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§ Walks up and bows slightly § Welcome to the image Galleries. This is where you will eventually be able to find pictures of all of our favorite scouts.

~ Sneaks up behind Mars ~ Boo! ~ Grabs her shoulders ~ Whazzz up?

Damnit Corta knock it off! This is serious! Why don't you wander back to you little Links page...huh? § Makes shooing motions at her cousin.§

Cuz then I couldn't annoy you...* She says simply and waves to the people* Enjoy the Pictures!

§ Growls §

The images are NOW in thumbnails. becasue I am so brillant I learned how to do thumbnails and am converting the images into thumbnails. But on the Usagi page there are some broken links I hope to have that remedied soon. *Sticks her tounge out at Moonpie*

Sailor Moon/ Tsukino Usagi

Chiba Mamoru/ Darien Shields