********** I am writing chapter two now. I hope you enjoy it. ********** This is my second one.It is fun sharing my thought with you. ********** Sailor Moon Chapter Two The Promes ********** ********** The next day ********** The next day was really hot one. The scouts had to meet at the beach. Serens was really happy of that idea. She thank Neva for giving it. When they met neva and Darian got aside and said hello to each other like a brother and sister. Everyone was happy to see them, but worried that they don't know anyting at all about them. (The Story) Neva, Beth, Catie told them that once when then Quin Beral got control over them she used them to destroy Serena's mother. Serena was not even born then. Quin Serenity was able to wake them up. Neva was affraid that Beral will try to take control over them, because Neva had the most powerful cristal- The pink hart cristal that when you put it togeter with the Inperial Criestal, she can destroy the hole univers.Not only that, but she can make her own world. She can make people out of the deid one. So when they talked to each other, they disaided to go into long sleep that will let them waik when the new Quin Serenity come alive, or when all of them get into the biggest throuble ever. (End of story) When everyone hurd that, they thanked Neva, and told her that know they made there life harder ( jouking). ********** The throuble, the deth. ********** Neva decided to go for some swim. When she got in the water, trouble came out. Quin Barel has come out to fight for the first time. Neva realised she will try to get them, But she rememberd how they can difeat her. Beth and Catie transformed, and then they got under Quin Beral's control.On the other heand Neva did not even moved a finger. She just got up and faced her enemy with her bare hends. At that same moment the other scouts transformed. Neva told them to stay awai from them. She made a force fild between her and her brother and friends. Then she took out the Pink Heart Cristal. She gave it to Quin Barel and then made her kill Sailor Heart as Neva transform The Quin started fighting with Neva, and then killed her at last. The forc fild dissapired And Darian went to see Neva. Her last words were: "You faild Quin Barel. Noe that you killed me the cristal will bracke by itself. You will never be able to get control over it." The evel Quin got mad and through the cristal in the floor. "Darian get the cristal and hold it tite. A woman will come out of the time gate. That women will be our mother. Give her the cristal. I will be reborn as a girl that is 13 years old. Then you will have to wait untile I get my powers back. You will have hard time, because there will be alot of people that will try to kill me."said Neva. Catie and Bess got the cristal when they wolk up from there coming good people again. When they saw Neva they gave ther cristal to Darian. At that mpoment the time gate opend and Darian's and Neva's mother came out She got the cristal and then a little girl followd her. That girl was Neva, she was 13 years old, and had long, pruty hair. The Quin told Darien to tacke good care of her. Then she went to Catie and Bess and told them to come and help her back in the futer, because there are some problems to finish with them. Then they disapeard. Darian and the others were really happy to see Neva again the first thing was to tell her everyting. When she got the information OK., in her head, she said that she needs to go to school. She was one year younger of Serena. That is why she went to Serena's school. She was the best. Even better than Amy. She went to swiming lessoms. ********** End ********** Thanks for reading weit until my Chapter 3. It will be soon. If you need to contact me, or to give idedas pleas e-mails me at sailrhrt@aol.com. Thank you. Chao.