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Picture Gallery

This is a growing collection of my art. I shall also host other people's art, just drop me a line here:

Finished pics

Greel: This guy is from "Magic, The Gathering". He's really evil and I did him in paint this time.

Vampires: A quick picture done for the Monthly original character competition at

Trunks: This is a bust shot of Trunks from DragonBall Z, looking extremely muscular...

Bounty hunter: Another monthly pic for the bakaneko MOC,this time a bounty hunter named Misuke.

Nekojin: Yet another bakaneko submission, this time for a mascot competition. It's a little japanese chibi cat person.

Black and white outlines

Kenshin: My first Kenshin fanart.../sniff/ I'm so happy... It'll be coloured as soon as i can get my butt into gear.

Happy Izzy: Isekara yet again... this time she's just plain happy. Btw, I like this pic. :P

Fall in Hell: Aww... Fall got dead... :( oh well, looks like Vel is there to save the day.

Armour: Isekara again, this time in some form of Elf-made armour. She's looking quite surprised about something or other.

Isekara: Isekara again, this time full body character sketch. This was also my first attempt at using screentones.

Gohan: This was a quick sketch of Gohan from DragonBall Z, all grown up and in army gear.

Rhiannon: This is the title page for a manga that I'm working on, the character is called Rhiannon and she's shown here in her three most controllable forms.

Shinma: This is a shinma. If you don't know what a Shinma is, go read a Vampire Princess Miyu manga. Well, okay, it's a sort of demon god thingy. Ah, just click on the link...

Samurai: A sword-wielding dude sitting on the roof of some skyscraper or something. Not really a samurai, but I couldn't just call him a random sword dude... (looks at Vel and growls...)

Pencil drawings

Xoran:Go to It's a great site, great game too!!! This is my character.

Elf Girl: A cute lil' elf girlie. And she has vaguely anime-ish hair!!! (WoW)

Merman: Just some guy who lives in the sea. He's kinda strange, not really your average merman...

Cat Mech: A Mecha. That looks like a cat. Oh, one of its legs is kinda screwy, so just kinda ignore it, right?

Dark Elf: Just a dark elf, he's topless, holding a falchion and there's a sort of dragon thing behind him. Strange, but not bad.

Elf Guy: Just a sort of random elf guy, but I think he's quite good... Nice looking too.

Demon: A sort of Evil demon thing that looks somewhat like a badassed bulldog on steroids. Oh dear...

Isekara: One of my new characters in a manga idea involving people looking for magic stones. In colour, too.

Fallimar: Another dragon pencil sketch, but this time it's Me! This is Fallimar's very muscular dragon form.

Dragon: Some sort of dragon that I drew at the beginning of the year. It's a bit old, but one of my better straight pencil drawings...

Basilisk: A basilisk. Pretty self explanatory, except if you don't know what a basilisk is... Oh well. This is a bit unfinished, and it didn't scan too well, but I stil think it's a good pencil drawing.

Droid: A cyborg/droid thing. I'd just watched a movie involving bio-weapons and I was inspired...

Angel: A litle angel boy. I know he's in a weird position, but that's my drawing style for ya...

Avariel: An Avariel, which is a winged elf. She's not finished yet, I'm going to ink her soon and colour her. Also, don't look too closely at her toes, I think they're backwards...

Trunks: Trunks from DBZ in a funky trench coat...

Fineliner art (woodcut style)

Beast: I'm trying a new all-pen style of drawing. This was my second attempt. Not bad, huh?

Beast2: Another all-pen drawing, this time the head of some beasty dude.

Beast3: Some dragon beast with three unicorn horns. A little different from the other two...

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