
*Just then Elite Knight walks in*
EK:First we will have football drills then an Age of Empires tournament.
*The Sailor scouts arrive.*
Goku:Shut the fu** up you da** b***h.
Krillin:What did you say?
Goku:Uhh..shut the fudd up you dang bench.
EK:On to the tournament.
EK:Serena and Krillin will throw the frizbies.
*Serena throws what Sailor Moon throws-that disk thingy.
Krillin:Here it goes, DISTRUCTO DISC!!!
*Chops Serena in half.*
Goku:Yeah! that bench is dead!
::Everyone sweatdrops::
*The sailor scouts and Darian are killed by a Kamaehamaeha.*
Krillin:You killed the Sailor Moon cast!
Everyone:GREAT JOB!
EK:(sighs)On to the tournament, Dodgeball:Goku vs Duo
Goku:okay hit me Duo.
Duo:Fine.*Throws the dodgeball at Goku but missed by an inch.
Goku:So close. KAMAEHAMAEHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Duo:*hit by blast*Ouch
Goku:Good thing I didn't power up, or you would be dead.
Duo:Uhh thanks.
EK:The last tournament:FOOTBALL!!!!!
Heero:Finally,those @@@@!#!$$%@%#@ fools took so long.
*The Gundam Wing Pilots play the Dragon Ball Z Z Fighters*
Trowa:I'm open
Heero:Think fast.
*Trowa catches it but is tackled by Goku at the one yard line.*
Goku:WE WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!
EK:DBZ wins 21-17.
EK:AoE time!
EK:Duo vs. Trowa
Duo:Prepare to die!! 'cause I'm the Teutons.
Trowa:Whatever. I'll be the Teutons too.
*Duo's Castle Age army consists af 13 Teutonic Knights, 3 Men-at-Arms, 8 Pikemen, 12 Knights, and 7 Archers, while Trowa's Imperial Age army consisted of 20 Elite Teutonic Knights, 18 Paladins, 4 Pikemen, 4 Crossbowmen, and 5 Champions.
Duo:My score is way higher than Trowa's now.*presses F4* What the f***! My score is 1 and Trowa's 4900023! How does he do that?
*One of Trowa's soldiers comes and kills Duo's army without losing a single hitpoint.*
Trowa:You suck!
Duo:Shut up!
EK:Trowa won that one. So what can we do?
Duo:Uhh...Let's go out!
*Duo stared at the others. There was Heero, Trowa, Relena, Quatre, and Wufei from GW and Goku, Gohan, Krillin, Trunks, Piccolo, and Vegeta from DBZ.*
Quatre:Good Idea! Let's go to the Big City!
To Be Continued...
Well, what will happen in the next exciting episode of Dragon Bal- I mean Crazy Crossover!!!!
What did you think of that? I want to know if it is good enough to be put on fanfiction.net